Learn from the science of rice, the more it is filled, the more it bends

in steemexclusive •  15 days ago 


Good evening, welcome back to me on a very happy and happy night to be able to make posts as usual, so I want to write again to add enthusiasm in living this modern life.

So I want to write a little blog about advice for myself..


Take rice as an example.

"The more rice is filled, the more it bends" which describes 0ur humility and patience

Rice that is increasingly filled with many grains, the more it bends t0 the ground, shows that the more knowledge, experience, and success we have, the more humble and patient we should be.

This proverb reminds us all not to be arrogant and conceited when we succeed, but to remain humble and continue learning.

Don't hate people who have hurt and disappointed us. No matter how much pain we experience now, don't make us bad people.

It only pollutes our hearts, only other people make us bad.

Keep being a good person and continue to be a patient, sincere person and have no grudges and be a forgiving person, because every action will definitely have its reward and in every patience there will definitely be a reward.

Learn from the science of rice, the more rice is filled, the more it bows..

So don't be afraid to be a good person even though many people don't like us.

That's all for this post, see you in the next post.

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