in steemexclusive •  5 years ago 


From the website https://wecantbreathe.news/

We the People of the United States of America hereby order all elected government servants to abide by the Bill of Rights, Constitution, and common sense. The planetary lockdown that has more than half the population of the planet on house arrest is nothing less than martial law dictated and directed by the authoritarian World Health Organization – itself controlled by the communist superstate of China. From the beginning the authoritarian regime’s response to COVID-19 has been adopted without question by the United Nations’ WHO, MSM, and most western governments.
ALL of the models brought forward and pushed by the globalist establishment have been 100 percent wrong. In every case they have attempted to terrify the public with projections of millions dead if the US economy is not kept in a coma. The people of America and the planet are witnessing a giant authoritarian power grab that must be repudiated, rejected, and dismantled. The World Health Organization has been caught covering up for the communist Chinese bio-weapon lab in Wuhan leaking COVID-19.
We the People demand that the UN-directed siege of the capitalist world end now, and that all governments – federal, state, and local – launch criminal investigations into the National Institute of Health’s documented relationship with the communist Chinese bioweapon program and the WHO’s attempt to use the crisis to establish planetary governments to affect an absolute medical dictatorship on earth.

Medical Freedom is under attack.
Our basic Liberty is under attack for a 'invisible threat' that is fatal around 1 percent of the time. They shoved sick people into nursing homes to rise the numbers. Every death with a hint of sickness is called death by Covid.
They allow mass gatherings in public and call it peaceful protest but lockdown small businesses even if following CDC 'guideline'.
This is just one the steps in Insurrection.
The USA is under attack.

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