Blooming Moments : 🌹 The Roses by Omar’s Classroom 🌹

in steemexclusive •  3 months ago 

Every day, I spend a few minutes waiting for my son outside his classroom.

At first, I didn’t think much about the time I spent there. But then I noticed something : right next to where I stand are some rose plants.

One day, I saw a little rosebud. It looked so small and closed up, like it was shy. I took a photo of it.


The next day, it looked a bit different, and I took another photo. Day by day, I kept taking pictures as the rose slowly opened. By the end, it had bloomed into a beautiful flower!


It became a little habit of mine.

Every day, I’d check on the roses and take photos.

Sometimes the buds were just starting to open, and sometimes there were fully bloomed roses, bright and colorful.

Rain or shine, those roses were there, growing quietly!




It’s funny how something so simple made my waiting time special.

Watching those roses bloom reminded me that even small moments can bring happiness.

So, if you ever find yourself waiting, take a look around. You might find something beautiful right in front of you…

Thanks for reading!
Wish you well!

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