[Steem Predicts] Who will be Joe Biden's running mate?

in steemexclusive •  4 years ago  (edited)

According to predictit.com, at the moment, the top-10 contenders for the Democratic Vice Presidential candidates are the following:

StandingContract Price (percentage)Name
1.$0.50Kamala Harris
2.$0.22Susan Rice
3.$0.12Val Demings
4.$0.10Tammy Duckworth
5.$0.07Elizabeth Warren
6.$0.07Karen Bass
7.$0.04Gretchen Whitmer
8.$0.03Michelle Obama
9.$0.01M. Lujan Grisham
10.$0.01Tulsi Gabbard


Pixabay license, source

Just for fun, let's see if the Steem community can predict the decision.

I'll enter a comment as a reply to this post for each of these candidates, and another comment as a catch-all for anyone else. Please vote for the one (and only one) that you think will get the nod. In order to avoid conflict of interest, I'll burn author rewards on all comments.

If the comments are still open for rewards when the announcement is made, I'll upvote the correct comment with my accounts in order to direct a small amount of rewards to any voters who get the right answer.

Feel free to discuss the reason for your pick in the comments. A beneficiary setting has been applied to this post so that all liquid rewards will be distributed to authors of relevant and substantive comments.

Update: All comments for the potential nominees have been added to this post with a 100% beneficiary set to @null so author rewards from those comments will be burned automatically.

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Susan Rice will be Joe Biden's running mate.

I think Biden will pick Susan Rice over Harris because she is more moderate.

Kamala Harris will be Joe Biden's running mate.

I'm glad to see that Tulsi Gabbard is in the discussion at least. Biden's camp appears to be appealing to moderate/centrists, as Joe has hung his hat on that voting peg throughout his career. Kamala is not a progressive, but they are going for the female and African American votes which have some overlap with progressive demographics. The other names probably have a little too much leftist baggage for Biden's strategy. Susan Rice could spark some fireworks, especially if Barr's DOJ tries to take her down for unmasking Trump campaign officials.

Thanks for entering a vote on a comment and for kick-starting the discussion!

You raise good points, and I agree with most - especially the part about Susan Rice. I just looked at the list again for today's updates from predictit. I didn't do a line by line comparison, but three things that jump out at me are that (i) Susan Rice moved from $0.22 to $0.32 and that (ii) Hillary Clinton is now ranked at #9 with a price of $0.02. Given your comment, I'm sorry to say that (iii) Hillary's rise bumps Tulsi Gabbard out of the top-10.

An interesting aside is that earlier in the week I heard a TV analyst say they were expecting an announcement this week, but according to this contract predictit is favoring next week, August 9 through August 15. I started following it last week, and predictit has been consistent on that point. Today on TV, I heard a different TV analyst suggest that an announcement this week is unlikely. During the 2016 election, predictit was hours ahead of the media on election night, and if next week turns out to be right for Biden's running-mate announcement, then they seem to be ahead again.

Val Demings will be Joe Biden's running mate.

Tammy Duckworth will be Joe Biden's running mate.

Elizabeth Warren will be Joe Biden's running mate.

Karen Bass will be Joe Biden's running mate.

Michelle Obama will be Joe Biden's running mate.

M. Lujan Grisham will be Joe Biden's running mate.

Tulsi Gabbard will be Joe Biden's running mate.

Someone else will be Joe Biden's running mate.

Gretchen Whitmer will be Joe Biden's running mate.