How to Increase Children's Creativity?

in steemexclusive •  2 years ago 

Creativity is a child's potential that needs to be developed from an early age. Why? Because creativity is one of the foundations for children to be able to solve problems, be able to think out of the box, and explore something new.

  1. Play
    Playing can be a medium to develop children's creativity. For that, provide a variety of toys for him. To find ideas for making toys you can search on pinterest -- the keyword DIY or art and craft -- and on instagram. Also, give him the opportunity to play outdoors, get to know nature, and play with friends. In this way the child will have a rich experience and get used to interacting with the environment which will make him learn many things, including solving problems.

  2. Let Children Imagine
    One way to train his imagination is to read a book every day. Give your child the opportunity to choose a book that he likes. Involve children while reading by asking them to guess the voice of a character or character. In addition to sharpening the imagination, reading books and storytelling will add to the child's vocabulary.

  1. Creative Questions
    Try asking creative questions and encouraging him to express himself both verbally and non-verbally. Like, "Come on, kid, tell Mom, how do you play this toy?" or "What will happen if the water faucet is not closed?". Pay attention to the child's answer, even if it's not entirely correct, but it's trying to think.

  2. Avoid Wrong Words
    Sometimes the child's reaction or imagination is not always the same as the child should be. For example, he drew a car with triangular wheels. If this happens, try not to say "WRONG" about his imagination. You can say “That's very interesting. Do you think the car can run if the wheels are shaped like that…” Listen to the explanation. Who knows he made the picture because, for example, because the wheel was broken.

  3. See Interests & Talents
    Try to start paying attention to what toddlers like. Does he like to draw, collect things, exercise, dance or other things. After knowing, his passion, start you hone it early.

  4. Free Children to Explore
    Children are equipped with high curiosity. So, let them explore the world around them. Of course you need to tell which ones are dangerous and which are not.

  5. Do Not Force
    If your child isn't showing any talent or creativity, you don't need to push too hard. For example, by only focusing on developing it there. Everything needs process and time. What you can do is provide a stimulus to stimulate creativity, such as play activities. Slowly it will be seen. The most important thing is that he has to do it with fun and enthusiasm.

  6. Provide New Experiences
    Give special time for children by taking them to places they have never visited such as museums, zoos, rice fields, gardens, farms, traditional markets, and recreational parks. In this new place the child will see, touch, hear, feel and even smell something new which will enrich his experience.

  7. Reduce Bans
    Did you know that prohibition can kill a person's creativity? This also applies to toddlers. As much as possible you reduce the "forbidden". Instead, suggest what he should do, not forbid him. For example, it is permissible to hold mud and play with the original mud after washing hands. However, under certain conditions if forced, of course you have to be firm. For example, a child wants to slide on a banister even though it is dangerous. If that's the case, tell him that you don't want him to get hurt and that he can't play anymore. The solution is you can invite him to play slides in the park.

  8. Creative Vacation
    Creative holiday for children, this can even be done at home. For example by gardening, decorating rooms, making “DIY” creations and much more. You can also invite out of the house like playing outbound games.

  9. Give Compliments
    Always give praise if the child does something creative. For example, children play airplanes with mango leaves or with paper plates. "Wow, what a cool plane. Where do you want to fly?" You can say so. This method will encourage children to be imaginative and look for new things that will steal your attention.

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