SteemFest² Speakers Inspire My New Upvoting System!

in steemfest •  7 years ago 

Day #3 of Steemfest filled us with inspiration which inspired me to ask "How can I do the most good with my votes every day on Steem?" My initial answer to that below along with the story of our day together today!

Day #3 begins at 10 am!

After a wonderful night of sleep, @tomasgeorge and I met @ashleypeat for an Uber over to the conference venue. The lunch spread was wonderful today with so many delicious fruits! I’m amazed that it was no big deal for me to not eat for a 17 hours between dinner last night and lunch today!


Not long after arriving, @furion and @ned stopped by to say hi and chat a bit! @inquiringtimes was kind enough to ask @ned a lot of questions I was interested in which made it great for me to just listen!

After talking to @ned, @awesomianist stopped by and helped me to see Steem from his point of view. Living in Malaysia, $1 means a lot on an upvote. My $0.10 upvote would add up to about enough to eat for an entire day every week. On top of that, with 16,482 followers today the odds are that for the majority of my followers I have never even upvoted one post. That sucks and I am ready to do better! Talking with Ian inspired me to open my mind to be a better way to give back which I was about to receive!

Next, the Steemit Inc panel was wonderful to hear the upcoming plans for scalability and hearing questions answered!


I was perfectly primed and excited after that to receive the talk @starkerz gave! His talk reviewed his work with promo-uk and focused on our responsibly as Steem Power holders to do the most good with our votes. His full talk was recorded by @tomasgeorge in the video below from Tomas's original post at

New Autovoting System

After @starkerz's talk, I could finally see a way to do better with what up until this point has remained my top challenge on Steem. How do I use my voting power to do the most good? Up until now thinking of maximizing my own rewards by simply voting those voting me back and voting up comments on my posts has driven the majority of my voting including 20% or more of my voting power spent on myself and about 50% or more total spent on myself and friends. If we all vote like this, why even bother joining Steem just to vote our friends up and help each other make money?

A better way as explained by @starkerz is to make sure we vote for those where our votes do the most good. When he shared this, I got a clear vision of having my votes going out to users consistently receiving small payouts that would most appreciate and be excited by my automatic upvotes.

To empower this change, starting today I am setting a 10% per post per day maximum for my autovoter including on my own posts, my wife @laurabanfield's posts, and everyone else I am voting for to enable me to distribute my votes more to those especially earning under $1 per post that will appreciate that the most such as in a country like Malaysia where a dollar as day is enough to feed oneself.

See the difference with a little math. Currently I can give 10 full power votes a day for about $5 or $10 each which I have been often giving to those voting me the most who often already earn $1000+ a month on Steem. Does my $10 do much good being thrown in with so many other votes? No. Will $1 on every post for the same authors I am upvoting now still show my support while allowing me to vote $9 to authors often earning $5 or less on every post? Yes.

At 1% voting power, I can autovote 2,000 posts every day for about $0.10 each. That is 1,000+ authors I can give a few cents to every single day which might not seem like much in the USA, UK, Australia, Canada, and some other countries where the cost of living is high. In countries where the cost of living is low, just $0.10 a post from me alone would equal enough to eat for several days every month plus a show of support for every contribution.

The more those authors are inspired to write for us, the more users we get which is our bottom line in terms of value of the Steem price. We get 100 or 200 million wallets before Bitcoin and we win the #1 cryptocurrency spot along with a $100 to $1,000 price per Steem. Every author publishing posts each day helps us do that especially those willing to do the most in exchange for the least amount of rewards.

Going forward I will make a system for me to notice posts by many more authors hoping to get added to my autovoter using the tag jerrybanfield. Most will start at 1% and be able to work up to 10% per day maximum voting power. For example, if an author makes 5 posts per day, the maximum is 2% for a total of 10% voting power daily. In the meantime, I have reduced my autovoting power to allow my voting power to recharge and begin this system. If this means those mutually autovoting me reduce votes, this is okay especially if those votes go to help out other authors. Anyone seeking to follow my votes and do the same thing can follow me as a curator on Streemian.

More about this in an upcoming post and video after I return home from Steemfest. For now, if you would like to apply to join my autovoter as an author, will you please use the tag jerrybanfield in your posts because that is how I will begin discovering new authors to add?

Back to Steemfest!

On top of the first talk, @terrybrock and @ginacarr gave an inspiring talk about discovering our best opportunities to contribute which confirmed my new autovoting system! Afterwords I got to meet @sterlinluxan and talk with Terry and Gina about setting up our next Florida Steem meetup in Orlando hopefully in the beginning of December.


We enjoyed an amazing dinner together starting with vegetable soup! @andrarchy invited me to sit next to him and @lukestokes where I also got to meet @roadscape for the first time while @lovejoy & @wolfcat took the final seats at our table!










For dinner they were kind enough to serve me the vegetarian option which was basically triple broccoli instead of meat!


My diet is founded in whole plant foods meaning most of what I eat is unprocessed fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, and whole-grains because these are what the doctor in the book How Not To Die recommended. This means I go from mostly vegan approach and I’m guessing this desert might’ve been an exception!


After dinner, I rode the shuttle over to the SteemFest Snooker. There I had long conversations with @transisto, @exyle, and @cervantes along with making some fun photos with @karensuestudios, @rea, and @ezzy. At 11 pm I felt it time to leave and headed back to the hotel. Here are a couple photos from the beautiful walk back.



On the way in, I met @jeffberwick for the first time in the lobby while @tomasgeorge and @ashleypeat were just on their way out! What a wonderful day together learning and growing our community! Thank you for taking the time to join me for my story of what happened today!

Jerry Banfield

Stay updated via email?

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PS: Would you please make a vote for jerrybanfield as a witness or set jerrybanfield as a proxy to handle all witness votes at because 100% of the rewards I receive are spent advertising Steem? Thank you to the 1800+ accounts voting for me as a witness, the ~700M VESTS assigned from users trusting me to make all witness votes by setting me as proxy, and @followbtcnews for making these .gif images!

Vote Jerry Banfield Steem Witness Rank 29

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To empower this change, starting today I am setting a 10% per post per day maximum for my autovoter including on my own posts, my wife @laurabanfield's posts, and everyone else I am voting for ...

You have good intentions here, but I think the problem should be solved by the system in a way which I described here.
The key should be "diminishing returns" so that it would be just not worth it anymore to upvote oneself or close family members/friends again and again. I explained it like this: "How about if after each vote on a specific account (including ones own account) each further vote on the same account would lead to significantly less curation reward for the voter and less profit for the upvoted account? Thus, when upvoting an account which I had already upvoted before, my voting power would be smaller than in case I upvote an account which I didn't upvote before. "

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Automatic voting is the worst thing that has happened to Steemit!

This is the reason why new people cannot get on the trending page like they used to.

If you are not willing to manually curate it would be better to delegate your SP to someone that will, but if you are just going to reconfigure your bot and get all your friends to trail it, you are still part of the problem.

Also by making rules, forcing new people to use your tags and creating a guide to maximize your weird voting percentages, you are just unnecessarily complicating Steemit.

Steemit should be this simple:

  • Vote for things you like
  • Ignore things you don't like

Anything more than this alienates people.

"Automatic voting is the worst thing that has happened to Steemit!"

Code is law. Half-handed attempts at shaming will do nothing to prevent people from aligning their actions with game-theory.

If want to stop auto-voting, it must be disabled technically. If that is not possible, you are wasting your efforts.

Half-handed attempts at shaming will do nothing to prevent people from aligning their actions with game-theory.

I seriously doubt that holding our witnesses accountable for their decisions qualifies as shaming and I am sure that Jerry is not as delicate as you think.

I understand that people will game the system, but if everyone went this route Steemit would fail.

Since Jerry is running for witness he really should be above reproach.

If want to stop auto-voting, it must be disabled technically. If that is not possible, you are wasting your efforts.

If enough people voice their opinions about automatic voting, maybe the witnesses like Jerry might change the code before it's too late.

"I seriously doubt that holding our witnesses accountable for their decisions qualifies as shaming"

That's great? I didn't say it did. You seem to have assumed I meant that, which is understandable, but I didn't.

You'll note my support for removing Craig Grant votes going back almost as long as my blog does. Just a single example, but I don't believe in trying to control how others use their stake outside of clear shenanigans like referral link for Bitconnect/Genesys pushers.

"I am sure that Jerry is not as delicate as you think."

You don't know what I think about Jerry, so at best, this is baseless speculation, while in actuality, it is false. I am on the record repeatedly praising how Jerry generally handles criticism.

"If enough people voice their opinions about automatic voting, maybe the witnesses like Jerry might change the code before it's too late."

I agree that this is a valid path for this grievance.

However, have you bothered to look into whether it is TECHNICALLY POSSIBLE to do what you ask? I'm not sure that it is. Perhaps you can stop Steemvoter, or other specific creations that attach to an API...

How will you ever stop client side scripting? I can write a bot to type or vote for me entirely on the client side by pixel matching get.pixel colors. You can't distinguish it from a normal click without substantial data and machine learning.

Can we establish that this is even possible before we leave Rome on a massive war-time campaign?

PS - Philosophically, we are aligned, but I gave up swimming against the tide. Technically, it seems impossible to stop, even if we had witness consensus for a fork. I don't know how to technically achieve it, which makes discussing it a pointless venture.

Thanks for the discussion.

The only way would be to change the incentives. Shaming will do no good, as you say, or won't do much good in the long term.

We must change the incentives! The way for long term valuable content to be valued probably involves -
Lengthening payout time or creating drip faucets on locked articles based on views or under certain favorable conditions.
Considering a negative incentive for upvoting (probably automatically) an artivle that turns out to be worthless or of detracting value.

Basically we need more levers, we need more experiments!

Thanks Lex for cutting through the feelings to try to see the truth.

"Lengthening payout time or creating drip faucets on locked articles based on views or under certain favorable conditions."

This is an awesome idea. I think we should definitely implement it based on traffic brought to the Steemit website!

I tell you all my great ideas because you seem like a guy who know how to get things done! 😃

Quick addition:

"Steemit should be this simple:" (FOR NEW USERS).

All advanced functions, which we DO need, can be hidden in the settings menu and toggle-able like NSFW. Vote slider should be available in there from day 1, for any SP.

I cannot help but to also agree with this. Autovoting does take out the time/attention factor, and it does keep less mind power OUT of the steem ecosystem. Keeping mind power INSIDE the steem ecosystem is what will drive it--our conscious attention is incredibly valuable...and one of the only things that are truly scarce.

Truthfully, what things are scarce?

  • The individual's time ("attention" and "intention") on this Earthly realm.
  • The ability to communicate, remember, and fulfill your agreement ("debt") with another living being.

Source: Money's Fundamental Problem (the Truth)

"Keeping mind power INSIDE the steem ecosystem is what will drive it--our conscious attention is incredibly valuable"

You are completely ignoring the fact that brain power wasted on mindlessly voting for the same people and same type of articles, as most users do, cannot be used on creative pursuits.

I use an auto-voter so I can reliably produce more content, instead of spending my time managing the legion of sycophants who whine at me if I don't vote their most recent flower picture. (Not that they are getting a vote anyway, as I vet each person's post history via chainBB and weight their vote weight and frequency accordingly.)

Auto-voting does not mean you don't vet bloggers for quality, first and regularly. It just means I don't have to manually place 200 votes per day.

I use bots to help me optimise how I spend my time on steem for more human interaction.
I don't auto-upvote on my main account, nor am I too particular about vote timing/sizing to maximise curation rewards.
However, I do have an auto-voter running on an alt account that I have manually curated authors I would like to support long term. When that has spare VP then it throws votes about mostly randomly, but with some bias towards minnows. If we want steem to grow then we need minnows to grow into dolphins.

A huge fist pound for @gonzo. The struggle is real for minnows and an awareness shift is long overdue to help everyone succeed here.

Glad you've seen the light @jerrybanfield. This should help generate a lot more goodwill across the board. Replies talk, but per Steemit itself, "money talks". Giving without expecting anything in return is better than receiving for the long run.

"Giving without expecting anything in return is better than receiving for the long run."

Why is this the rule for whales, but the opposite is practically encouraged for minnows?

I can see I'm going to have to write a whole series called "Minnow Marxism".

I appreciate the engagement and dialogue, but honestly wasn't anticipating a public breakdown of each of my statements (and, yes, I know that I made a public comment to generate this). I respect all of your efforts and will reach out via discord. Re: your question here, you're making just as much of a generalized assumption as you feel I did. I see that you personally have used auto-voting for a good cause, so I'm glad for that. To be continued on private chat.

"you're making just as much of a generalized assumption as you feel I did."

What assumption would that be? I'm just trying to accurately describe what I percive as the "democratic majority's" viewpoint on this topic (ie minnows good, deserve more - whales selfish, need to give more).

Incidentally, I don't consider myself a whale, so I'm kind of in the middle of this situation. I'm just a perennial devil's advocate that likes to ask uncomfortable questions that hopefully prompt discussion. Don't interpret any curmudgeonly questions as offense or aggression (if possible, heh).

I'll keep an eye out for your dm.

"The struggle is real for minnows and an awareness shift is long overdue to help everyone succeed here."

What shift is that?

I support over 200 authors this way, most of them minnows. I could not do that otherwise.

Nothing personal at all really if you took it potentially that way. I'm sorry, but I need a bit more background as to what you're talking about so I can answer properly. Does this mean that you're automatically voting for a preset universe of 200+ people, mostly minnows? I'm personally a believer in manual quality over quantity in general because I want to read who and what I support, where upvoting is dynamic relative to their current content, as well as engage them on their blog posts when practical.

Please feel free to send me a chat at mattcoin8 if you'd like discuss. I'm happy to learn about your view.

"Nothing personal at all really"

No apology necessary, I'm not offended/annoyed.

"Does this mean that you're automatically voting for a preset universe of 200+ people, mostly minnows?"

Yes, and it was a huge task. I had to create a spreadsheet where I tracked their post quality, frequency, and created notes. However, it was either that or not support them at all, as focusing on my own work takes a lot of my time up.


That goes on for over 200 entries, and everything past about 30 is minnows with no SP.

"I'm personally a believer in manual quality over quantity in general"

Me too, but when you get to my size, you start getting people whining at you everyday for not voting or following them. You either put up decent people on an autovoter or take crap every day.

You can DM me in MSP PAL if you like.

This post may also answer some of your questions:

Agreed 💯% .
Autovoting is not the best part,
Upvote is similar to a 'like' where you read or see content, if you find it good , press like or upvote button.
But auto upvote just for curation reward without even actually seeing the content doesn't seems positive for community growth. This will always leave newbie but excellent authors isolated.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thank you Jerry for reconsidering autovoting for maximized rewards. As @starkerz mentions at the end of the video that his curation rewards have dropped by curating content that isn't as popular, I have also been sacrificing those big curation rewards of the last months to OCD and at the end of the day it feels a lot better knowing they are being spread more wide to the community instead and doing good for the platforms longterm.

Thanks for sharing that clip, following that user now. :)

@acidyo, thanks for the echoing my sentiments above! I truly believe that there’s is a sentiment shift happening right now that is along the lines of harnessing the huge amount of people on the platform to partake in value added activities and having the community support Them with upvotes. It spreads the steem love and should result in a higher demand for steem via value creation. It is certainly far from complete, but then conversation has started and I guess we need to see how the community reacts from here. Thanks to @jerrybanfield for acting in his own way on inspiration taken from my talk! )

This is a great project @acidyo. I've been loving the OCD daily reports and upvoting/commenting on the ones I like.

I have been doing something similar with my autovoter for some time. I support over 200 authors this way, most of them minnows.

I like to point this out to the anti-auto-voter types. Code is law, after all. If you don't like it, it must be technically disabled, not shamed into the shadows.

Great to hear what is happening at Steemfest. As a member of Team Malaysia, on behalf of the whole team I would like to thank you for your support. One USD is about RM4.30 which can buy a decent meal, our ringgit has been declining. Thank you for voting responsibly.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

"At 1% voting power, I can autovote 2,000 posts every day for about $0.10 each. That is 1,000+ authors I can give a few cents to every single day which might not seem like much in the USA, UK, Australia, Canada, and some other countries where the cost of living is high. In countries where the cost of living is low, just $0.10 a post from me alone would equal enough to eat for several days every month plus a show of support for every contribution." : @jerrybanfield

After talking to @ned, @awesomianist stopped by and helped me to see Steem from his point of view. Living in Malaysia, $1 means a lot on an upvote. My $0.10 upvote would add up to about enough to eat for an entire day every week. On top of that, with 16,482 followers today the odds are that for the majority of my followers I have never even upvoted one post. That sucks and I am ready to do better! Talking with Ian inspired me to open my mind to be a better way to give back which I was about to receive!


You also pointed about living in Malaysia and i well known that how important your vote or other whales vote because im also Malaysia Malaysians..

Now you thinks about your follower and supporter. How nice and kind of you while some (not all) other whales still sit and just maximize their own wallet.

I hope many person will come to follow your step @jerrybanfield..

Thank you and as always; "you are the star of steemians.."


"How nice and kind of you while some (not all) other whales still sit and just maximize their own wallet."

What quality content have you provided to the community that qualifies you to critique community members, and would justify such socialized charity angled in your direction? (Your last two posts averaged 34 words each.)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

As a redfish, i do not have any qualify to critiq community member. Read again. The word i mean to appriciate who give back to community. And other which dont give back, its all depend and up to them because they maybe had thier opinion and only them know how struggle to grow themselves from minnow to whale..
And for me, i will try my best to support too because i know, i will not move too much if i dont have support from community too..
I also hope to get guideline from you and other too.
And if my write had come with not satisfied meaning, im ask forgiveness from all reader and community..
Have a nice day..


THIS IS SOOO AWESOME!!! People do want to autovote anyways, and you are a good example to the community on how you distribute your votes. I am still actually using my conscious voting power. There's just so much to learn about's awesome.

@jerrybanfield if you see this message or think to do this... would you grab me a small t-shirt? :D I'll do whatever I can to repay you! I truly wish I could be there!! Let's chat some Steem when you get back. I miss you!!

For having been in Malaysia several times, I don't see where you can eat for $1, except if you are living in the jungle, have your own cows and chickens, fish pound, rice field, garden and orchard.

For $1, in a street stall in Malaysia, maybe you get a bowl of rice with 40 g of chicken and some veggies, a small plate, without water. Food is expensive, rent is expensive, transport and education is expensive in Malaysia.

Voting someone $0.10 is alright, but the idea that this will be of great help is not right, $3-4 would be.

Personally I will always vote full-power to selected authors and quality posts.

The argument that someone's economic situation should somehow factor into their post rewards is a non-starter with me. I hear a lot about "could live on $1 a day", but nothing about the fact my last apartment (864sqf) was $4500/month or walking into a doctor's office costs me $500+.

Results, not efforts, are rewarded.

It surely is very expensive to get an apartment where you are.

Indeed it did. Regrettably, I was in one of the world's most expensive cities before I moved out to Jerry's neck of the woods by chance.

Also, to be fair, the 4500 was furnished and included utilities.

Thanks Jerry, would have loved to be there at Steemfest, nice to see how things were laid out. (kind of stingee on the veg dinner?)
When I host a conference I will make sure Vegetarian Course Dinner will blow your mind.

Interesting voting approach. Thank you for sharing @starkerz's video about @Promo-steem and Responsible Upvoting


It was good to meet you last night. The steemit people are all so friendly. I'm having so much fun.

I think we should manually vote as much as possible to support good content and encourage those starting out here. I stopped self-voting since time ago as I'm not worried about what I make from curation. I also delegated some sp to others so my voting power gets used more. I just don't have time to do enough of it

I am really glad to see how much you care about the platform, I am really hoping that they create a new algorithm for either the hot page or the trending page to make manual curation easier.

Both of those changes are desperately needed.

If my replies to you in the other comment string seem cynical, realize it's because I've been posting about the "abuse" in trending (BookingTeam, not sure if that still goes on) and changing the algorithm, and how the curation formula is garbage.

There seems to be agreement that both are broken, but nobody is willing to change it.

I have to thank @ats-david for humoring each and every one of my curation posts. He truly cares about the subject too.

Hey @jerrybanfield great to meet you in SteemFest ! And thanks for using #teammalaysia tags . Stay awesome buddy and looking forward for your show tonite 😂

Well you do have a problem with your vote, something real minnows like me don't have I just upvote whatever I like at 100% and gve a whole $0.02 per vote. You have a much bigger problem, ethically a person should vote for what he considers the best posts, the ones with the best information, maybe the best joke etc. But it is impossible for a single person to read every post every day, so even though I don't like vote bots for someone like you they become a necessity, unless of course you take the easy way out and give $20.00 votes to a few friends, which in fact is ok, but like you say more good can be done by giving a few cents to people in third world countries. Even though somehow I don't believe you can really eat for $1.00 a day in Malaysia, I live in Honduras which economically is far worse off than Malaysia and you might eat one meal on a dollar but that's it. Now of course if someone in a country like Malaysia or Honduras gets 5 dollars per post it is a huge help to his economic condition. Because 5 bucks, yes I think that would cover food for a day.
You see 40 years ago before the neo liberal revolution food was cheap in these countries, these days not so much. Cheaper than in first world countries yes, but not as cheap as you think.

Note: This is not an attack on you, I like your comment.

"minnows like me don't have I just upvote whatever I like at 100%"

"You have a much bigger problem, ethically a person should vote for what he considers the best posts,"

Do you have any logically consistent reason for why Jerry (whales) are required to conform to your imposed, vague ethical standards (which, btw, you provided no evidence or citation for?), while minnows are allowed to "vote whatever they like"?

Is it just the dictatorship of the proletariat?

"more good can be done by giving a few cents to people in third world countries"

Why? Has anyone provided any evidence for why giving money to people whose content is not good enough to get noticed on its own, and will power down and sell, is good?

Is it just because they are "poor", and if so, why not sell everything you own and give it all to them?

"if someone in a country like Malaysia or Honduras gets 5 dollars per post it is a huge help to his economic condition"

...and also completely 100% irrelevant to their posting quality, and therefore, should be totally ignored by those with ethics. This isn't a victim-whining olympics website, it's a quality-content-creation-reward site.

"40 years ago before the neo liberal revolution"

It's been a rough half-century.

I don't think you really understood what I meant, maybe I didn't make myself clear, if I vote for what I like I am being ethical, if I vote because I like the person I am not, because Steemit is about the articles. And always it comes down to the argument of sell everything you own and give it away. Are you a Christian? These are the guys who are supposed to do that. And no you shouldn't vote for someone because he is from a poor country, you should vote for him because you like what he wrote. Maybe the problem is that English is my second language so probably I'm not as good at it as you are.

Jerry, I'm glad you are going to support the minnows here as many see exactly what you said regarding a system of whales and dolphins just supporting each other with votes. It is apparent on the Hot or Trending pages as most of the posts are from people with very high reputation numbers.
I'm sure the founders did not design the site in which the reward pool is split up between the whales and dolphins.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@jerrybanfield, you know I am in thailand and many of my connections are here in se asia. You have this very right - your upvote would be immense.

Each country has a leader or groups of them and those people can help you in your upvoting. They have their own ways to find good people who may not see this to be able to tag you. thereare a lot of "country" fb groups for steemit and they use those to talk.

There are so many good countries. I have about 20 countries on my steemit twitlist - good people trying to make it work for their countries or causes. In total I have about 160 steeming tweeps on this list now :)

= =
I'm on your upvote bot since you liked one of my "steemit how to" posts recently and so I'm so grateful for your support. It's a boost I need in this crazy place. I'm on some other people's bots to now so that is encouraging.

I did not want to post too much and make you bot mad! Now I have a goal of 5 which is huge! Thanks jerry - I'll do my best. I'm doing #freewrite as a daily challenge now - you might like to check that one out.

It's all helping with weight loss, health care, social media and now steemit on my page.

I might be getting into a groove and I'm a big winner in @abh12345's curation league because I am a good voter for quality work that is later found by others. Steemit is full of great, unrecognized talent.

SteemFest 2 looks Amazing. Seems You have enjoyed yourself. I hope someday i could join the Fest. As far as your voting system i think it is gonna be amazing help to the minnow community. If all the whales think like that i suppose Steem would be encouraging for minnows like us.

Looks like so much fun! Of Course that food looks delicious!!!!!!!

Thank you for sharing your day with us! I'm looking forward to seeing how your new autovoting system works out. It definitely makes sense to me the way you explained it. I agree that this new way will probably help a lot of people! Also, I'm considering using that tag so I can get into the pool for consideration to get added to your autovoter list. I believe I could produce content worthy of a good upvote Anyway, thank you again for sharing with us!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

This is a cool steemfest travel blog Jerry. Sounds like everyone is enjoying it I'm glad they had some good vegan options, including dessert. I'm pretty impressed by that actually.

The dessert wasn't vegan. :))

Really? That's disappointing.

This autovoter system sounds very intriguing, and I look forward to seeing it in action. Thanks for what you do for this community :)

Looks awesome man! I hope to go next year

Not sure where you heard it from, but $1 is definitely not enough for a day in Malaysia.

@jerrybanfield I am jealous that you get to meet @jeffberwick . Thank You for sharing your STEEMfest with us. Enjoy your time and looking forward to your upcoming posts.

Glad to be part of the video by @starkerz! :) I also saw @hansikhouse on your pictures. :)

Hi Jerry Banfield....upvoted you and added a post to your tag....hopes it's the first from many. God bless you.

Living in Malaysia, $1 means a lot on an upvote. My $0.10 upvote would add up to about enough to eat for an entire day every week.

That's a truth as big as a Cathedral!! I'm glad you finally got to notice it.

A better way as explained by @starkerz is to make sure we vote for those where our votes do the most good. When he shared this, I got a clear vision of having my votes going out to users consistently receiving small payouts that would most appreciate and be excited by my automatic upvotes.

I hope that from now on, you also feel motivated to check what is happening in the communities of Latin American writers and bloggers on steemit. Especially from those of venezuela. Where I suspect that your Upvote would have a great impact of generous help and intense gratitude back to you. Who knows? perhaps and you will enjoy a ball and part of the other learning some spanish or even the most cryptic, grueling, demanding and exasperating Spanglish which is what I speak in the process. Haha, one never knows if you do not try!! }:)

Now, go and enjoy fully your SteemFest experience with new discoveries, insights and enlightment. And please, share them all with us as soon as possible.

Cheers!! :)

"That's a truth as big as a Cathedral!!"

And why is it relevant?

If a homeless person needs a $1 a lot more than me, I should give it to him? Should I just sell everything I own and hop on a plane to Venezuela, where I can give it away at the town square?

Please use logic.

"Where I suspect that your Upvote would have a great impact of generous help and intense gratitude back to you."

Yeah, I'm sure Jerry can expect all those huge Venezuelan upvotes from users who are instantly going to power down, cash out, and depress the price of Steem because they need food.

Is your desire to have the weakest possible hands all holding Steem, so it gets dumped to 3 cents?

Why are all whales beholden to becoming charities, but minnows are all "take, take, take?"

Are there any free-market proponents left on here?

PS - If anyone is missing the point here, the "arguments" put forth by the "Marxist Minnow" coalition never have any grounding in logic or fact, it's simply self-serving minnow self-interest. Claims it will somehow "fix Steem" are never offered with any evidence, and the FACT that small, desperate users almost always dump Steem as soon as they get it, lowering the price, is routinely ignored.

And why is it relevant?

Please use logic.

Are there any free-market proponents left on here?

Since you say: "You do also write satire" Yet, here's my shortest reply on steemit so far.
For your Meet The Witnesses #40, series and also fine tune your Steemvoter's curation formula: }:)

Interesting video and psychological experiment. Thank you for the link and reply.

It attacks the ego of men to offer them money. It's socially ingrained in many of us that we are failures if we can't provide for our self/family. You can feel that in the way these people get very offended at this situation.

It's not a logical response, it's an emotional reaction.

(Keep in mind these videos are usually cherry-picked for the worst reactions too - don't let the editor's selection bias get ya.)

PS - If you're trying to make the point that humility is the reason for forcing whale charity, that's a platitude, not a rational position.

I don't believe in charity, never did. I emphasize ¡AWARENESS! with the biggest lettering all the time. ;)

Great post Jerry, I hope one day to have the time and money to go to one of these events!

I guess you guys are having a quality time there is Lisbon!!
And I am looking forward to those votes you are going to make

I Just finished your online class course intro to crypto :) thank you

Has there been a Steemfest in California? I would love to go to one to network with other Steemians! Looks like an amazing event


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hiii @jerrybanfielf, i also impressed much from your kind nature . you always do the betterment and promotion of community, no doubt your services are already appreciated, and your that post really give a new way and inspiration. every senior in the community should think like you and participate for the growth of community.keep it up, love.

This is a wonderful way to give back and make a lot of people flourish in our Steemit community @jerrybanfield ... in the long term I believe this will add more value to the platform and of course increase Steem value as well.

I don't mean to beg but if you can consider me as one to receive your autovoter, I am from the Philippines and I want to post at least one everyday but a low turn out to my posts discourages me to do so.. if you can do so, would really help me a lot.
I really appreciate what you are contributing to the community and for this reason have assigned you months ago as proxy for my witness voting.
Please let me know if you can consider my request, so I can devote more time in making more posts in Steemit. Thanks in advance.

I wish I could be there... Listen to this great men talk, learn, learn, learn, eat, connect and have fun.

Cool post @jerrybanfield sir.
I have virtually visited steemfest now.

I vote for the post that I's called 'curation' for a reason.
If I don't like it...I don't vote for matter WHO wrote it.

That's the spirit everybody should have here.👍🏻

Great idea! But one question: Is it applicable to only high steem power players or for everyone including those whose votes hardly adds a value of 0.002 or so ??

@singhrajat wonderful question because I am not sure! This level of autovoting might not be necessary at a smaller vote and probably is not needed until a full upvote is at least $0.10 if not $1.

Looks like a lot of fun. I dig the new voting system idea. It's disheartening to write articles daily with a lot of thought for ten cents. That would be a big motivator.

Thank you because you are exactly who I am hoping to help with earning less than $1 on most of your posts! You have a important point about the autovoters which is funny right now because this post 8 minutes after publishing has 53 votes and 32 views. Autovoters mostly now are aimed at top authors because this pays the voter back the best especially if authors earning well vote each other up. I added you to my autovoter just now!

Much appreciated, sir. I applaud your support for the community!

We appreciate you sharing here instead of somewhere else and I hope my votes lead to more votes! Hopefully any others that want to join me in this strategy will follow my curation on streemian to help expand the amount each vote gives!

Well sir I don't understand what is starategy and what that follow your curation means

I wish I was at Steemfest among all you people that are influencing positively our community.
Thanks for what you're doing, you give a chance for us to shine by empowering the Steemians.
Have a great trip in Portugal

Great news boss.I resteem your post.go of luck.

Well if @jerrybanfield has decided that is how he wants to encourage the newbies like us to feel welcomed and be at home, what's the fuzz about that? We will really appreciate the efforts more than the way those that have made a lot would. We are here to encourage one another and this is just another means to do that. Cheers

I have no idea whats going on at the moment! oh me! joined today, hello people :)

i hope someday i attend to steemfest to see my idol have picture with him.power idol!

Hello Sir, I'm new here. Kindly guide me someone that how to effectively use steemit ...

Jerry, Thanks for helping us with your posts.

Congratulations @jerrybanfield!
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following categories:

  • Upvotes - Ranked 4 with 758 upvotes
  • Comments - Ranked 7 with 142 comments
  • Pending payout - Ranked 7 with $ 175,43

Hi @jerrybanefield!

I'm happy to include this post in the CTR Crossword Puzzle No.-8. This post will be linked in all related CTR Crossword posts . All participants for this puzzle will land on this post to find their answers to it

Thank you for creating awesome content which is just perfect for our participants!


Readers of this post, if they want to participate in this contest, they have a slight edge over others as they have already read this post. All are welcome to participate and have fun.

nice my friend pliss vote and follow me

Good to see the News

Hi @jerrybanfield. Please recommend this spot as the next destination of StemFest event > 😀😁😂

what has happened to steemit
but the concept and thought of automatic voting is rather appealing

because with a stable income and flow of good topics and ideas
the thought of this is rather remarkable

just think of the funds produced from a website which ideally makes money to be shared with the people ,who in fact do what they do
at any given time

by the use of Automatic-voting this will greatly improve the funding for the community

but the side track is that when people get attached to this they might deny or even make post which ultimately will led to a misconseption that just might have the rather negative effect on the community

#witness - #jerrybafield
vote him as witness!!!

not dunding

There is an edit button under your comments.

i just thought that it may reset my curation awards specially the sbd

but THANKS!!!!

"How do I use my voting power for the most good?" Good question, Jerry. I find more lost change on the ground on an average day than my entire account is worth. Still, that is also my top challenge. Reading your stuff, I occasionally get the sense that you worry over things too much. I don't know.

Well, Steemit is a hell of an opportunity and fun for a lot of people, thanks in part to you, and I will be brazen enough to speak for others when I say that we are happy you are having a good time.

Great post @jerrybanfield, It seems you enjoyed the fest a lot and thank you for sharing such useful information with us.

Matt done great job.......

@jerrybanfield. Looking forward with you reading my posts. An upvote is a big plus coming from you but I'd really want more poeple to drop by and see what I do. :) Your having a blast at steemfest and i enjoyed reading what you been up to. ^^

A better way as explained by @starkerz is to make sure we vote for those where our votes do the most good.

Holy shit that's so true. Though I avoid "voting back" as much as I can, doing "the most good" is something I forgot.

This is really cool. The problem people have with you is that you 'seemingly' take without giving. Glad to see you are concerned about impacting lives.

Thanks for the updates of Steemfest @jerrybanfield while I don't necessarily agree it's the right way to do things I can see why you would change the way you upvote and more importantly it's good to see all the whales discussing the best course of action. I am intrigued about one thing at Steemfest, does everyone greet each by @soandso or do you end up on personal terms? I have visions of everyone using avatars😂

Moreover, it's amazing to see so many different people meet and have fun together.

Good work Brother

Congratulations @jerrybanfield, this post is the third most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Superhero or Legend account holder (accounts hold greater than 100 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Superhero and Legend account holders during this period was 33 and the total pending payments to posts in these categories was $1122.99. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories, click here.

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Is the guy on the left of your third picture wearing a camouflage shirt and shorts?

Looks awesome bro @jerrybanfield
Enjoy every single moments of SteemFest 2.

Hi @jerrybanfield it's good to hear from you again. You are an inspiration for many. Your posts, the informations you provide are really helpful. Thank you. Stay safe and take care

Sir pls upvote and comment me.

That's a great idea. I see many posts everyday about how whales only vote for other whales... how none of the whales ever upvote a minnows post... it will be good to see someone set a different standard.

The first time I'm coment when you're Jerry
Learn from your publications and your information a lot

Awesome! I will share to my groupmates here in steemit from the Philippines. @steemfamilyph Some of us are new here,Thank you for helping us and explaining upvote and return. Much love from the Philippines. 🙂

like the way of autovoting.
but didn't understand the procesure of autovote!!!
can you explain that???

I am getting even more excited for our future on Steemit!! :D

Great👍👍......thanks for sharing.

You are invited to watch my blog.

Well you come with a great ideea regarding the distribution of your votes. Honest to be i know Steemians which will cry of happines just if you give them a comment and this without voting them!
Now because of my work i do travel a lot and been all around Asia and i have to let you know that with 0.10 usd you can not have a meal. Honest to be not even with 1 usd...
On the principle Sharring is Caring, your ideea will make a lot of Steemians happy and i hope more whales will follow your idea!
Have a great day and enjoy Lisbon as well!😉

Wow great post. I am very excited to know and see everything about the event. Yesterday I had checked the post of many veturn steemians about steemFest like @exyle, @quinneker @ned and many more, I also enjoyed the live show. It is very enjoyable and great event. Thanks for sharing such beautiful pictures of beautiful movements. Please friend include me to in your autovote system. I am definitely use the tag of jerrybanfield .Thanks for sharing such a valuable information, wish you a very beautiful time ahead.

Great picture and thanks for your good information

Excellent post

Wow.thats a great news for us @jerrybanfield .thanks bro.resteem your great job

That's a beautiful one, @jerrybanfield. I love your plan to show some love through your upvote. It's an amazing strategy I have recently advocated on my post about helping minnows to grow by encouraging them with our upvotes. There are people that need the upvotes most, especially in poor undeveloped countries. I'm gonna do a post to appreciate you and call on other great steemians holders of high steem power to follow your step for a better community. I'm George from Nigeria. Much love and regards to your family when you are back home. @greatness96

Looks like so much fun & enjoy all of steemians. Hopefully wish new arrangements in steemfest2. Super delicious foods. Nice to eat.
Great work...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Interesting post I read all, I will think about the autovoter, because I think that the point it´s read and value the post for the content but the autovoter sometimes vote everypost idk I´m a mess hahaha... but that about the tag "jerrybanfield" give me some new ideas thank u

I can see it was a full packed day with lots of healthy meals cant wait to see a video of you explaining about the new auto voting system.l subscribed to your videos @jerrybanfield and l'm waiting for your tutorials .Thanks for keeping us updated

Wow.. Excited to see next steem fest.
I am new here so I dono much about it. Hope I'll join you guys next time when I get good return from my present steem investment

wow, @jerrybanfield those photos look absolutely awesome! wish I was there...
in developing world, $1 USD can feed them a few days!
in developed world, your upvote will gain us more steempower,
which in return, when we upvote u back, u will get more $$ , in short good karma will go back! It will be a win-win for all!
btw, how to use autovoting? I'd love to learn that.

Genial esa steem fest

your new voting strategy is right. Congratulations @jerrybanfield on questioning you! When you live in developed countries, you don't always realize how difficult it is in developing countries.
Christel French steemienne!

Very good @jerrybanfield . .

Thank you for sharing your experience. It is so good you've changed your perspective. In my country, Venezuela, with 5 dollars you can buy food for at least 5 days. So it is exciting that important people in this community can help us to contribute to our welfare. God bless you my friend.

Well it's nice to get the whole journey of your over here and new interesting things.

such a amazing post jerry followed u and subbed u on your YouTube and resteemed
I loved the food 💙💙
Delicious and steem onn at steemfest

A good alternative for those who have less

Very nice thinking ND discussion about Upvoting nd return. Thanks

Have fun!

I’ve found that with the level of steem power I’m at and how the curation algorithm works I get the biggest curation rewards when I vote for people who are getting smaller payouts ($1-10) and a pretty decent number of votes that are of low value. I’ve found if I’m the largest or one of the largest upvotes, especially if I’m early, I get the lions share of the curation rewards.

I got a .47SP curation reward a few days ago and my vote is only with about $0.50 at 100% power. That was pretty amazing.

But yeah it’s good to support developing authors, especially ones creating good content on a regular basis.

I hope that soon I can get back to authoring more after these 50-60 hour long work weeks finally come to an end. Plus my hour commute each day...doesn’t leave time for much else.

Good to see your enjoying yourself. Have a good week

wow ....
very fun meeting ya !!

A great write up. If everyone of you thinks the same then the community can be grown as a whole. There are a lot of minnows which actually wants your vote

@jerrybanfield Very good your initiative, I love reading your post very good.

Your post was resteem by Whale ResteemService @booster007

Keep it up!
All the best!

First Follow for 3 hours | Send a minimum transaction 0.100 steem/SBD with post URL in memo | Your post gets resteemed | A post can only be resteemed once!

i just Using That Tag

Thanks for sharing! Links to your post were included in the wiki articles about SteemFest² and Upvote. Thanks and good

Great!!! Nice Comment!! I'll be following you!!!

what is the way for a new person in steemit, get their publications recognized by others?