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I don't know what to say at this moment. I just want to thank the pioneers of this contest and steemfest2 for this wonderful opportunity. I want to say a big thank you to @stellabelle for finding me worthy enough to support and be a source of encouragement to all steemians. Also at @aggroed for the support towards stellabelle steemfest2 contest. I am grateful to the steemit community as a whole. A big congratulations to @surpassinggoogle and my humble self. Thank you so much @stellabelle, @aggroed and other mentors.

Stay awesome!

So this is Europe! Am I envy so much! Good luck with your journey. She is amazing!

See you down the road 🇵🇭

Congrats to our very own @surpassingoogle #Philippines is so happy for your achievement you desserve the best for being a good role model to us.

Thank you for the privilege of being role model! Stay awesome

Congratulations @surpassinggoogle
And @gloglo !!!
@surpassinggoogle, You did say to me once if you put your mind to it, it can happen!


Congratulations & See You There!

Thank you so much. see you there too.

Congratulations @gloglo. Keep representing Nigeria, women and steemit. Trust me, the ministry of women affairs are coming to talk with you. Cheers.

Hello hello @gloglo I am so happy you did win! Well deserved. I am looking forward seeing you in Lisbon !!! 🌺👯👯

Thank you...haha. see you there too.

well said

Wonderful gesture @stellabelle congratulations to the winners @gloglo and @surpassinggoogle

Congrats!!! This is amazing. You are definitely a women to admire. Will be following

Congratulations you deserve it.. Keep up the good work ^^

Keep growing and we wish to see you there. Congratulation @gloglo .

Congratulations @gloglo

It's great for you.

What a beautiful and selfless thing to do @stellabelle! You are truly inspirational.

Congratulations to the winners @surpassinggoogle and @gloglo! I hope they have an amazing time.

I already love being here and each day find more reasons to love it. Such an amazing group of wonderful people. So glad to be part of this community!

Please love steemit, there is awesomeness in it and it does need you to maintain its awesomeness! When you sift, you will find so much awesomeness

I think my comment was possibly misunderstood lol. I already love it and find more and more reasons everyday to love it more.

Don't worry, it wasn't misunderstood. The comment was left to spark these awesome sentiments

Am glad you have found a good reason to remain here. Just do you always. cheers!

Oh I love it, and have no intentions to leave. I meant that the reasons to love it keep multiplying each day 😊

Am so glad that yhis is my first upvote since two days now so i can be able to give it everything. Like i once commented on your post ma, when we cast our bread out it has a way of coming back to us. Am so glad for my sister @gloglo and a brother here on steemit @surpassinggoogle who was one of the first persons to welcome me here on steemit and am not suprised thay he was selected,look at what he is doing with steemgigs, its awesome. He has given much to others he should be given too. Thank you at starting an interview series next week, where steemians will have to share their success stories and encourage others, to know that being real pays and that well all started with 0.00sbd. Hope to have you tell your story on my serise oneday. Thanks once more for giving voice to this young bloods.

Arizonawise. A ton of moment happened here and it speeclesslized me. I am sure you will grasp. your boy Terry".

I am glad for @gloglo. @stellabelle has a special thank you coming her way

You decieve it bro..yoi sure do.

Thank you so much, am glad you are finally here and seeing what steemit is doing in the life of people. To me steemit is the new gold.

Yea i saw it, but now am seeing it in 3D. Congrats once more.

gloglo am starting an interview blog next week, its about people sharing their steemit testimonies, and encouraging others talking about their mistakes, challenges, and advice. there is also a form of giving back attached to it. there will be no better steemians now to interview for the median edition than you and sprpassingoogle. this is my steemitchat handle also that of discord at steemgigs. @arizonawise. thank you.

Congratulations Terry, it's great to see that someone from the Philippines community will be able to attend the SteemFest and represent all of us back home that were not able to attend this year.

I can't wait to hear about your experience there and make sure to take lots of pictures during the trip! Should make for an epic post upon your return.

Thanks for running the contest @stellabelle love to see initiatives like this uplifting members of the community that are uplifting others. You rock!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

This was such an outstanding opportunity. When I had seen the opportunity on twitter, I felt so happy although I missed the contest to apply. Congratulation to @gloglo , I read her contest entry and it made me so proud to see someone doing hard to help herself and others. Congratulation brother @surpassinggoogle too. He is doing wonderful job there to promote steemit and helping young people.

I have been working on underprivileged children education for more than a year, But I couldn't be successful to raise fund for my project though I used powerful social media like facebook, Twitter , instagram, youtube, Google plus . Even I didn't stopped my effort and I started on steem on July , 2016 with help of my friend. I made my first post on steemit when on July 29, 2016 and I couldn't understand anything what going on :( . After couple of months, I returned and saw it earned $12 😍 !

I became active again on June, 2017 and started to write articles about my humanitarian work and what I am currently involved in. My post was not reaching to audience who might follow my personal Account @azizbd and School Account @schoolforsdg4 . Later it achieved some attention from people and hundreds of people upvoted. For two months, The school crowdfunding for weekly fruits program for Underprivileged kids and also sharing how kids are leaning at school. We received more than $400 Donations directly to @schoolforsdg4 account and Our post rewards. I am so happy that many people joined to support our 50 underprivileged kids in Bangladesh. Many wrote articles to support @schoolforsdg4 including @schamangerbert , @tecnosgirl , @lindahas, @ragepeanut . and so on. Some people always helping the cause like @lichtblick and @alexvan investing their SBD . I feel so happy that I got this platform. Hope one day I will able to share my experience and what Going on in Bangladesh because of steemit . Many thanks to @stellabelle for giving developing country a priority to attend steemfest2 and this made me so happy that both of @gloglo and @surpassinggoogle deserves such opportunity.


Congratulations to you sir @surpassinggoogle you deserved it.

This is huge! This is awesome. This is everything! @stellabelle ma'am you are a true Steemians...a great one at that! You are our source of inspiration! Thanks for this opportunity. May God bless you richly


thanks. It is only giving a mirror to the souls on here.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Congrats to @gloglo and @surpassinggoogle ! Hope you really enjoy this experience and that can become a helpful tool for a lot of people throw your hearts and minds! Love and Peace!

Hope so too for us both! Thank you

Congratulations! @gloglo & @surpassinggoogle
Great contest @stellabelle

Congratulations to each of the winners :) you guys are both amazing souls !

Thank you for seeing the soul part. Stay awesome!

Thank you for the kind words. Like @surpassinggoogle said, "thank you for seeing the soul part." lol.

This was so thoughtful and a wonderful oppertunity for them both . Big congrats and thank you to the ones that made this happen :)

Thank you for the kind words.

Yay! Congratulations @surpassinggoogle. This is a well deserved feat. You truly deserve it. You will be a great representative of the Filipino community on the upcoming steemfest.

Congrats @gloglo and thanks @stellabelle for putting up this competition, @aggroed for always supporting.

Hope to be there. Thank you for an amazing comment.

Much welcome. I hope you'd be able to make it.

Great jobs! Blessings to send you all forward!

Congratulations to the winners!! :)

Hello @stellabelle

I want to thank you for work in the Steemit Community.

I want to congratulate the winners @gloglo and @surpassinggoogle. They utterly deserve it, their passion for change is evident.


Awesome bro! Stay awesome!

Thank you for this wonderful comment, we really appreciate you all.

Wow! Congrats Dear Terry @surpassinggoogle! Sending love from me and Forde 😊

Thank sweetie. You and your husband can attend from Ireland and the baby too. It can kickstart your steemit journey

I'm happy for all the winners, @surpassinggoogle, you're the bomb. And at @gloglo, congratulations, I'll ensure that I drive you to the airport personally. Go girl!!!

Take care of that girl!

Thank you so much @illuminatus you all rock. lol

This was a nice thing you did stellabelle, I would like to thank you and all the participants, and the supporters of the contest. Everyone did put forth enormous effort, thought, time and half a dozen other things, to make this happen, you all did a fantastic job.

Congrats to both the winners, just wanted to say @surpassinggoogle really doing a great work for his Philippines people and for the steemit community and he deserves it.

Special comment and i am grateful. Thank you!

Am glad he is really work hard for the betterment of others. Thats the spirit, it can only grow. We will keep on supporting him and others who have the interest of people at heart.

I follow the project @surpassinggoogle with interest, I think, soon we will read fascinating stories about the Philippines.

Thank you a lot. Honoring

Congratulations @gloglo and @surpassinggoogle!

Looking forward to hearing about both of your experience when you go. I hope will be a few blogs sharing with the rest of the community about the adventure!

Hope so very much too!

Will definitely keep you all posted on all the experience. We are not going alone, we also intend to carry everyone along.

Congratulations to both @gloglo and surpassinggoogle...your videos are inspirational and you are a blessing to the steemit community. Thank you to @stellabelle for the competition and making the right choice. All the best as you all go to the steemfest :)

Thank you @stellabelle for awesomeness. For letting your human shine!

Thank you so much for the kind words. @stellabelle will continue to be a mentor to many. We all love what she is doing for the community. Much love and appreciation @stellabelle.

You continue to inspire me and SO many others with your actions daily, thank you!!

Congrats @surpassinggoogle stay awesome

I just want to tell you that what you've done here is such a beautiful thing @stellabelle, unbelievably generous. I'm not familiar with @gloglo, but since I unschool my children, the quote you chose as your favorite: "Children are the masters of their own dream and future and so should not be forced to be what they do not want to be." resonates deeply with me.

As for Terry, I adore that passionate, genuine man, and you've just given me one more reason to continue trying to make the trip happen for myself. But even if I don't go you have given those who do a great gift by including him. I'll never forget how much it affected me when you spoke about how deeply he touched you.

(Also I think it was yesterday or the day before that I read his fart trinklets quote in his post and commented about how it cracked me up, and that it further confirms that I have the sense of humor of a twelve year old boy lol!)

I have done very little actually. I was rewarded with lots of Steem daily when Steemit opened.....I am only redirecting extra Steem that I feel I didn't earn through my own work, buy merely through my timing of entering this platform. It's the redirection of energy, that is all.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

That's not little. There aren't many people who would act in honor like this. It's nice that you're humble about these actions, but I still applaud you for it.

I am with you @dreemit on @gloglo's quote about children. Those of us who live and breathe the unschooled journey resonate with such awareness. So grateful to feel such true empowerment here on Steemit.

Absolutely! I've never been prouder of a choice I've made then the one to keep my children out of the indoctrination station of the public fool system. Well mostly. My daughter was there until her first couple months of third grade, my son for two months of kindergarten. At which point they sent me a letter telling me they wanted to classify my son as adhd, and when I met with his teacher she insinuated medication was in order. It truly makes me ill that they do this to children, put them on controlled substances, amphetamines. And even if I were to believe in something like adhd, it would have been a horrible misdiagnosis for my son. In reality they only had ten minutes of recess per day and a thirty minute lunch period, with gym two to three days a week, it was a full day of school, and he was five. I'm more concerned about the kids that didn't have a problem with sitting at a desk for hours on end without much in the way of stretching their legs. Plus you would think the fact that I had gotten an exemption for vaccinations would have clued them in to me not being receptive to medication.

As a result I have two teenagers who are way ahead of the curve in everything, and the most physically healthy individuals I've ever known.

A very nice moment occurred the other night. I took my seventeen year old daughter to a bistro to watch my brother's show (he's a musician) and one of our friends started telling Zoe that she might not realize it now, but she's really lucky to have us as parents and that she should listen to our wisdom. Zoe replied, "Of course I know how lucky I am, and there isn't anyone I would trust more then them in regards to any subject. Ethan feels the same."
The friend who made the statement looked at me like I was supernatural, haha, and another friend chimed in "Wow, when I have children I know who to come to for advice."

It's simple. I was honored to be the vessel to bring these fantastic spirits into this realm, to be tasked with their care and guidance. But I don't own them, they belong to themselves. For instance when we stopped eating meat, my son chose to follow that path, my daughter did not. And that's entirely up to her. I personally find college an expensive form of further indoctrination, but should she decide to go, also up to her. I think corporations like Walmart are bad, but she will not find judgment from me if she should work there. I imagine you get the picture :)

Oh yes @dreemit, I knew we were kindred spirits from the beginning!!! There is nothing more important than holding space for a new generation of empowered, inspired, insightful, competent, capable, responsible, genius, honorable, free beings. Your story is just like mine and I'm so glad to have found you. Knowing there are others out there who honor the divinity in children helps me believe there is hope!!

I once told my unschooled daughter (who chose to go to and immerse herself fully in school and church from 7th-9th grades, and then unimmersed herself even more quickly) that unschoolers were going to change the world. She replied "Mom, it is you who is changing the world. You took your most precious beings, your children, and followed your heart. Even against the grain of society and everything you have believed to be true, you went out on a limb and gave us a chance." My kids are also exceptional human beings. To know the truth about their existence is truly a blessing.

It seems we have much to share. I'm indeed honored to know you. <3 <3 <3

Oh wow, that's just awesome! Your daughter's statement really hits home for me. I was brought up in a strict Christian house, my parents were both RN's and my dad was an administrator for the state, basically my life consisted of every form of indoctrination. Church doctrine was the most difficult one to get out from under, having been taught Jesus is the only ticket to heaven and all other roads lead to hell" from the time I could think. It might have been easier to break if my parents had been awful people, but they weren't. They just didn't know better or consider an alternative. I love them very much, and one major thing I will say for them is that they have learned to accept and support me despite our differences, because their love is genuine.

I thought that my kids might try the church route, since they are very close to their grandparents and I wouldn't have stopped them. They did go to a church youth group type thing for awhile with my parents friends grandchildren, but they would both come home shaking their heads at how narrow the viewpoint of 'these people' are, lol.

It gives me the same hope to hear your story! I couldn't have said it better, 'honoring their divinity and knowing the truth about their existence'. The fact that our results are so similar, with our children recognizing these things, is such a great added confirmation.
Also my kids' friends love being here. Every one of them is amazed in the beginning at the level of trust we extend Zoe and Ethan, how much freedom they have to make their own decisions, and especially how open and easy the communication is. "Question everything" is the motto of our household, and because of this and frequent discussions, every decision they make is never forced but always informed. I am also honored to know you, and would love to hear more :) xxxooo

Actually, if you don't know Linda ( @canadian-coconut) she is also on the same path with her kids. Steemit in general has introduced me to so many like-minded people, no matter the issues the platform may have I will always be grateful that I came here.

My son steered clear of the school and church route, and even the college route for many years. Now he has taken college to help ignite his new piloting passion, and has used it to his benefit, without going in debt or compromising his ideals.

My daughter got sooooo involved with church I just wanted to throw up everyday. At least 5 days a week she was doing something with the youthgroup, going on mission trips, Jesus camps, bible studies and lots of play dates. She got so immersed and came out of her own accord more empowered, aware and competent than anything I could have ever taught her. She has an incredible life of her choosing and is grateful everyday for her choice to be free.

I do know of @canadian-coconut. I don't seem to get around Steemit as much as I'd like. Keeping up with the Collaborative Art Journey, the @gardenofeden and my close peeps here, and joining in the community building initiatives has been rewarding enough. I'd like to spend more time with you both, however, so will make more of a point to reach out your way. I think I'll send you a message on SteemitChat to throw around a bit of possibility with you. So grateful for our connection! <3

That's actually great to hear about your son. I've been playing with the idea that since they have made it so difficult not to be a part of the system, as long as you're aware of what it is, you may as well as use certain aspects of it. Staying out of debt slavery is important, beyond that? I went as far as I could, threw out my driver's license (all of my documents) at one point even, but found that while I could get along perfectly fine without these things, it would be incredibly limiting for my kids. So I play the game when I absolutely have to, knowing that's what it is. And hoping one day enough people will recognize it, they'll stop being a part of a script someone else wrote and start writing their own :)

That church thing, it's very cult like isn't it? It's so strange to look back on it now and realize that's what I was a part of, particularly since they are the first to call anything outside of whatever doctrines they're subscribing to a cult. And I feel a kinship with your daughter, because once I broke free of it, empowered might not even be a strong enough word. Though this was something that had tentacles in every aspect of my life from infancy until my twenties. To be honest, when I initially forced myself to say, out loud, that I no longer believed, my world tilted on its axis. It was so critical to my foundation that I had to build a new one, fortunately I had something salvageable to start with, love, and then I realized that's all I needed it to be. Just not the love of some grey beard in the sky and his sinless son, but the love that comes from within.

I understand, keeping up with the connections I've already made here does make it difficult to branch out even more. I would love to hear your possibility! Big, big hugs to you my beautiful friend!

My son didn't go to college when all of his friends did. He waited until his mid-twenties to go when he actually decided for himself that it was a path that would benefit him. It's difficult to be a pilot without certification, though even that used to be the norm years and years back. Taking advantage of those parts we agree with could hold some great value, it is mostly a matter of opting out of those things we do not so we can create something new and more life-giving to all. I too hope that people will be brave enough one day to stand up and be heard--even listening to themselves would start the ball rolling!

My daughter had a big up on you as she was not indoctrinated from birth and her whole life only wrapped around it when she herself chose it to be. She wasn't immersed at home in that culture and we lived another perspective which always gave her a way out. I can't even imagine living the religious life--gratefully we all get to make our own choices at some point in life. Good for you for finding your way out, upgrading your perspective and opening to infinite possibilities.

Receiving those big, big hugs with great joy and sending them back to you a bazillion fold. So blessed are we! <3

A very Big Congratulations to both of you,great work you have did amazing to see :) Cheers !!

Congrats to @gloglo and @surpassinggoogle.

You both deserve this! :)

Congrats to the winners, really deserving. :)

It's hard to not be dissapointed at not winning haha but to be looking at this video's its easy to understand why. Well done @surpassinggoogle and @gloglo . I hope I can raise enough steem to meet you all and @stellabelle of course. Well done and keep up the good work. P.s my blog for this contest really made me analise how I can make a good scial change on here, thanks for that.

Let me be the 100th person to comment here. I felicitate with @gloglo and @surpassinggoogle for winning the tickets in the contest organized by @stellabelle, a veteran Steemian woman of honor. I am glad and extremely grateful to @stellabelle for giving these two the opportunity to attend and participate in steemfest 2 at Lisbon, Portugal at her expense. Besides, I would like to thank @aggroed for his support with 100 SBD in this regard. Once again, to the winners, accept my CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Kind regards,
@maryfavour & @redfishpillar

and i have been noticing your work! It's outstanding...I heard you're' giving away two trips to Nigerian event?

Thanks a lot for the commendation, @stellabelle. I really appreciate it. Yes, that's correct. I would be giving away two trips tickets to steemit in Nigeria (SIN) event. Meanwhile, I have something else in mind which I believe has great potential to turn the lives of many around for good, especially in Nigeria, in the health sector. I am working on the draft plan .

Congrats gloglo for the crown, I was also a participant. Enjoy your trip to Portugal.

Congratulations @gloglo! You deserve it :) Also I couldn't upvote your entry post, so I just upvoted one of your other posts to still show my support.

Once again, looking forward to see you there! :d

This is great..keep using the platform and your power to do great things! Thanks for sharing.

Top notch comment! On point.

This is to say a Big congratulations to @surpassinggoogle and @gloglo. You guys deserve it. Amazingly steemingly presentations. Felicidades amigos!!!.

Congratulations @surpassinggoogle and @gloglo. Thank you for setting an example to fellow Steemians.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Very nice opportunity and good idea to provide such a nice opportunity and congratulation to the winners @gloglo and @surpassinggoogle.
And well done @stellabelle for your great work

Congratulations @gloglo and @surpassinggoogle for the win. You both deserve it and I am happy @stellabelle created this contest to give two people an opportunity to be at Steemfest2. Make sure to have fun and learn.

Awesome!! A big congratulations to @gloglo and @surpassinggoogle!!! May this opportunity be fruitful and assist you in your goals towards the improvement of all that you may influence :):) Well done!!!

Great, full support... Great work! upvoted & resteemed =)


Congratulations to u guys..

What an awesome post with a truly divine inspiration for writing @stellabelle. I love how you pulled the true juicy goodness out through this challenge and how the Steemians rose to the occasion. Knowing you are making a tremendous difference here on Steemit is really divine. Thanks for all you do and congrats to the winners. Keep sharing the powerful content and for bringing the community together. You inspire me!

I'm super excited to meet both @gloglo and @surpassinggoogle at Steemfest. Oh what a glorious time awaits!!

Congratulations to @gloglo and @surpassinggoogle. You both deserve it. When @stellabelle sent me a link asking me to contest, I told her I wasn't fit enough to travel due to some health issues. I'm glad to see my own sister and a mentor winning this.

@stellabelle, you are a great source of inspiration and help to so many here. A big thanks to you for organizing this.

Congratulations @gloglo and @surpassinggoogle :)

Congratulations to both of u @gloglo @surpassinggoogle

What outstanding winners!! I am thrilled for them and I very much admire who they are!!

Thank you @Stellabelle for your generosity. This was a great way to generate positive momentum and I enjoyed being a part of it. Go SteemFest!

Congratulations to the winners

True leadership @stellabelle, setting an example to wake others up to the potential of giving.. congratulations @aggroed and @surpassinggoggle , I will be watching and supporting you all .. thanks for showing what it means to esteem and acknowledge future leaders.. future vision..

RESTEEMED! Congratulations and bravo @StellaBelle xoxo

Congratulations to you guys.

@surpassinggoogle i just had a chat with you on Facebook not quite long ago, Your hardwork is already paying off.

  • Keep up the good work and enjoy your stay in Portugal.


Wow, I am so happy for both parties, @surpassinggoogle is simply an amazing personality filled with love and @gloglo is a hardworking person who is just lively.
I am happy and proud to say that one of our S.I.N. member will be in Lisbon, that is a huge step for everyone.
Go and make us proud.

Well done! Congrats to @gloglo and @surpassinggoogle. Both have meaningful pursuits that can be expanded through Steemit!

Love the contest, @stellabelle and your cool graphics!
Enjoy Lisbon!

congrats winners. And even those that didn't win gratz on your exposure.

Thank you Aggroed!

A big congratulations to the winners. They were wonderful selections. Have a wonderful time everyone.

Congratulations both of you, being a part of this event and winning this competition is really something you both should be proud of!

Congratulations to @gloglo and @surpassinggoogle and thanks to @stellabelle for giving these amazing guys the opportunity.

Congratulations to the winners and all of the participants. Cheers to all of the supporters. My heart leaps, knowing so much positive action is happening in the world right now.

Your heart leaps aright!

Congrats to my Boy Terry @surpassinggoogle.
He deserved this trip.
He is an exceptional leader,he helps out with both team Philippines and also Team Africa.
He is a leader and inspirational figure to the youths and all communities he participates in.

We want you, to tap into the aspects of YOU, that involves creating dreams, building visions, playing a part in building other people's dreams, playing a part in history, all; while honing your skills and practicing your expertise.

Thanks @stellabelle for the contest.
I will have to participate in the next contest.

Thank you alot!

Congratulations @gloglo and @surpassinggoogle on winning the stellabelle and getting fully paid trips to steemfest. I bet both of you are so ecstatic and I would be if I were in your position.

There is no change I can make it to this years steemfest due to my financial situation as well as I have to teach when it is on but hopefully when I get some funds together I'll be able to come next year or maybe win a stellabelle contest ( I don't know how possible that will be as in a years time steemit will probably have millions of followers and @stellabelle will get thousands of views per posts haha)

It always warms my heart to hear how much steemit has helped someone in their life @surpassinggoogle and I hope this continues and you can completely revolutionise your life.


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Congratulation to @gloglo and @surpassinggoogle! Nice evening for everyone!

Wow. I'm really happy for @gloglo and @surpassinggoogle for winning this contest. They both are really amazing Steemians. I'm always happy whenever I see Nigerians doing great @gloglo you are a source of inspiration to every Nigerian lady. Thank you for representing us well. Your words on that video shows true commitment. I will also like to thank @stellabelle for this contest. You are indeed a blessing to the Steemit Community. Keep the good work going ma'am I am personally looking up to you.

Kosi wahala.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

😱😱😱 That's Yoruba @surpassinggoogle. You are really amazing. I never knew you can speak my native language.

Kosi wahala rara

I just want to pass in a lesson there. Ask gbenga, oluwoleolaide, maryfavor steev lucashunter ogoowinner ogochukwu etc

congratulations to @gloglo and @suppersinggoogle, they are both great and amazing people. Thanks to @stellabelle for the great innovative. I hope to grow in the foot step of great steemian and become a wonderful steemian too.

@stellabelle , you're simply an amazing person for sponsoring this, May God replenish your pocket a thousand folds, to @gloglo and @surpassinggoogle i wanna say a big congratulations, its not easy at all... 💃💃💃 i will be next in line, that i believe.

Congrats to the two of you @gloglo! and our boy Terry @surpassinggoogle! Keep it up! Aim high! 😉

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

WOW... 😀CONGRATULATIONS to 2 winners @surpassinggoogle and @gloglo u both deserve it :). enjoy the trip and keep safe..

@stellabelle, still think it's utterly awesome of you to do this-- to offer this to people.

THIS... is what's possible when you consider Steemit through the lens of perception that we have a "gift economy" here. It's no longer a contest of "who gets what," but a celebration of what we can all accomplish together.

My idealistic... but sometimes cynical and slightly jaded soul feels a little lifted today!

Wow....congratz my dear friend @surpassinggoogle

congratulation and keep it up


Congrats to all the winners :)

Congratulations @gloglo and @surpassinggoogle , best wishes!

Congratulations dear friend @stellabelle

Wow awesome post. Really i hope your post will be in hot list.Go ahead bro.

Great topic @stellabelle
Thanks for sharing

Congratulations @stellabelle!
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following category:

  • Comments - Ranked 6 with 102 comments

This post recieved an upvote from minnowpond. If you would like to recieve upvotes from minnowpond on all your posts, simply FOLLOW @xhafer Please consider upvoting this comment as this project is supported only by your upvotes!

both of you Congrats :)

congratulations @gloglo and @surpassinggoogle

wow i appreciate for this content you have done a great working find this content and wrote an article on it


Wonderful winners. Have an amazing trip both of you. Truly brilliant ambassadors for everything great about this platform.
Thank you for the wonderful initiative @stellabelle. Upped and resteemed

Fun loving,,,,,,,,
See you down the road 🇵🇭////////

Hi @stellebelle

I would be very grateful if you could take a read through a steemfest/charity blog I have completed today to show a potential plan of action over the past year.

I'm sorry for not entering your competition, but think you have found the cream of the crop in the winners!

Thanks very much for your time.

Asher @abh12345