Steemfest 2: Answering the Call from @abh12345 introduction and fest activities!

in steemfest2 •  7 years ago  (edited)

So @dayleeo just pointed me to this post below about writing a little bit of an introduction post and about plans we have at the steemfest 2 festival

it’s a perfect add-on to the post I wrote this morning about my adjustment to everything as I felt a bit deflated at not being one of the speakers, but it’s all good, it’s gonna be an overwhelming mix/swirl of awesome overwhelming creative projects — perfect for a creative energy vampire like myself! :)




why I’m going

it’s quite simple really, why would you not want to be around a bunch of similar creative styled people that enjoy the freedom that crypto currency and ‘getting paid’ for blogging brings. I’ve only been part of the community for eight month, but only really the last quarter in terms of connecting with people, my confidence was dented a little from feeling exploited in city life from the last three years so it took a while to ‘reconnect’ with social media platforms as I felt they were done after being on them for nearly a decade — steemit renewed that urgency to connect with tribes again, not because of the Monday but because the conversations seemed thought provoking and interesting.

I also had only joined a month before the last one and I remember reading as much as I could about the people going to steemfest 1 in Amsterdam, I was so jealous of these people having a great old time in the neatherlands and I really have been kicking myself ever since about not attending, nothing like being on the tip of that tsunami wave when something new forms, those people who went already have that ‘first mover’ advantage of seeing all of their friends from the first year — I hope this is will be the start of some new friendships for both myself and @dayleeo because let’s be honest we could all do with a few more friends and real life contacts in a world like we have today — let’s pool our resources and information! :)

what I do here already/want to do

I’ve got three main projects here on steemit that I’m currently working on and I’m gearing up to post decentralised videos and audio across our other accounts @teamvideo and @teamaudio just to keep things neat and tidy, I love the idea of moving away from these bigger platforms that have their heads up the asses of the marketing department selling crap to brands just for traction and spam factor — feels like we are in a social napster phase with steemit and I love that.


I’ve been waiting forever for the internet to have a really easy way to collaborate together, I thought youtube would have done it by now and I’m still waiting for it to happen. As someone that loves to make vlogs I felt that putting together a steemit video of multiple people, getting paid 1 steem per line might be a cool idea — I pulled together a bunch of people and people liked it. I’m onto video two and I’d love to do another one at steemfest if I manage to write out the words in time and if people are down with it, if not I’ll just make a video from the trip anyway :)


We are heading to 400k users and steemit could explode to over a million really quickly by the middle of next year and onwards after that, especially if SMT’s go really well but we need outreach, we need existing content creators to be here too so my amplify project is designed to do exactly that. I’ve made a skillshare and udemy course with 32 sections to onboard and help people with a 3hr+ course to cover the basics for a content creator mindset, i’m also setting up their steemit account so they can just jump in, 60 steam at a time, 10 content creators with each outreach, I hope to discuss and talk about it at steemfest to see if I can get help with sourcing more steem to do this.

This was something I wanted to talk about at steemfest 2 but I never got the opportunity. It’s probably for the best. It’s not ready, even down to the concept layout, it would be better if I had an MVP ready for the event, but I’ll still be discussing with people that are interested — while startups and ICO’s are the hot topic right now I feel that we are already leaving behind a bunch of people that are not even at the blogging/crypto level yet, we have years head start — leaving these people behind means they become a drain on society in terms of costs when really we should be bringing them up too, I’ve got a few ideas of how we can do that — right now it’s three applications that tie together.

Aside from these three main projects I just blog here about the things that happen in my day to day life, me and @dayleeo had been sending diary entries to each other for the last 68 days but she is now here with me in England and I just started THE 180, a countdown blog entries of everything we managed to get done in the next six month window — expect podcasts of that starting really soon once we can setup the audio the way we need.

I’m into brand advocacy having worked for digital agencies as an advocate over the last five years. i love digital money, being fairly digitally nomad, making media, working remotely on upwork, gaming, macs, discussing hacking behaviour, ethics, e-residency etc. just so much, bring up a topic and I’m sure we can have a discussion around it — I’m fairly open about things and if it’s something I don’t want to discuss because I simply don’t know about it I won’t ;)

what I’d like to get from steemfest

  • lots of smiles and hugs
  • connect with some ethical and sustainable developers
  • explain the concept of the ‘three applications’ I’d like to develop
  • interviews with people and how steemit changed their life so far
  • connect with other digital nomads or people already always on the move and how they deal with border/passport issues as a couple
  • I’d love to work together with other people on projects, if I can be of service or help out I’d love to be involved
  • a nice trip, a nice break, some time with @dayleeo — it’s our first holiday and trip away together so it’s kinda a big deal
  • people I already know on the platform I’d love to meet you all, even if just for a drink, talk about your life in your part of the world.

things I’d like to do there

  • lots of photo taking for
  • lots of video taking for
  • hang out with people over food, beer and wine
  • try and win at least one game of pool/snooker
  • eat one (or three) of those creamy and delicious cakes
  • make a bunch of cinemagraphs
  • have a bunch of lunch and dinners with some big thinkers
  • relax, like really. i’d like to just take it in that it exists at all! :)
  • no tourist stuff — I don’t need to stand next to any famous object.
  • find like minded people who think about the things I think about
  • connect with others considering a commuting lifestyle between countries
  • build stronger, person to person human bonds passed following and follower counts on a website — think like old school penpals
  • discuss the challenges that you have in your life, what you are doing to build around them or build infrastructure, how you are deploying that

words that come to mind when I think of outcomes

so instead of just consider this as types of people or topics of interest I think I just wanna put these words down and see what sticks, if these words bounce around you head then we might just straight hit it off..

  • digital nomad (you live a life on the move but digitally active daily)
  • compassion in the digital age
  • equality
  • balance
  • microfiancing
  • geolocated
  • ongrid but with an offgrid attitude
  • collective empowerment
  • remote hand holding and regular chats passed just ‘shows’
  • futurism - where you see things are heading
  • identity
  • audience development

phew.. .. ok that’s a lot, but I wanted to get that down and out there, I hope that helps shape a few conversations going forward towards the event, I’m sure I’ll add to this in the next week as well as I’m sure I’ve missed a bunch of stuff — basically I can’t wait to bathe in the energy of those creative minds, those people that get shit done, that don’t wait for the status quo. That are action minded, that can’t stop shaping things, creatively wanting change, not middlemen but people that tear down the gatekeepers and replace with fair and just ways of transacting in a digital society — because you are my people I want to spend time with.

TRUST AND AUTHENTICATION. . epic wins pinboard → i was a brand advocate for nokia, 1000heads, verisign → won a vloggie for involvement in node666 (san francisco 2006) → on television for time team history hunters 1999 (burton on trent) → sold to evan williams (twitter) in april 2011 for 5 figures → went to phil campbell, alabama to help repair/recovery/help raise money month after a tornado ripped through the town (was on sky news, bbc news, al jazeeza, nightly news, alabama weather channel?!) → CNN for sxsw 2013 about austin south by southwest event → video chat with robert scoble from rackspace → i was in a music video can you spot me? → won the digital derry contest for 5k euros to kickstart web tv studio → did project work with sleepydog indirectly for nesta (responder) → crowdfunded digital signage concept called the pi street (do it for steem?)

together we win

@teamhumble - all blogposts
@teamaudio - all decentralized audio
@teamvideo - all decentralized video
@nomadpictures - out on the road

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Ah, I so wish I could go! It sounds like it will be an amazing place to be, so many free thinkers and amazing topics to be thrown about! I can't wait to see all of the posts from the event. Maybe one day I will get there too!

i'll be doing my best to communicate the vibe from the place from all those places i put in the line above and below the graphic. yeah i had to really push to go, if it was not for the free ticket i don't think i would have made it -- i was SO lucky to have won that. i was stoked! -- will report back!

Yayaya!! Damn the excitement is really setting in. Not long now!