Tadahhhh, my first transaction with steem happened today. I booked my hotel room for the festival, a long time ago, when I saw the swimming pool on the rooftop of HF Fenix. I realized few days ago that the room has 2 big single beds so I could share the space with a lovely person.
I approached a friend of mine that according to his posts would be in Lisbon for the Hackathon to ask him about plans. It's the same person that I am thankful for writing here. So he received the ok from his work and lovely girlfriend and told me yesterday that we are good to share the room :)) So today I received my first 60 SBD as our part of the deal. I feel so rich and happy-go-lucky :))
My room is already booked and paid with fiat money, but I did aimed that if I will share it to do it with someone that can pay me in SBD. Like this my goal to buy my steemfest2 ticket only with SBD will be achieved :)) It's like a silly thing maybe but I want to pay my ticket with electronic steem money. It's childish I guess, because the reality is that I can afford to buy it anyday with fiat, but I wanted to prove myself that I would be able to buy it with steem. So my friend is helping my dream come true and I am steps away from my first Steemfest attendance.
Either way Lisbon is a magic place and I am sure I will meet some steemians on my way.
This is a picture with my future accomodation :))
See you all soon and virtual hugs meanwhile,