. .. within the hour of STEEMFEST 3 being announced we jumped straight on that hotel booking — yes, STEEMFESTS are THAT good.

in steemfest3 •  6 years ago  (edited)

Steemfest 3 just got announced and we just went ahead and booked the hotel to make sure it was all sorted — gives us something to head towards, one hundred and ten days from now, I’ve gotta get my backside over to america before that too but we will make it work somehow, we have a habit of hustling our faces off work wise and so this is a perfect fit to do the logistics now.

Literally, so excited, I was just doing that AIR CLAPPING that you do like a kid at christmas when you get to receive the big present, steemfest is not an event you miss if you are a steemian because there is so much value to get out of a get together with like minded people and to get to see face to face the people you interact with on the blockchain first hand.

very similar feeling to meeting everyone on the first night of checking in of the conference, everything is all glowing and electric and you can feel the collective hashing brain power chatting about how excited they are to have some level of control of their own DESTINY!

So POLAND eh, that was an interesting choice, super easy to get to for me, internal EU flight, one stop situation probably Amsterdam and then a little layout and meet @dayleeo there — it’s gonna be cheaper for me and at least she’s not travelling with six months of LIFE in her bag as well.

I have to laugh at myself because we have no flights yet, no tickets to the event, heck a schedule has not been done yet but that does not matter because the most important parts to this is that @roelandp and the @firepower collective are once again behind it — if that’s not a real world validation of a real world witness to a node in the analog universe of life I don’t know what is :)

Although we never made the first one, the second one was the moment that I needed to KEEP GOING with the steem blockchain — what do I mean by that?

well let me break it down a little bit because I think it’s important to really flesh out what I was looking for going to the second event and why I think it might help shape your decision for the the third one.

adjusting from social to social blockchains. ..

It took a huge leap of faith from me to get back into blogging — I’d given up after b2, nucleus, posterous, tumblr, wordpress, medium, yada yada, you know the situation, your talking to the universe, it gives you some feeling that your words are out there in the world, that you have managed to rinse and repeat that post it note fridge life you were living out into the greater world — blogging can be so many things — for me it was always escape and reference.

it ended up making me five figures with medium after like six years and two thousands blog posts but that’s another story for another time.

me and @dayleeo nearly never went, everything looked shaky for us to both go and it was really down to the last month before when we said we have to make this work, somehow we have to make it work, let’s hope the universe opens up and gives us enough funds and resources to make it happen.

We won an additional ticket which paid for one of our entries in and I’m still paying back some of the fees for the last one, but that’s ok because it’s not about the money really, it’s about putting a face on the intent of everyone that’s trying to shape their own decentralised future.

this is the mecca of the steem blockchain

On arriving to Portugal aside from the wonderful city and it’s history and ethos and outlook the conference/event was one of the best I’ve ever been too - from the logistics, the organisation, the venues, the food, drink, buses, locations, talks, people, everything ran smoothly (at least to us)

and we have @roelandp and his extensive @firepower collective to thank for that — they are some of the most savvy and focused event people you can have the pleasure of watching them work — they get SHIT DONE, it’s refreshing and empowers you to be around that energy.

If I had to break it down into bulletpoint instead of ranting on further in kiddy excitement I’d say it’s have to be the following.. .

  • meeting the different characters you read blogs off in person
  • the never ending seeming supply of double bock (Portugal beer)
  • the hotels were great and friendly and clean
  • the buses were always on time, short distances
  • every single steemian I met had a great journey story
  • up your education and knowledge on crypto
  • looking for people to build a team together with
  • validation about the steemit team or their strategies
  • get in on some of the best damn hangouts serving the best pierogi

if you go to one crypto event this year, even if your a new steemian, make it this one.

I have no doubt in my mind that it will happen again this year, you have one hundred days to hustle your face off to get there, Poland will be stunning, the exchange rate is about 3.7 slotz(sic,lol) to $1 and it’s easy to get from the airport to the middle of the city — airbnb’s are reasonably priced and the hotel looks perfect for the price, use the steemfest promo code to get a good deal, I’m expecting the hotel to be booked up pretty darn quickly.

i’ll be putting together some useful information in the next few weeks about SIM cards, trams, connections and all that good stuff — we already started making a board with collaborative type times and dates so the mission has already begun.

https://steemfest.com (get ya hotel booked already!!!)

Are you going?
Any doubts?


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I'm very tempted to go to this. SF2 was such great fun and I met so many cool people. I will see if it's viable for me

i hope you make it! come on you know it's gonna be a great time again! :)

I just hope there's no change of plans or anything regarding the event. If everything is cool and I manage to get back into contract work, I will be attending this one too.

fantastic. see ya there! :)