Bitcoin is falling, experts believe that it is overrated

in steemfolio •  8 years ago 

Sales shock market scriptvalium. Bitcoin (Bitcoin) started the week with declines, falling to $2430. According to experts, to identify the cause is difficult: one of them is called the uncertainty around SegWit - new software of the Bitcoin network, which is intended to help you to solve a number of problems, first and foremost, zoom currency.

As other causes may be a reaction to the fall of the other kripaluji - Ethereum (ether), which fell 96% from $296 to $0.10 as a result of technical problems (the currency erased losses).

With the beginning of the year bitcoin grew by 200%, but it continues to be subjected to harsh criticism. Recently, billionaire mark Cuban said: "I think it's a bubble. I just don't know when and how much it will be corrected. But when all bragging about how easily they manage to make money is a bubble".

Goldman Sachs analysts also claim that bitcoin is "overvalued" and may fall to $1915.

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More like Ethereum's ICOs are overrated. Bitcoins are just growing pains.

I read Microsoft Intel and JP Morgan where investing in Ethereum..
Not sure if this is good or bad lol

"experts believe" you say ... Hmmm what experts .... Bitcion is here to stay and will continue to out preform all debt based currencies as long as they don't make it a crime to have it.Short of that its safer than holding say Venezuelans currency lmao
If you want overrated ... that would be any government produced currency at the moment lol and they are all falling to the same as the Venezuelans at some point.

BTC is topper.Do not underestimate topper