So last night I been thinking about the next big move, You know that move that involves risks but still gives you a good gut feeling.
Well I been putting together a plan and I think some of you Steemians will like this but I been thinking about putting all of my Hashflare earnings into Steemit and I truly believe that Steemit will blow up once more and more people get involved! So I have two Hashflare accounts and I will get into why I have two accounts in just a bit.
Hashflare 1:
In this account im more focused on Scrypt Mining because is way more profitable than sha-256 and you will get your return of investment in six months and since Scrypt Mining Contact is Lifetime then everything after six months is pure profit.
Hashflare 2:
Now in my second account as you will is more focused on Sha-256 now you may wonder why dont you have it running in one account, Well both Sha-256 and Scrypt Mining contracts are lifetime contracts and Hashflare does give you the option to Auto Reinvest! That mean you can upgrade you hash power both at the same time! That way when 2019 Litecoin Halve and 2020 Bitcoin Halve happens you'll be ready :)
So because I have a good gut feeling about Steem where is going I think I will put all of my profit into Steemit.
Don't forget to use your first Hashflare account referral code to add the profit from the second Hashflare and automatically credited to you first account.
P.s. There's is a small 0.0006 BTC withdraw fee