[STEEMGIG] PREPPERS Identifier Badge - Customized FOR YOU! 😎steemCreated with Sketch.

in steemgigs β€’Β  8 years agoΒ  (edited)

The PREPPERS Badge is complete!! Let's bring the Preppers of Steemit community together with this identifier badge! If you would like one customized with our name. I'll create one customized for you for $1 Steem Dollar 😎

Your skills are amazing, let's show 'em off! Thank you for being who you are to prep like you do!

Notice I have multiple badges. We can show off our passions with badges like flair!


The preppers badge was just added to the post that shows all the available badges.

My 5 Most Recent Posts

*for your upvoting pleasure*

ImageTitle Link
daddykirbs blogDecorate Your Post With Pride! - Use Badges To Help Identify You Community
daddykirbs blogSelf Service Touch Screen Kiosks - Servicing the Army Medical Industry!
daddykirbs blogIntroducing The Liam and Lily Show!
daddykirbs blogHow To Make A Worm Bin Using Rabbit Manure - Monday Meetups with Better Together Life [ πŸ”΄ My Video Inside ]
daddykirbs blogBeekeeping - Five Hives Alive, One Not - Did One Swarm? [ πŸ”΄ My Video Inside ]


If you want a badge (Homesteading, Gardening, Beekeepers, Woodworkers, Dads, Moms, Food Preservers) please submit $1SBD to @daddykirbs with a memo stating what it is for :)

Thank you for sharing this time with me!

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Thank you @arkadiy for joining the Preppers community with this badge!


If anyone would like a badge (Homesteading, Gardening, Beekeepers, Woodworkers, Dads, Moms, Food Preservers, Preppers) please submit $1SBD to @daddykirbs with a memo stating what it is for :)

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

This is awesome. I have sent $1 SBD for @Preppers. I am also upvoting, resteeming, and inviting others to get this badge. We aren't just a random person who's using this username. Our websites include Preppers.org, AmericanPreppersNetwork.com and others. We have been very active in the prepping community since long before anyone knew what a prepper was. Back in 2009 a group of us worked together to put the word preppers into the mainstream. We were one of the 4 original sites on google with the namesake "preppers". That was back when google blogger was brand new and people still only used the terms survivalist or homesteader. We saw the need to have an encompassing term to include anyone into homesteading, survival, or preparedness. That's when we stumbled across the word preppers. We used that as an opportunity to bring the mainstream on board with a fresh understanding of survivalism. I'll post more about this on an introductory post, but my research dates the term "Preppers" originating back during Y2k on old bulletin boards. Then it was later kicked around a bit on James Rawles Survivalblog.com. The very first "Preppers Network" was http://texaspreppersnetwork.blogspot.com (which unfortunately hasn't posted since 2014), That was started by Riverwalker who helped us with our project. We were featured in the first major news article on preppers in Newsweek, we have helped promote many of the expos, and have done casting calls for most of the reality shows. Now we have recently found steemit and hoping we can help the movement here as well. This account is primarily for resteeming and upvoting posts for people in the homesteading and prepping community. So we are here to help anyone who considers themselves a prepper however we can. We'll be looking for this badge and recommending others get it as well. @AmericanPreppers will also be resteeming and upvoting posts as well as sharing articles on Facebook and an e-newsletter to bring more people to the steemit community.

Thank you @preppers for being a leader in the Preppers community. Thank you for supporting the Steemit Preppers community with this badge!


If anyone would like a badge (Homesteading, Gardening, Beekeepers, Woodworkers, Dads, Moms, Food Preservers, Preppers) please submit $1SBD to @daddykirbs with a memo stating what it is for :)

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

Whatever we can do to help, let us know. We've been curating posts for years on other formats, so we see that as our calling here as well. We'll focus our efforts on steem power so we can give those good upvotes to the preppers community. I'd like to see Preppers and Homesteading tags in the trending column on the steemit.com home page. I think if we all work together we can make that happen.

Having you and others point steemit preppers to this post to get their badge is a good way to bring continuity. Someday I even hope to offer real life embroidered badges so they can be worn to community gatherings :)

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

I'll do that, I'll link my badge to this post so that more people will get the badge. I won't be doing very many posts from this account though. I'll be doing mostly resteems and upvotes. But we do have several bloggers that we are sending over to steemit.

Do you comment often? You could toss that badge with a link in your comments on other posts. It's an idea.

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

Yes, I comment every post that I resteem. Good idea. Thanks!

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

How do you include an image in a comment?

Same as a post. In this case too can save the code then just paste it in everytime... or just right click on the image and chose copy image, then paste. I think that will work for you.

I appreciate that. Bring this community together here on steemit is exciting. I'm happy to have my badge art as part of that process!


I know there are a lot more Preppers on here! I just grabbed a few of you. Share this with your prepping friends here on steemit. Build recognition for the community!

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ (edited)

This is awesome! Transferred 1 SBD and resteemed! Thanks a million.

Thank you so much! I hope you noticed that I posted your badge in a comment on one of your latest posts!

I sure did! It looks fantastic! I right-clicked and saved it. I also added it to the bottom of my most recent post. Thanks again @daddykirbs You rock!

How do I get one?
I Resteemed πŸ‘πŸ»

transfer $1 SBD to @daddykirbs with a memo about which badge you want and I'll post it in one of your comments. Thanks!

Ok great! I'm transferring now!

Check the comments of your posts. I like to post the badges there because it seems that people are more likely to see them arrive. Thank you!!

You are welcome πŸ˜‰

I sent you the 01.00 sbd. ;)

did you see my comment on your post with the badge image? @oilyshumblehome

I guess not. I will look

I can't find it. Grrr!

Love it! Thanks so much!

Oh LOL... so glad you found it!

Me too! I love it!

Shared in all the places.

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

I've followed them all. Thanks for the list!

You are so very welcome. I just grabbed a small slice of the preppers here on Steemit. I would love for you to add to the list here as you find them. Thank you! (I look forward to making your badge as well ;) )

I wish notifications worked! Im just seeing this post today arrrrgh!

Better late than never ;)

Keep up the good work, I love these and regularly use my dads one :)

Thank you! They have been a fun way to encourage community bonding here on steemit.

I LOVE IT! YAY!!!!!!

I thought you might :) Thanks!


Looks frikking awesome man! Just need one steem dollar to get mine >.<

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

I've been involved in preparedness for many years now. I am glad to have connected with you!

Thank you. This community is wonderful!

I have upvoted and resteemed this. I would like to get a badge for @TomTrademore I'm not sure how to convert Steem into SBD.

It's unclear to me how to convert STEEM to SBD too. Maybe someone can point us to a good article explaining that. Thank you for sharing!

Upvoting and Resteeming. I will order mine soon. Thank you for this.

Thank you! I look forward to adding your badge to the collection :)

I sent 1 SBD for my badge, looking forward to using it. Thanks man.

Thank you!! Check the comments on your latest post :)

sent you my dollar!!!!

Thank you @theoklaprepper for joining the Preppers community with this badge!


If anyone would like a badge (Homesteading, Gardening, Beekeepers, Woodworkers, Dads, Moms, Food Preservers, Preppers) please submit $1SBD to @daddykirbs with a memo stating what it is for :)

Not bad for 5 minutes of work! Kuddos @daddykirbs for creating badges!

That file was started a month ago! LOL

If I did not pick on you everyone would think I was on my death bed!

Haha. I can take it.