Indian religion Hindu religion Main article: Hindu episcopal One of the Hindu scriptures, the Bhagavad Gita, has been told in detail about the hereafter. Here Krishna says that as people leave their old clothes and wear new clothes, the soul also abandons its old body and takes a new body. Hinduism is believed to be, the body is like a crater, its inner soul is unchanging and indestructible, and this soul holds a different body in the cycle of birth and death. The end of this cycle is called liberation or moksha, where this soul mixes with God.
Garuda Purana also mentions what happened to the person after the death. It is said here that when the time of the death of the person came, then the god of death sent his followers to bring his soul from the body of the person. Writing of all the good and evil deeds of that person, Written by fellow colleague Chitagupta wrote. According to the Garuda Purana, after leaving the body of the soul, a long and dark tunnel crosses south. That is why an oil lamp is kept burning on the body of a potter so that the tunnel gets illuminated and the soul of the deceased person can be easily comfortable.
Depending on the actions of the previous generations, the soul will be born with the body after birth. If someone sins in the past, then he will be reborn in the next generation of animals or any other lower class of life, if he does good, then in the next birth, he will be born as a good family and enjoy a happy life. During these two births, a man enjoys punishment for hell for his evil actions and enjoys peace in heaven for good works. When the period of the person's punishment or rewards ends, he is sent back to the world, which is called "death alley". In this way, through repeated births, a person revolves around a cycle of life, from which only he can be liberated through salvation.
The ultimate objective of the Hindus is to attain liberation which is possible according to the Veda according to knowledge and Bhagavat Gita, through work and devotion. Knowledge is referred to in the Upanisad and in the Sanyasa ji, mentioned in the connection, to meditation through the meditation. According to knowledge, everything in the world is considered as delusion or illusion and here Brahma or God is considered to be the only true thing. According to the work, leaving the expectation of karma and leaving behind the fact that it is not the work master, it is called karma. Devotion means to surrender to God and to always think about God. It is possible to attain salvation through these three ways, that is, union with the soul is possible with God. Note that according to Vedanta philosophy named Vaishnavatabad, it is not possible to reconcile with God only through knowledge and work without devotion. Somewhere in Hinduism, this salvation is described as a state of excitement, somewhere described as a condition of embarrassment, and nowhere else it has been described as a state of emotions-free from sorrow to joy. According to the Bhagavad Gita, the soul never dies, only the body is dead, which is the body of five elements - the clay (soil), the other (water), the spark (fire), the desert (wind), the sum of the wind (sky). These five elements are called panchitra. None of these five elements can affect the soul or any harm to the soul. Various types of heaven and hell are described in the Garuda Purana. It is proper that any heaven or hell will be based on the earth's debt.
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Hindus believe in "action". Action is the sum of good and evil deeds of a person By doing good deeds refers to evil deeds by good works and misery. According to Hinduism, the main concept of action is "as action, as much fruit". So, if a person lives a righteous life, he will be rewarded in the Hereafter. If you live a bad life, then the evil will be reflected in later life. Award for good deeds and bad fruits in the alliance, and there is no trial here. A person collects actions by his actions and even thoughts in his lifetime. According to Bhagavad Gita, Arjuna was reluctant to kill his relatives in the battle of Kurukshetra. Then God Krishna said to Arjuna, "Do you believe that you are the master of this work, or you are merely a weapon in my hand, do you think that these people in front of you are alive?" Arjun, they are already potatoes. It is your duty to protect you. If you escape from this responsibility, then you will not follow the principle of religion. "
There are various opinions of pastors about the next life. In a series of continuous reports I hope to present the details of the next life as well as today, hopefully we can get a beautiful idea about the next life, and all the good health and good luck.
Believe in Yourself by **@eliashossain*
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