SKYFALL 007: MOVIE REVIEW olusolaemmanuel 11 minutes ago

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In Istanbul at the start of the movie, Daniel Craig's James Bond discovers fellow MI6 agent Ronson badly injured and a nearby laptop's hard drive gone, its contents unknown. With the aid of MI6 agent Eve (Naomie Harris), Bond pursues the antagonist, a hitman by the name of Patrice (Ola Rapace), across the tiled roofs of the Istanbul Grand Bazaar in a car, then on a motorbike, and eventually into a train. While attempting to climb atop Patrice's vehicle, Bond is wounded in the shoulder by Patrice. The two then start fighting hand-to-hand on top of the rolling train, while Eve has taken position farther up the line and is ready with a rifle, to eliminate Patrice. Eve is unable to get a clear image because Bond and Patrice are still tussling with one another. Eve follows the directive from M (Judi Dench) to take the shot. Bond is struck and appears to be dead as he falls into the river below.

The obituary for Bond is being written by M a few months later. The chairman of the Intelligence and Security Committee, Gareth Mallory (Ralph Fiennes), summons her to a meeting the following day. Mallory discloses that every covert NATO agent who has been implanted with terrorist groups around the world is listed on the missing hard disk. Mallory believes that M should retire or, better yet, be made to retire with full honors as a result of her bad handling of the circumstance. She declines and returns to her job. Bill Tanner, M's assistant, finds that MI6's database is being remotely hacked from M's computer as they travel there, according to Rory Kinnear. They rush back to MI6 headquarters but are stopped by police who have set up a roadblock in front of it. As M is A huge explosion tear through a portion of the building, killing numerous employees as they were preparing to protest to the police officers.

Bond is still alive and well in a tropical paradise, with nights filled with drink and women. He pretended to die and is now simply avoiding detection. When he sees a CNN news report on the attack on MI6, he chooses to end his vacation early.

Bond confronts M at her home when he gets back to London, and she informs him that he has been pronounced dead and that his possessions have been stored. He requests to reenlist, and M approves but explains that he will need to pass the exams to become a field agent once more. Bond is brought to MI6's new underground bunker where his examination starts.

Bond is in horrible physical condition. He also has a hard time relearning how to shoot. He painfully takes away Patrice shot him, leaving some shrapnel in his shoulder, and he sends it off for testing.

Bond is summoned to M's office where he runs across Eve, who has been demoted from field duty and is now aiding Mallory in assuming M's duties. Bond is amazed that a white china bulldog with a Union Jack flag painted on its back, one of M's less appealing desk ornaments, survived the explosion in M's office. M informs Bond that he just passed his reassessment and is now free to return to work as usual. When Bond initially meets Mallory, Mallory warns him not to "cock it up" in regard to his new mission.

Only a small number of operations worldwide employ a particular form of depleted uranium, according to a study of the shrapnel from Bond's shoulder. Bond recognizes Patrice when three people using this type of ammo are seen in photographs. Tanner observes that Patrice has no other known identities or aliases and is a skilled hitman who is also a ghost. Patrice will be in Shanghai in two days, maybe for another job, according to information from the CIA. M gives Bond the go-ahead to visit Shanghai to locate Patrice, question him over the list, and eventually execute him as payback for Ronson's murder. Tanner asks about Bond's return to the field after Bond has left, claiming he was unaware that Bond had completed his examination. Tanner is informed by M that Bond failed.

Before it, she directs Bond to the new Quartermaster, or "Q," at an art museum (Ben Whishaw). Q is a young man who provides Bond with a radio locator and a brand-new Walther PPK equipped with a hand-print sensor, allowing only Bond to use the firearm.

From the time Patrice lands at the airport to the time Bond gets to Shanghai, he follows Patrice. Patrice rides in a taxi to a downtown tower. Patrice fires a silenced pistol at the on-duty security guard while Bond watches from his car, then enters the elevator. Bond enters after him and climbs aboard by holding onto a bar at the bottom of the elevator cab. Patrice enters a server room when he gets to his floor, closely followed by Bond. He moves over to a window, puts a sniper's rifle together, and punches a circle in the glass. Through the gap, Patrice directs his rifle toward an old Chinese businessman having a meeting with an unknown woman in a structure across the street. Patrice shoots his gun, shooting the man in the back of the head, as two bodyguards peel back a sheet to display a priceless Amedeo Modigliani painting to the businessman.

that life." Bond manages to board Sévérine's yacht and follows her while she takes a shower.

Some of the undercover officers who were mentioned in the YouTube video have been killed back in London, and news of their demise has been circulated online. Mallory informs M that the inquiry has been summoned by the prime minister. Mallory insists that MI6 be held accountable to the individuals they are safeguarding and that there should be no more hiding places in the shadows, despite M's reluctance. M responds by saying that the individual pursuing them is from the same background as Bond—the shadows.

Bond and Sévérine's yacht is nearing an island full of abandoned structures the following morning. Bond turns on Q's tiny radio gadget before meeting with his host. The other members of the boat's crew round Sévérine when she advises that they turn around. Their hands are shackled while Bond and Sévérine are held hostage. Sévérine tells that her company employed a computer to trick everyone who used to reside there into fleeing over night by making them believe the chemical facility had a leak as they move through the desolate streets. At that time, the henchmen separate Bond and Sévérine and take them in separate directions.

Bond is taken to a room loaded with PC servers where he is attached to a seat. As he plunks down, a lift drops from above at the opposite finish of the room. The entryways open, and off advances Raoul Silva (Javier Bardem). Silva uncovers that he is a previous MI6 specialist whom M sold out by passing on him to be detained and tormented because of the foe; M evidently surrendered him since she felt his strategies were excessively hazardous. Silva likewise uncovers that M has sent Bond out on a mission in spite of the way that Bond flopped his tests, appear shaking Bond's all's trust of her.

Bond and Silva then exit to a courtyard where a bound and battered Sévérine is waiting. Silva tells Sévérine to stand up straight and places a little shot glass of whisky on her head before challenging Bond to shoot the glass off. Silva shoots her in the forehead right away after Bond's shaky shooting hand misses (perhaps on purpose). Silva's soldiers are abruptly defeated and killed by Bond, while Silva is left unharmed. Silva is perplexed by Bond's desire to send him back to M alone. The radio transmitter that Q provided Bond enables him to discover that he is not alone. Helicopters from MI6 fly over the island just on schedule.

Silva is now housed in a luxurious isolation cell at MI6's basement headquarters. When M confronts Silva about his attacks, he queries her as to why she left him, demonstrating how his hydrogen cyanide capsule left his face deformed and required him to wear a prosthetic. It also ruined much of his upper jaw, several of his teeth, and his left cheekbone. M responds to Silva's reprimand by threatening to have his name removed from the MI6 memorial wall. M exits, apparently worried, after discovering she and the MP must attend a public hearing. She orders Bond and Q to search Silva's laptop for any evidence as she leaves. Bond is also informed by her that Silva is actually Tiago Rodriguez and that, before to the protectorate's transfer to China in 1997, he was one of MI6's best agents operating out of Hong Kong. In exchange for many agents they were holding as captives and the peaceful handover of Hong Kong in 1997, M turned him over to the Chinese government when he started acting outside of MI6's jurisdiction.

Q tries to connect Silva's computer to the MI6 network while Bond watches. Silva has failsafe systems, which only roughly six persons in the entire world are capable of developing, he observes. They succeed in decrypting the files eventually. Silva's files use obfuscated code, according to Q, to hide their genuine intent.

Silva boldly gets up in his cell, stretches, and zips his shirt. He is asked by a security if he has somewhere to go.

M and Tanner are currently in a courtroom under the direction of MP Claire Dowar. M is closely examined and criticized by the inquiry board for failing to handle the security breaches properly and for the deaths of her operatives.

Silva is employing a polymorphic engine to keep his computer coded, and Q discovers this in his lab. Bond notes that two words are formed from some of the decoder's letters: Bond remembers that the abandoned Metro station at Granborough Road is on the Metropolitan line. The coding on the huge screen morphs into a map of underground London using the name Granborough as a key.

To Q's surprise, the glass trap doors in the floor suddenly swing open. Silva has once more hacked them, Bond realizes. Then the phrase "System Security Breach," a skull, and the phrase "NOT SUCH A CLEVER BOY" appear on the monitor. Quickly unplugging the computer, Q attempts to stop the viral upload.

Bond rushes through the MI6 headquarters to Silva's cell, but it's too late: Silva has already murdered both of his guards and disappeared. Bond observes Silva sneaking into the tunnels and discovers that a maintenance hatch on the floor has been removed. Bond descends a staircase. He notices Silva descending a different set of stairs further down the tunnel. Bond descends the steps, pulls his gun, and enters a service door to enter a tunnel of the London Underground.

Silva has obviously spent years planning his move, blowing out the usual headquarters knowing that MI6 would move down here and aware of every emergency protocol, Q informs Bond via his headpiece as he continues to travel down the track. Bond gives back that He is anxious about what will take place next: Silva pursues M directly. When he reaches the following service door, he discovers that it is stuck. Particularly when he hears an approaching train, he becomes anxious. Bond tries unsuccessfully to push the door open. Finally, he shoots the lock, narrowly escaping the train by diving into the service tunnel.

Silva descends a staircase at Temple tube station in the meantime. Two of his goons who are posing as police officers come up to him and give Silva a package as they pass. Bond enters the tube station through another maintenance door, blending in with a large mass of commuters. The station is approached by a train. Bond asks Q to check the video feeds for Silva as people start getting on and off the train so he can decide whether to board or not. Due to the enormity of the audience, Q is unsure. Being only one, he is unable to view all the streams at once, thus he misses Silva getting on the train while pretending to be a police officer. The doors shut and just as Q notices Silva on board, the train pulls away from the station. Bond chases the departing train and, just in time, manages to board the final car. Bond is "eager to get home," a bystander notes.

Bond convinces the operator to open the door and let him inside by posing as a representative of Health and Safety. Silva is the object of Bond's search as he moves through each railway car. Silva is moving one step ahead of Bond towards the front of the train after detecting that Bond has boarded. Bond notes that Westminster is the next stop and that Silva is moving toward M.

M's inquiry hearing is proceeding as one could anticipate in the meanwhile. When Tanner learns that Silva has fled from Q, there is a brief interruption. M ignores his attempts to warn him and acts like a coward.

Silva and Bond leave the first car as soon as the train arrives in Westminster second vehicle Walking after him across the busy tube station, Bond. He slides down an escalator banister and briefly loses sight of Silva. Silva grins as he blends in with some other police officers who are on patrol at the station and avoids being seen. Bond then follows Silva through an unmarked door into a different passageway.

Mallory notices that the session is starting to resemble a kangaroo court and stops MP Dowar for speaking for too long.

Bond pursues Silva into a vast chamber after following him down a dimly lighted hallway. Bond quickens his step when he notices Silva's shadow on the other side of the room. Silva is climbing a ladder to escape when the man catches up to him. He fires his gun numerous times, missing each time. Silva appears irritated that Bond ignored him. Bond issues a warning that his subsequent shots won't be missed. Silva responds in kind by demonstrating the newest item in his "toy store" to Bond: a radio. He pushes a button, detonating an explosive charge that partially collapses the ceiling. Bond queries if it was

intended for him. Silva chuckles and says "No! However, it is." A locomotive suddenly bursts through the recently bombed hole at that same moment. Silva flees as Bond dives for shelter.

In order to reach the surface, Silva moves. His henchmen's police car pulls up as he leaves the station. Silva gets in, and the car starts to go.

At the inquiry hearing, M has the opportunity to speak as Silva walks near the tribunal. She discusses the inquiries made to her regarding the continued relevance of MI6's -00 agents. She claims that she sees a different world from them and that she recognizes a terrifying truth: they are no longer aware of their adversaries. They are not nations, they don't show up on the map, they are just people. What do you fear? she proposes the other guests in the room inquire after taking a look around.

Silva and his two companions arrive at the courthouse in the meantime. Without missing a beat, the henchmen draw their weapons and open fire on the security checkpoint's guards. At the same time, Bond appears as the actual cops and firefighters leave Westminster tube station. He launches himself into a sprint in the direction of the courthouse.

M concludes by saying that some of the poems her late husband recited to her struck a chord because he loved poetry so much. She paraphrases Tennyson: "We no longer possess the power that once moved the earth and the heavens. We are that which we are. Equally brave people with strong wills yet weakened by time and fate. should work hard, look for, find, and not give up."

The courtroom's back doors suddenly blow open as M finishes speaking, and Silva and his men enter with their guns drawn. Silva shoots a spectator seated at M's table as others begin to stand and scramble and Mallory leaps over the table. by the police

When the security guards try to draw their weapons, Silva's men either shoot them dead or force them to seek cover. The board members and onlookers run for cover, allowing Silva to hit M cleanly. The two hold a long, intense gaze as he points his weapon at M. Mallory and shoves Silva to the ground as she prepares to shoot M. Mallory receives a left shoulder wound from Silva's bullet as he shoots.

Silva and his men engage officers stationed on the sides of the tribunal building in gunfire as Bond approaches the building housing the tribunal. He enters the structure with his gun drawn, kicking open the courtroom's side door just as a police stationed there is shot to death. Bond reaches for his gun Silva dives behind a bench and fires back after the assailant fires several shots at him. Bond notices the officer's gun on the ground. Eve receives the ball and rushes forward to fire several suppressive rounds at Silva. When Bond instantly breaks cover, another cop stationed in the doorway opposite him is shot dead by Silva. Silva then picks back up shooting at Bond. When one of Silva's two men opens fire, Mallory sees an opening and emerges from cover to grab the second officer's gun. After a brief exchange, Mallory takes cover in the door's arch and starts firing. The henchman receives additional gunshot wounds before dying. The other henchman dies during this exchange at some point.

From Mallory, Bond's attention shifts to a pair of fire extinguishers. He fires at them both while setting up a smokescreen in an effort to push Silva aside. Bond attempts to shoot into the smog but misses. Silva responds by firing two bullets. After killing a bystander who had broken cover, he goes outside to his getaway vehicle, which leaves just as Bond does.

Tanner rushes M to a waiting car through a different door. Before Tanner can enter, it takes off as M's door closes. The automobile is being driven by Bond. Bond calls Q as they leave the site and instructs him to leave Silva a fake trail to follow in an effort to bring him out of hiding. That evening,

They switch vehicles to avoid being readily traced; Bond drives his vintage Aston Martin DB5, which still has all of its protection mechanisms in place. Any official vehicle used by M and MI6 will be too easily trackable, according to Bond's rationale.

Tanner and Q start constructing an unauthorized path for Silva to follow. While they are at work, Mallory, who is currently sporting a sling due to the bullet wound caused by Silva, surprised them. They are about to offer an explanation, but he guesses what they are doing and instructs them to continue.

Bond and M visit the Bond family mansion, "Skyfall," in Scotland. The estate gamekeeper Kincade (Albert Finney), who is armed with a shotgun, meets them there and offers to help them take down Silva and his men. The three improvise a number of booby-traps about the house in anticipation of Silva's anticipated attack because the family's arsenal of rifles was auctioned off months ago. When Bond was a young child, his parents passed away, and James hid in the tunnel connecting the house and the chapel on the moors, Kincade explains to M. On top of that, Kincade gives Bond his father's hunting rifle since he couldn't bear to see it go up for sale.

The booby traps, machine guns on the DB5, and other obstacles stop the initial wave of Silva's soldiers in their tracks, Kincade, and Bond. M, however, takes a bullet to the abdomen. Silva himself and the second wave arrive via helicopter. While he repels the attack, Bond tells Kincade and M to flee through the tunnel. Silva throws grenades into the house and engages Bond with heavy machine gun fire from the helicopter, pinning him down. Bond improvises by using dynamite to detonate two gas canisters. All save Silva and two of his men are killed in the ensuing explosion, which also completely destroys the helicopter and most of the home. Kincade and M's tunnel is the one that Bond uses to flee. Silva begins to pursue Kincade after spotting his torch (flashlight) in the distance. Bond is stopped short by an obstacle as he attempts to cross a frozen pond.

Silva with two of his goons. The first henchman is dispatched by Bond, and the second is killed by suffocating under the ice. When he arrives at the chapel, Silva had begged M to shoot them both to put an end to their suffering. He is killed by Bond throwing a knife into his back, but M dies from her gunshot wound, leaving Bond inconsolable.

When Bond returns to London, Eve discovers him gazing at the skyline from a rooftop. She delivers him a tiny box and informs him that Bond received something from M after her will was read that morning. He smiles as he opens it to reveal the white china bulldog and Union Jack tucked under tissue paper. Eve informs him

she's turned down fieldwork and accepted a desk job and her last name is "Moneypenny." Beyond Eve's desk, Bond enters a roomy office through a tufted leather door. Mallory, the new M, presents Bond with an assignment folder and asks whether he's prepared to go back to work. Sir, with pleasure," Bond responds.

The movie ends with a brand-new scenario involving a pistol barrel, a 50th-anniversary emblem, and the line "James Bond will return."

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