Basic Mining Instructions - Ubuntu 15

in steemhelp •  9 years ago  (edited)

sudo apt-get install build-essential libtool autotools-dev autoconf pkg-config libssl-dev libboost-all-dev automake libdb++-dev libssl-dev git cmake
git clone

cd steem
git submodule update --init --recursive
cmake .

cd steem/programs/steemd
./steemd --miner=["accountname","${WIFPRIVATEKEY}"] --witness="accountname" --seed-node="" --rpc-endpoint

Using config.ini
run ./steemd then ctrl+c to exit (to create witness_node_data_dir)
cd steem/programs/steemd/witness_node_data_dir
vi config.ini
scroll down to the line under #seed-node and enter these 3 lines
seed-node =
seed-node =
seed-node =
type all manually, there is a space before and after the =
then scroll down under #witness and enter at least 3 DISTINCT witnesses like this
witness = "enterwitnessname"
witness = "enterwitnessname1"
witness = "enterwitnessname2"
you cannot have the same witnesses on multiple instances
then go down to after #miner and enter like this
miner = ["enterwitnessname", "privatekey"]
miner = ["enterwitnessname1", "privatekey"]
miner = ["enterwitnessname2", "privatekey"]
there is a space before/after the = and after the ,
then under #mining-threads enter
mining-threads = 8 (or however many cores you have)
then escape
then :wq (return)

to start mininig after populating config.ini use: ./steemd –-rpc-endpoint

Using the wallet:
cd steem/programs/cli_wallet
set_password YOURPASS
list_my_accounts (to see your accounts/balances)
get_account enteraccountname (to see account info)

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Don't forget to install doxygen ncurses and readline for better cli_wallet "help" documentation and formatting.

$ sudo apt-get install doxygen ncurses-dev graphviz readline libreadline-dev -y

I'd vote for this if it had better formatting. See the markdown docs for more information. We need more content like this on Steem.

Hopefully, this'd be useful. That's a link to my formatting post with video tutorials.


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