Conversion Rates
Conversion | Value |
SBD => BTC | .0 |
SBD => USD | 3.521 |
STEEM => BTC | .0 |
STEEM => USD | 4.157 |
STEEM => SBD | 1.181 |
Market Ticker
Property | Value |
Latest | 1.143 (-6.096 %) |
HighestBid | 1.209 |
LowestAsk | 1.209 |
SBDVolume | 2550.32 SBD |
SteemVolume | 2112.161 STEEM |
Global Properties
Property | Value |
NumPowWitnesses | 172 |
VirtualSupply | 270781650.227 STEEM |
CurrentSupply | 267616528.706 STEEM |
ConfidentialSupply | .0 STEEM |
ConfidentialSBDSupply | .0 SBD |
TotalVestingFundSteem | .0 STEEM |
TotalVestingShares | 388566045040.103 VESTS |
TotalRewardFundSteem | .0 STEEM |
TotalRewardShares2 | 0 |
PendingRewardedVestingShares | 386046939.297 VESTS |
PendingRewardedVestingSteem | 188172.432 STEEM |
MaximumBlockSize | 65536 |
AverageBlockSize | 0 |
MaxVirtualBandwidth | 0 |
AccountCount | 965336 |
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