Nonda Aiko Finder - bluetooth powered tracker for your keys

in steemhunt •  7 years ago 

Nonda Aiko Finder

bluetooth powered tracker for your keys







Hunter's comment

nonda is a smart hardware startup based in silicon valley, well at least probably the office is you know where these are being made and you know darn well it's probably a rip off version from other things are the market which i won't mention in this hunt, but still -- these might be a little better because of that ability to recharge them a little easier! :)

  • rechargeable up to 4 weeks at a time, the app lets you know when the battery is getting flat.
  • able to ring seperate devices attached to different items
  • 90db in ringer volume
  • not cellular but bluetooth, will be ok for a certain distance but don't rely on these things -- you might have to 'walk' the route where you think you dropped them! :)
  • AIKO app records the last known location (for these to be really good you need to live near a lot of AIKO users!)

to be fair if you are the type that loses a lot of kit regularly then you'll probably won't mind dropping like $18 a piece on these -- you might be better off heading to their offices thou and trying to get a deal on them, i would -- back in the day i'd get these freebied over for review but the days of advocacy are long behind us now that anyone with a camera can be an 'advocate!'

i'd love to see a cross over product like this that uses bluetooth 5.0 evolution mode and some kind of mesh intergrated product with a cellular card backup -- i realise at that point your getting super hard core tracking but i think people would pay for it especially when an iphone x will set you back a grand and that's like your super computer in your pocket often needed to work and earn money or at least keep up with your suppliers! :)

now don't get me wrong here, they are cool, but at that cost i'd wait and i'm guessing the build quality ain't there, ethics wise do we need more little plastic pcb board things that give up the ghost after six months (the answer is no) and right now i'd say DONT BUY, the more we buy this r&d reversed engineered not fit for purpose stuff the more we can spend on the good stuff :)

' OK '

moderator @steemhunt | opinions are my own | hunts for time saving, build quality, reliability, video tech & neat products | join the discord and check out the 'getting started' infographic steemhunt guide made by @dayleeo | upvote if you liked this :)



Hunter: @teamhumble

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  • Helpful if you forgot where you put your keys


  • Reminds me of Trackr
  • 18$ is a bit overvalued for this little use


  • Durable load of up to 4 weeks
  • Application available for easy handling.
  • Lets find any lost object
  • Made of quality materials.
  • Record the last location in which the object was.
  • Economic Price


  • No counter found for this product


  • Portable
  • Small size
  • Cool design
  • Useful tool
  • Large target group


  • Price


Ability to recharge them a little easier.

Able to ring seperate devices attached to different items

It can track or record last known location



Pros :

  • Very helpful for users tracking their keys
  • Provides great overall total experience.
  • Powered by endless innovation.

Cons :

  • I can't think of any cons at the moment.


  • Marvelous device to track your keys, so handy and has a very simple design yet a very great impact to the owner.
  • The price is very considerable, you'd want to buy it in many numbers and give it to your friends and loved ones.
  • The duration of each full charge is pretty awesome, well its just normal I guess, you don't always lost or misplace your keys everyday, if that happens, there something bigger problem if that arises.
  • Quality assured despite it being thin, the materials being used for manufacturing this bluetooth powered key tracker are high quality and that means those materials are compliant to standards.


  • None for this amazing utility.

Helps you to find the keys quickly

Too expensive
There are many comparable products from other companies that are cheaper
Bluetooth has a very bad range, which often does not even cover the whole house

Helps you find your keys
Helps you find the thief who stole your keys
Can be used for other stuff too

Other people can potentially track you
Potentially limited distance


  • Cheap
  • Great for people who lose keys often
  • Rechargeable battery


  • Ugly design


  • Long battery life
  • Find your keys easily
  • Light


  • Batteries not included..

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