Dimes, the trending page, and you!

in steemicidehotline •  6 years ago  (edited)

We all have dreams of being voted to the trending page.
Each of us wants the community to love our content enough to give us the honor of being voted the best content on steemit.
That's not how trending works at the moment, but its a nice thought, right?
Right now, if you want to go to trending you have to pay a whale.
That payment doesnt always have to be in sbd, but that is the surest way.

Right now if the community disapproves of the amount of rewards going to a post we can flag it.
Then the rewards we took from the number one post on trending goes to the number two post on trending.
We can flag that one, too!
Then the rewards likely go back to the number one post because it still has the most rshares.
This round robin makes flagging for rewards an excercise in futility.
Flag them from this crap post and watch them go to that crap post.
Yea! All hail the wisdom of stinc!

Well, stinc has promised us a hardfork to 'improve' things.
This new set of rules for the blockchain will change how the reverse auction in the first 30 minutes of a post being on the blockchain is distributed.

Instead of small authors getting rewards from early voting on posts guess who will get them on the new and improved steem?
Yep, you guessed it, bidbotted crap posts on trending.
The rich getting richer, now directly on the backs of the little accounts!

The newbs, who have no idea how steem works, will self vote themselves right away, because that is what all the tutorials say to do, and viola!, more for the trending page!
Isn't that a tremendous 'improvement'?

Maybe you think that declining rewards by the big names of the platform helps out?
Those rewards go to trending, too.

The simple facts of the matter are that every road leads to the rich and their friends.
There is no point in flagging them, the rewards will just go to the next one in line.

Every 1000sbd post on trending means that 10k authors have been shorted one dime to pay that 1k sbd, right?
Steem is a dog eat dog world.
Any rewards you get come from authors with less rshares than you.
There is no changing this while maintaining the game.
Steem will always be the strongest eating before the weakest.
At least until the strongest arent the bullies anymore.
Not all whales are greedy bastards only interested in getting more despite the costs, just the really active abusive ones.

Every 1k sbd post has hundreds, if not thousands of the newest accounts getting zero.
There are only 20k authors at this point.
The top ten trending posts guarantee that the bottom that gets nothing is thousands of the newest accounts.
See, the posts with the least rshares voted for them get nothing until the tipping point is reached.
Every post that doesnt make it to .02sbd gets bupkiss to satisfy the insatiable greed of the bidbotted crap on trending, and the bot operators that sold them the votes.

Go down the trending feed, how many dimes do you see?
Maybe somebody more computer literate than me will pull the numbers for us?
How many posts get zero?
How many more people would be excited by getting their dime?
Think they would invite their friends if they could get 50¢ on a post?
It beats fedbook, right?

This is what the trending page costs us all.
Instead of appealing to the masses, stinc thinks it is better to appeal to the select few.
Any question that you ain't one of 'em, dear reader?
No matter how good your content is you will never see it on the trending page, unless you pay.
No matter how deep the wisdom you propound, fluffy crap will get thousands of times more rewards because its a club, and you ain't in it.

Now, what can we do about it?
Well, for sure dont resteem this post, just voting it gets you put on the blacklists of a number of whales.
I know telling you that is likely to get me fewer votes, but this is the way some whales operate, either conform or starve.
Its a club and only sycophants get in it.
All hail, stinc, et al!

Ask walden, he slobbed whale knob and had to abuse under aged girls for more than two years before he finally got booted.
For posting videos with one line of text!
All hail the community response team, @steemflagrewards!
Stinc wasnt going to do anything about walden's abuse, he was in the et al for more than two years.

All hail, steemcleaners!
He has been instrumental in choosing what is abuse and what is just boys being boys for more than two years.
Wonder why a blind eye is turned to some abusers?
Now you know.
They supply the butter and the bread, speak out and starve.
Conform, and grow rich!

So, being associated with me is not going to help the cause.
What i want you to do is start asking that rewards from the reverse auction be burned.
This shouldnt be too hard to code, simple if then's send the rewards to @null.

Also i want you to start spreading the idea that flagged rewards should be burned.
Burning flagged rewards means that taking your vote's dime from a crap post on trending doesn't just get it sent to the next post down the list.

While they are hard coding these changes we might as well get declined rewards burned, too.
Those go from @ned's blog to the top of trending.
@steemitblog's declined rewards dont go any farther than the top of trending, too.
They know this, and laugh every time a minnow praises them for being so selfless.
Its staying in the club.

Tell the witnesses you vote for that you want to see some changes.
Maybe when enough witnesses are informed that your vote hinges on these changes they can pressure stinc into adopting a more open attitude.

So, to recap, rewards from early voting, declined rewards, and flagged rewards should be burned.
Burning rewards puts upward pressure on the price.
It also lowers the inflation rate.
Whale flag wars could result in steem being deflationary, that will push up the price, for sure.

Im counting on you, dear reader, the black lists have almost succeded in taking away any rewards that i was getting.
Push this idea out there, it benefits all stakeholders, and not just stinc, et al's, select few.

Hello?, #steemicide hotline?
Can i speak to @stellabelle, i think i may have a problem,....

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