Tips to develop the multiple intelligences of children.

in steemieducation •  6 years ago  (edited)

Developing the multiple intelligences of children brings many benefits for the development of them.


Today, in schools, working with multiple intelligences is part of the daily contents, because it helps to potentially develop children's learning. The theory of multiple intelligences, states that the persomes have about 8 intelligences or abilities that can be worked within the classroom.

What are the multiple intelligences?

According to Howard Gardner, Psychologist and professor at Harvard University . The multiple intelligences are part of the different abilities and capacities that the individual possesses, he proposed a new educational model that allows to combine all intelligences converting them into a psycho-biological potential where the relationship between the child is very important and the environment where it develops.

There are 8 different types of intelligences


✔ Logical-mathematical intelligence.
✔ Naturalist intelligence
✔ Verbal intelligence
✔ Visual-spacial intelligence.
✔ Musical intelligence.
✔ Intrapersonal intelligence.
✔Interpersonal intelligence.
✔ Kinesthetic intelligence.

Developing the multiple intelligences of children helps to improve their development.

These intelligences use different parts of the brain, but they can be worked on individually, allowing the child to acquire different abilities that will help them to develop in an integral way, thus creating individuals capable of functioning adequately within society.When different intelligences exist, different strategies, activities and dynamics must be used to help children recognize their dominant intelligence and thus improve learning.

Tips for working the different intelligences in the classroom.


❶ Value and know the intelligences that predominate in your students in this way you can start from that intelligences to be able to work the others.
❷ Use different resources and strategies that allow you to work all the intelligences and that motivate your students to learn.
❸ It uses technology for daily activities.
Promotes learning by applying strategies with activities where they can participate directly.
➍ Apply different activities and assessments where children can demonstrate what they have learned.

Resources for working in the classroom

  • The logical-mathematical intelligence is developed using games such as riddles, logic games, or mathematical games.

  • For verbal intelligence prepares reading stories and poetry.



  • For visual-spatial intelligence prepare resources where you use maps, photos and drawings and the preparation of models and murals.

  • The kinetic-corporal intelligence can be worked with activities that require physical and corporal movements.

  • Musical intelligence works with resources and musical games, playing instruments and doing concerts.

  • Interpersonal intelligence refers to the ability of the individual to be sensitive to the needs of his or her neighbor. You can work through games and activities that speak about values.

  • Intrapersonal intelligence refers to the ability of the individual to understand and understand himself.

  • Naturalist intelligence this type of intelligence is used to know nature and study nature, because what can be worked with outdoor excursions.

sources of information:


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