American Freedom Myth's - Saving

in steemies •  8 years ago  (edited)


Steemies - thanks again for following along with me. Im doing a series of articles highlighting the facade of freedom in America. If you haven't, feel free to check out the previous posts, and would love your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.

Today I want to talk about the idea of a savings account and the prison that it puts you in. If you are an American, or if you have had access to a bank your whole life - when did you first become aware of the idea of saving money. My first experience were these "bonds" my Grandma sent me that my parents always told me I couldn't touch because they wouldn't be worth anything until I was older. To an 8 year old mind that's stupid. Why wouldn't you buy something that isn't worth anything until later?

As my brain developed a bit and logic began to form - my parents helped me understand that as a kid my need for money is to buy a mountain dew from the vending machine but when I "grow" up - I need to save to be able to pay for things like rent so Im not homeless as an adult...which is true.

Now at face value saving money is great. However, as I became more "educated" I learned that its really called a "safety net". A just in case fund - continuing my "education" I started learning about this idea of retirement. In my teenage years I was not as indoctrinated as I later became into college, but the very idea of retirement or "saving" for later is ridiculous. It implies that you are currently unable to do what you may get to do when you get older. It puts you in a prison where the dollar bill is the warden.

To a teenager thats so dumb, or imagine trying to explain this to Bill Watterson's "Calvin and Hobbes". Imagine Calvin's parents trying to explain Calvin's need to not do what he wants but "prepare" to be responsible. The dumbfounded look on Calvin's face would be pretty accurate description of the reality of how a free person would Calvin then go off to play in the woods.


Into my adulthood I saw the stress and crazy decisions adults would make on account of their $prison$. Primary breadwinners in families would work 60-70 hours a week to get a bump up to a bigger $prison$ - to enforce that safety net, to prepare that retirement nest egg and that illusion that one day you will be able to do whatever you want. All at the cost of their family, any sense of contentment, any hope for actual friendship outside of a temporary business partner.

Or look at the raging business right now that is the day care. You either have single parents (whom I would bend over backwards for to support), or two working parents. Essentially paying someone else to raise their kids in their most formative years. Now, Ive been "educated" in a lot of our economic woes in society. And again, I would argue on a very rudimentary level that anyone willing to have the courage to breakout of the indoctrination of education...even single parents...can parent well, have a great community of real friends, and financially support their family.

Real freedom isn't having that fat "safety net" or "nest egg" - its having the brain that empowers you to pursue what your heart actual burns for. Purpose, intimate relationships, passion...the $prison$ will take you by the throat at an early age if you let it...see it for what it is and not as the prison warden of your life.

Let this promote thought - think about the things driving your life...and if its that $$$ ask yourself why...


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