Support Independent Alt Media Journalism @ZurichTimes

in steemir •  6 years ago 

Support Independent Alt Media Journalism @ZurichTimes

#ZurichTimes #AltMedia #IndependentJournalism

To All the Voices Hanging On at the Precipe in the EndTimes
You are Not Alone @ZurichTimes
A Safe Place for Outliers and MetaData Observations
Because the Corporate Media cannot Be Trusted Ever Again...
Because the Corporate Media has Failed Us
Because the Corporate Media Lies
Because the Corporate Media is Controlled
Because the Corporate Media is Compromised
Because the Corporate Media is Not Asking the Right Questions
Because the Corporate Media is Not Doing its Job
Because Publishing is a Natural Right
Because You are Not Alone @ZurichTimes
Support Independent Alt Media Journalism @ZurichTimes
Member Supported and Loved #MadeWithLove @ZurichTimes
Corporate Sponsorship and Satanist FreeZone
Observations + News + Analysis = @ZurichTimes
Offerings Given and Offerings Accepted
Support Independent Alt Media Journalism @ZurichTimes
Until We Meet Again in Time @ZurichTimes
Because Now we Sing Dance Make Observations and Get Back to Work
Because Now We Dance and Get Back to Work

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