Petition to End steemit harassment FAO @dan & @ned

in steemit-abuse •  8 years ago  (edited)

To Sign This Petition:

Either upvote or comment on this post.

I understand that the developers are working on the platform and we are still in beta mode and I can respect that change takes time.

I am unaware of what front end changes may take place on 9/20/2016 with the hardfork that’s due.

I did try to reach the developers by commenting about this at @steemitblog here and responding to comments by @dantheman and @ned but I did not want to harass them. I hope this post does not come across as disrespectful to them, but felt if I wrote it as a simple request or question it would never be noticed.

UPDATE: We have already had a response from @dantheman

Dan really is indeed THE MAN :)

Signing this petition means that you agree that the developers need to make the blocking function a top priority, because the reputation system in place which is used to mute or censor accounts which have a reputation of below zero has made a bigger mess than leaving them uncensored.

I was under the impression that steemit was different from many other social media platforms.

When somebody posts their material on YouTube for example, they set themselves up to become a target of scrutiny. The world of anonymity can put you off putting yourself out there.

But Steemit is different!

Because unlike steemit, most social media platforms that allow a certain level of trolling will make that trolling visible to everyone so that bystanders, onlookers and viewers passing through all have to witness their trolling.

Fortunately on steemit, we can all pretend that people aren’t being harassed and verbally abused because after the abuser reaches a reputation below zero only the receiver of the abusive comments will be subjected to reading them in their reply feed.

The reputation system is a magical feature that can give you the power of invisibility so that you can be as abusive as you like and the whales and dolphins with power won’t even try to stop you.

You also have the upper hand over your victims because they are all alone without any emotional support from their steem-peers and by playing the victim they only hurt themselves because nobody likes a crybaby.

Let’s take a look at the abuse we’ve all been fortunate enough to not have to see.

First up, we all know the wonderful @stellabelle and would hate to think that anybody would be consistently verbally harassing her in an attempt to hurt her.

Luckily you never have to read these hateful comments as they are for her eyes only.

Next up, we have the lovely @lauralemons. It wouldn’t be nice to think somebody would actually express callousness over her personal issues.

Not to worry! Only @lauralemons has to read these comments and we can all go on pretending they aren’t happening.

Let’s have a round of applause for the beautiful and very popular @halo. We love her authenticity and fearlessness to be who she is and we love that she shares that with the steemit community. Unfortunately, not everybody appreciates what she has to offer.

But who cares about those who want to put her down as long as they keep it behind closed doors right?

Another well known community member of ours is @craig-grant. We’re all very fond of his personalised vlogs and talks and teachings. We’d hate to see his positive nature countered by the negativity of a troll.

And why should we see it? He’s a grown man, he can take it. As long as the rest of us don’t have to know.

Here’s a lovely lady @svetlanaart who’s been here not much more than a week. Judging from the thumbs down we can only assume the trolls comments weren’t welcomed.

But what does that matter? If she has engaged with him, perhaps she is just fueling the troll.

And even though she might feel like she is alone as she knows she is the only person who has to read these particular messages, in truth she is not alone at all.
She is joined by @fairytalelife here, @moony there, @camilla anywhere and @florentina everywhere.




Oh and then there’s me of course.

How else would I even know about it?

I’m fortunate to be chosen as just one of many of the “targets” in his little game.

Can’t you just ignore the troll?

Sure thing buddy! A great solution that has been implemented with the MUTE feature that renders your Reply feed useless and makes interacting with the steemit community difficult because your whole Reply feed is filled with greyed out comments from those you would prefer not to interact with.

So, we’re going to lose a few women here and there. We’ll hardly miss @anxietymaven after all the whining see did about being harassed. She should have stuck to her poetry and gardening posts and just not let this get to her.

And she should have known that the whole point of hiding the abuse she was receiving was so that we wouldn’t have to hear about it. She should have never cried for help and lost her reputation to @adm.

She was supposed to handle the emotional abuse all on her own without any witnesses who might comfort her had they seen but instead said ”what’s the big deal if it’s grey?”. It’s clear to the women here that we should all keep quiet about the abuse we receive.

Anxietymaven hasn’t been seen for weeks thankfully and for this reason @earnest (who is also @feminism and @somedude) is an asset to our community as he demolishes the positive nature of anybody who shows an emotional side that makes the poor divil uncomfortable.

I apologize for all the sarcasm... Sometimes I feel it's necessary to get dramatic to really get my feelings across.

So how do we stop him?

As far as I can see the solution is so simple that it's shameful it hasn't been implemented already.

The reputation system already hides comments within the posts. Why, oh why, does it not also hide them from the Reply feed? And the same question can be applied to the MUTE button.

If you have any further ideas on how blocking or muting should work, feel free to express your ideas in the comment thread. I will be commenting how I believe it should work below.

Remember if you really want to support this petition you could also donate $teem Dollars to Promote it.

Sign the Petition

Either everybody should see the comments of low rep accounts, or nobody apart from those who check it on steemd should see them.

You can sign by either upvoting or commenting on this post or both.

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Thank you , I appreciate you taking this action, and taking action so quickly.
💋 @halo 💋😇

Thank you @dantheman :)

I really appreciate you taking a look at this. So many users will have a much more pleasant experience.


Dana-Edwards has created a solution too:
I, along with many others are looking forward to you and the team getting this done as soon as possible. As you can see, the community is asking/has been asking for these types of features. I appreciate your speed in dealing with this.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Any ideas on blocking this?
A simple "View Memo" button might suffice.

Thanks this has happened to me as well. It's been a bit and I only attracted one such person and it was not the person they showed here. Yet they have been silent for awhile. Not being able to ignore their replies was a pain. So thank you for fixing that.

This entire post is trolling by showing all those comments, as they are hidden from 99% of users by the flag function. Earnest is a natural part of any social structure, just like the toilet in every house, if you take down earnest then another earnest will rise up even worse than before, the best path to take is to accept it and move on. By me typing this comment you are drinking my blood :)

Most social structures have a way to avoid people like him...

it happens on youtube every week, and I simply hide that users comments from my channel, just like when I flush a toilet

Right, but that option doesn't exist here yet. It's what OP is asking for... :)

YouTube allows you to switch off your comment section. Every social media network deals with this in some way or another. The least constructive thing to do is to do nothing and pretend the problem doesn't exist.


I did a post a while back about people like this.
I still think we need a block button , the mute button does not do enough , I want to be able to block these type people from even viewing my stuff and block them from making comments. He is not the only person doing these things.
💋 @halo 💋😇

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I understand where you are coming from but you can't possibly prevent them from viewing your stuff, as it is on a public blockchain. Even if the site doesn't show it, they can view your stuff if they really want to using other methods.

Steemit will never be for everything. It has to be for those things you are comfortable putting out in public for EVERYONE to see them, including bad people. For some people there may be little or nothing they want to expose to the world in that manner, and that's okay.

The idea of limiting access to being able to comment is a little more complicated but also not something that is particularly well-suited to a blockchain. Again, this platform is for public interaction. That's not for everyone at all times. Use it for what it is good for, and only that.

Initially, the quickest solution is to just add the reply feed to the places where comments from minus reputation accounts and people you choose to MUTE are hidden. This alone will make it so much easier to ignore trolls. And it's not a great leap from the system we already have. When steemit leaves beta mode I would particularly like if there were 2 methods for disconnecting ourselves from other accounts.

  • One would be to block them
    This would ideally block them from seeing anything you post and you will also be blocked from seeing their posts. Through the blockchain users can still see these posts, but if entering through steemd, they will be blocked or at least unable to comment.
  • The other method would be to mute them
    Some people prefer not to block others who have opposing ideologies to their own. Some people prefer to live in the real world, not just a safe space where no ideas contradict their own. Personally I would prefer to be able to remember users who I have been in a conflict with before and have a way to remind myself not to walk into another debate with them. The MUTE button should simply grey out the comments and posts without hiding them, so that I can choose not to interact with people I have been in a conflict with before, but I don’t have to block them completely.

Hey beanz,

This would ideally block them from seeing anything you post

At the moment the blockchain is open and transparent (part of it's appeal). There is no simple way of stopping someone from viewing your posts.
I've had this conversation before, regarding 'groups' or whitelists where you could use encryption to allow only certain accounts to unlock the content (which is possible). But this has MANY downsides, such as; no new users would be able to see your content, it wouldn't be indexed on search engines, it adds more complexity for the user, and there's nothing stopping one user from simply 'leaking' any content you have encrypted to the normal web (If you have enough followers, you're not going to know who did it.)

So putting encryption and invite only style platforms aside - Even if you stopped a user (blocked) just through there are myriad other ways they can access the Steem blockchain data and see your post if it's not encrypted, as per above. One of which is just to open the posts without signing in (or in an incognito window) or through the CLI.

The point of my rant here is that you can't have an open/public forum AND successfully block access to certain individuals in an effective way. Your best hope is to put the power in the users hands to mute anyone whose activity/posts/comments etc they don't wish to see.

I think the rep system has helped. But i'm also glad Dan is looking into the issue of comments not being hidden in the replies section.
Hope this helps.

Thanks Schro. This was included in my comment.

Through the blockchain users can still see these posts, but if entering through steemd, they will be blocked or at least unable to comment.

I know what you mean though there is no way of completely blocking users and I think that's fair, but I think if it worked only on the front end it would at least discourage a certain amount of trolling.

Users could still go into steemd and see the post, but I think it would be good if they could only comment on the thread by replying to other commenters who haven't blocked them. I'm not under the illusion that we'll ever completely block users as they can always make new accounts, but it just makes it that little more awkward for them which discourages the behaviour.

Thanks I'm very hopeful and confident in dans response :)

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

The issue is that the built in comment system is only one way to comment about something. If that is blocked then people will want to circumvent the blocks, and often for good reasons (for example, to circumvent an "evil corporation" who wants to use the system for promotion and still impede legitimate criticism). Once such a system for circumventing poster blocks becomes popular, as it very likely could, trolls and stalkers could also use it to harass.

Overall, hiding/muting under the control of the user who does not want to see the content is the approach that makes more sense on a blockchain.

I'm glad to see Dan's reply indicating this will be fixed ASAP.

I suspect nearly all users will never access the blockchain directly. As long as they are protected on the front end, then it should be fine.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

It's a really interesting concept, and I hope it's explored further.
But i'm fairly certain (This is my opinion, i'm not a steem/blockchain expert) It just does not work that way right now, or with the current infrastructure.
Even if steemit and steemd etc did this. All the attacker has to do is open an incognito window to view the content that they are 'blocked' from. This only works on platforms where you require an account to view the content, like facebook, or other invite-based systems, where the content is not public.
There is a reply from Dan in that thread suggesting it might be possible to stop muted individuals from replying to a thread at all - this would help, and require much more effort (multiple accounts etc) for someone who is trolling/harassing. It could also be implemented at the blockchain level meaning it prevents using the CLI or other sites/means for the blocked account.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

So, we’re going to lose a few women here and there. We’ll hardly miss @anxietymaven after all the whining see did about being harassed. She should have stuck to her poetry and gardening posts and just not let this get to her.

Even though you meant it as sarcasm I can't help but agree. Trolls feed on reactions.

Other than that, I now see the issue of the replies being shown from muted or <=0 reputation users. For that, consider this a signature to properly remove those comments from the reply feed.

Thanks @pfunk. I agree anxietymaven handled it really badly. But I think that's what this troll is looking for and we don't want him to breed any more. He seems to target people who write about their personal issues because those people are more likely to crack.

Wow. I thought that @earnest was just an argumentative guy. I never realised he was that sick. What a complete and utter loser. Also what a complete and utter idiot too. All his abuse is recorded on the blockchain and some of the things he said could potentially be considered actionable by law enforcement. I sincerely hope karma catches up with him.

I'm sure it already has. He must be a miserable little man.

@beanz I actually went on steemit's and steems github posting an issue that the block function was needed about a day or so after I mentioned it to you in that other post, =D
No response on that one yet.
This response killed our hopes and dreams..

That looks a bit small, open the image in a new tab, click the link, or read the quote below. I don't have my hopes up but I signed the petition, cause I really want this done.

mvandeberg commented 2 days ago
We cannot do this on the blockchain level because it opens up attack vectors. For example, I could block all whale accounts to stop them from voting on my content, and then I can farm my own content without fear of reprisal.

We do have some plans internally on how to implement some of these features on so that while there is no way to stop a negative actor from interacting with you on the blockchain, we can protect you from their actions at the UI level.
@mvandeberg mvandeberg closed this 2 days ago

abitmore commented 2 days ago
Although we can set some limitations in GUI (, it's still possible for an abuser to flag innocent authors via CLI or even raw transactions. By the way, perhaps this issue can be solved by #323 .

I see a lot of Downvoting in here, those that get it , don't comes running my end. You guys haven't learnt.
This Downvoting is vibrating at my end, in fact the whole of Steemit. I am puzzle.

Was this directed at me?

@beanz , No.
I telling them to stay out.

OK thanks. I literally feel like I can't comment in my own thread now without somebody responding with further slander. I've spoken to a few people on who've thanked me for this post because they didn't want to post anything with these people harassing them when they do. Finally we can just mute them and ignore them.

stop with the lies, you and your brother are mass flagging people.

This post has been linked to from another place on Steem.

Learn more about linkback bot v0.4. Upvote if you want the bot to continue posting linkbacks for your posts. Flag if otherwise.

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Thank you for all that you do @beanz. The user in question also "welcomed" me to Steemit and it was quite unpleasant. I appreciate your leadership in resolving this issue. J.

That's no coincidence, he targets feminism and anything that looks like it, in other words strong women. He has 3 accounts that I know of but claims to have more so he will probably pop by to say hello once in a while. I'll be keeping an eye out so if you are ever on tag me @beanz.

Oh wow. I was reading through the harassment posts and feel like I'm the verge of tears. I don't understand why people have to be so cruel to another person. Imagine if a newbie, not just to Steemit, but blogging in general, was being harassed like that? It would leave a bad taste in their mouth and may turn them off from expressing themselves and sharing their art.

@dantheman, I'm so glad to see that you've responded. I know this is a great site. And while I don't condone censorship, attacks like these cannot be tolerated. What's the solution?
I've commented a few times about having paid moderators as the first line of defense against abusive trolls. And even with the ability to block comments like that on our feeds, it's still on the blockchain record isn't it? Well, one fire at a time, I suppose. Thank you for being diligent about keeping our community as safe as possible.

Thank you so much for this initiative. We need measures against these creeps.
Maybe trolling could be penalised economically as well in some way?
I suggest that you contact some people to help promote this post,some whales or dolphins with many followers, because this topic is crucial for the future of the platform. If people can not be safe here, they will leave,and others,myself included, might leave in protest.

I think the loss of ability to gain rewards from posts is an economic penalty. Thanks for signing I have posted it in and also contacted all those that I can see being harassed by the troll.

The only reason I have been putting myself out on this platform is because I thought this space was nicer than YouTube. This will definitely turn people off using it.

Also,I would like to add that reposting is acceptable and good for a post like this. Or do an update in some days.

Why are you trying to drag me into this again? The picts have me asking someone to remove the flagging your group does and the second one with me in it was me playing with the bot and advertising a post I made. Not harassment. Please remove the picts with my name in them (or edit me out) unless I need to defend my self from accusations of harassment with another post. I don't want anything to do with your playing the victim drama. Please remove me from this crap I have nothing to do with it.

Thanks for your time.

The past is in the past. You're being given another chance because you're posts have been good. This post is not about you, it's about users who cannot or will not redeem themselves. You don't have to worry about this, I'm pretty sure everybody who's bumping up your reputation already knows about this.

Thank you but I would feel a lot better if you cut my name out of those pictures. if not I will feel compelled to defend myself as to why I should not be on part of your Petition. Please just remove me from your post because I have nothing to do with this. I'm even keeping my mouth shut in my comment to you right now. Please I am asking nice.

Unless you're telling me you're no longer going to an alliance to earnest?

I have never been in an "alliance" with anyone. I can only be held accountable for my own actions.
oh you must have forgotten about me telling him not to dox you or how I told you to please stop flagging him so he doesn't dox you.

im done, have your fun this is beyond insanity.

You are not part of my petition. You do what you have to do. I have no problem with you defending yourself.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)
  ·  8 years ago (edited)

you came to another post I have to drop more lies? why not post them here for peple to see? leave me alone. im sick of telling and asking you to leave me alone!

maby read the post too you broke so many rules its funny

-smh- why do you keep fucking with me? I finally got you to stop flagging me and your playing the victim again and getting payed again for it. the reason they are fucking with you if because you go around flagging people. just look at you flagging some person that leaves a comment in my post talking about how they are going to try to help fixing my rep after your little crew destroyed it. this is fucking sick. you make up lies and manipulate people. you must be proud you got 37 bucks outa stella after you push people with this flagging game and then play like they are harassing you.
you say im not part of the petition but you are not willing to remove my name from your picts of people "abusing you"? I have not had to deal with you for a day and it was wonderful.
why are you draggin me into your bullshit games again? I want nothing to do with your lies.
are you going to make another video full of lies saying I make sexual refrences about little kids again? why do you create this shit. I don't want this.
you push people and you push people and when they finally have had enough and snap you cry victim and make money from it because people are to lazy to go back and actually look stuff up themselves.
because you say it they believe you. its fucked up.
I hate the fact that you keep getting me to waste one of my 4 posts a day on you, all because you like drama and try to start it at any chance you have.
you obviously cropped all the screen shots so you could use them out of context and did not have to crop me into them. you are obviously trying to drag me into your drama and I want nothing to do with it.
its like once every 2 days you pull this shit. stop destroying accounts of people and they wont come at you with mean words. -smh-
stop making lies to get attention. stop trying to drag me into your bullshit. stop flagging people because you disagree with their opinions. stop playing the victim when you are the one creating his drama.

if your trying to get my attention by bringing me into your drama it got my attention. if you want my attention just talk to me but this shit Is fucking insane.

so leave the picts with my name to try to boost up your lie. anyone that wants the truth should look at the block chain them self and not take your word for it.

so why do you feel the need to drag me into this mess if I had already left you alone and you left me alone? you go around flagging all my followers on my posts that have nothing to do with you and then add me to this crap, why? did you not want me to go my spate way? doing this shit does not make me stay away from you and I have been.
fuck I got to take a break. not even 5 days ago your little group killed my rep and im just starting to get it back even tho you keep flagging all the people that are giving me up votes to try to fix the damage you did.

no proof read, typed out so fast might have typos, idgaf your not worth holding down shift and correcting grammer n spelling.

I thought I was don't having to deal with you

This is why we can't have nice things. Oops, I meant we can't have freedom, in some of these cases the parties involved have followed each other to each other posts. My comment is nuetral. Grow up and leave each other alone. Before taking any action don't just look at this, look at the block chain for the back and forth. I am not saying it is okay. I am just saying. Stop playing if you disline it.

blocking would be great.

There needs to be an expulsion aspect to Steemit, like a real life community. Banning is legitimate in a society. Ostracize and expel.

Take care. Peace. Upvoted.

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

Alot of us are really getting tired of it. And we are loseing good people. I really hope something gets done soon ! Upvoted! 👍😊

I never realized who he was otherwise I wouldn't have left a comment on his blog. Also, I didn't see his comments until notified by @beanz. Thanks for alerting me.

The issue seems to have been fixed now?
It's sad that @anxietymaven has left. Once she come back to write new posts/comments we can help restore her rep, but it's unable to be done now, because upvoting old posts won't help.

I have a good feeling she's back but under another account so not to worry. The issue has been fixed yes, and I think it's made a big difference. Dan is the man ;)

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Well it was a nice ceasefire while it lasted. Who flagged whom first after the treaty I worked out between you and @earnest? The one where you both promised me you would stop engaging eachother?

Hi @williambanks, did you read the post before commenting?

I did. But I haven't been following the interaction between you guys which is why I asked.
I'm not trying to defend @earnest here I'm disgusted honestly. Just wonder if this was pre or post ceasefire.

I actually care about you enough to re-evaluate what I think. But I did work out a solution where you both agreed to leave eachother alone in hopes we could rehabilitate the situation.
If that didn't hold, well I guess I won't try it again.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)
This is me telling you don't trust him.
You don't have to respond to this.
Just know that I care about you.

Sorry. I know you didn't mean any offence of course. And thank you, I'm pleased with the result. I had already seen this requested in so many other posts that it seemed I had to get dramatic to get their attention. Turns out the title might have been enough but I'm also glad to expose the reality of what we've been putting up with.

Earnest has promised to come back with alt accounts and I'm being flagged and trolled from every direction. I have no reason NOT to assume it's the same multiple personality behind the accounts but you believe what you want to believe.

Did you see that the dialogues above are not with me? This isn't about me nor earnest it's about fixing the system that shows only the receiver messages that are hidden to everyone else. I haven't heard from earnest since, only read his advice to others on how to target me.

This post was to help the women above including myself to have an easier time ignoring trolls. It's impossible to ignore something when you know you're all alone in reading it and nobody will see it to come to your defence.

Dan has responded and it will be sorted soon. Please don't let him manipulate you wb, from this research in finding his abusive comments what was even scarier was his ability to bend people to his will. This is all a game to him, and until he loses he won't get bored of it.

I'm literally going blind and I don't have my glasses @beanz they broke and I have a hard time seeing until I can get them replaced. Sorry, I guess I just misunderstood, it's really blurry right now and hard to make out what's being said and to whom.

Good job with trying to help other women, I meant no offense.
I guess I just want to see the best in people always.

For the record he did just reply to me on steemd saying he kept his word though.

I have noticed your post was flagged by R4fken, well known steemit hater.

I am for justice and I am here with all my Steem Power to help you resist his hate downvotes and let your post be visible for steem users. Upvoted!

there are people who said that flagging/downvote should comes with a justification required and I tend to agree.

Poor @halo has taken some stick over her basic photography skills too - it needs to stop!

This just doesn't seem genuine to me...