Hall of Shame: @ancap47

in steemit-abuse •  7 years ago  (edited)

Roughly 99.8% of the time spent here on Steemit for me is a wonderful experience, full of interesting people, great writing and images and all sorts of things to learn. However the past few hours of mine have been spent having a needless big dick competition with user @ancap47...

Treat People With Respect if You Expect Them to Show You The Same Common Courtesy...

To make a long story short this user decided to take it upon himself to spam links to one of his posts on an article I wrote earlier. After being asked politely not to do so the user decided that he would continue to do so... So I flagged his link spam.. THEN this defiant noob decides that I'm bullying him for taking corrective action trying to get the point accross that "Hey, I prefer you not do this on my posts" and proceeds to continue spamming his link.

At this point I've had enough of this kid's obvious disrespect so I fire up asshunter.js and point it at him.. Lo and behold all of his posts and comments are being flagged! Now of course he starts crying that I'm censoring him and that I'm clearly on a power trip, having no right to flag his posts.

The option is given to appologize but instead @ancap47 takes it upon himself to start writing shitty little posts claiming that I'm being out of line and abusing him.. Awesome! So now I've got this pretentious asshole slandering me all the while I sit here waiting for him to get his head out of his ass and realize that being disrespectful here only leads to needless upset.

The lesson to learn here is that regardless of how much you figure it's acceptable to spam links on people's posts when asked not to, it's not. Obviously this individual seems to think that I'm trying to somehow destroy his freedom of speech.. When in reality I'm just trying to get him to stop spamming his links on my posts after I asked politely not to do so.

I Get No Pleasure From Flagging

I do not want to be this users enemy or flag anyone. But if you're going to pull out a shitty attitude and disregard that I'd asked you nicely to not post unsolicited links on my posts.. Well, You're going to have a bad time.

I apologized for flagging your stuff, But now realize that you're a simple minded fuckstick who lives with his mom still and gets off on wasting people's time. All you had to do was apologize you fucking wankstain..

Oh well. Fuck you and the high horse you rode in on.

Or.. You can keep crying wolf and claiming that I'm a big bad guy stealing your freedom of speech and wrecking your friday afternoon. Even after I tried to be civilized with you and gave you a means of redeeming yourself.

Please swallow your ego or pride man.. It's far more preferable then making yourself look like the whiney piece of shit you've come off as after meeting consequence for your inability to act as a decent human being. I've got way more important shit to do today than put up with your childish attitude and skewed sense of entitlement.

Uhh... Thanks for the phone number bud..? TERRIBLE opsec and a testament to your intelligence I guess. Turns out my suspicions were correct in that this american moron lives in an apartment in Arizona with his mother by the looks of it... What a winner! Would you like me to send your trophy via UPS overnight or what?

Dox removed in order to help user maintain some safety...

You aren't standing up for your freedom of speech but rather your blatant disregard of others and trying to justify your spam.

There is no "winning" here @ancap47.. Please take a step back and realize that I'm not the one being a mongoloid.. but if you prefer will flag you into oblivion over putting up with your childish inability to admit that you've called this down upon yourself by acting like a spoiled pissed off child and completely failing to see where you've done wrong.

It's easier to blame others than to admit you were being disrespectful and apologizing. You're a piece of shit at best.

Any baby can sit there and cry about something.. It takes a man to admit he was wrong and say sorry. You a child or a man? (You're a manchild)

Vote @KLYE for Witness
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These are general rules and there are requirements to follow. I just did a rant about this on my blog 30 mins ago. Yes this platform should be free from the policing box of people but there has to be general requirement rules. Just the outline rules that keep the system running and improving. You did fine and yes flag them if it's a problem. Let it go also as the haters will come! Let the best comments stay on top and the junk stay down below where it belongs.

This saga has been become a fascinating series of posts. I first came across it from the number of flagged posts in my feed which I have never really seen much of before. I agree with you @bitdollar that we don't want the haters here. That said I do like the flagging mechanism as a way to dissuade them, although I like others in here have not used it before. I was a bit surprised that we ended up at thermonuclear war quite so quickly but that was a learning for me too to not start one with an angry "71".

I have put links in comments before to other articles where I thought it was relevant to someone's questions or even the author's post but not to something that I had written "which I guess would have made it spam, if i had?" I believe that we are encouraged to provide supporting links to back up our statements although if its a link to your own content that kind of defeats the object unless you are an acknowledged expert in the field.
The decency issue is clear if asked not to do it then quit. I have learned a great deal today.

I think posting links that are relevant to the conversation is completely acceptable! I've posting my own blog posts because they were discussing the same issues and have gotten only positive feedback when I have done it in the right circumstances. Not to mention I have created some of my best relationships that why here and have received some of my biggest rewards. Spamming is when you are doing it everywhere when it is not necessary. Imo...thoughts?

True enough and I have linked to one of my own posts before where I felt it had useful information. I have taken to curation and commenting more to build up connections who have similar interests. But that actually involves replying and I am cautious of not wearing the audience out. I have only one mute against me so far :)

There is an inherent problem with a system that allows one user to completely brigade another user and completely downvote over 16 posts now.

If I can't post links to my posts in related posts (His post was about Segwit fees, and my link was about cheap Bitcoin Cash fees), then that is just another problem with this platform.

When you're posting the same link/comment to a number of people who comment on someone else's blog, that is spamming. There are not just 6 comments on this post either. There are 14 comments with the same thing on someone else's blog. And this isn't even @klye's post. So you aren't posting 1 link to 1 person's post because you thought it would be relevant. You were posting the same link to multiple people on different posts just because they are mentioning transaction fees. This is no different than an #introduceyourself spammer who is tricking newcomers for follows with their spam links and messages.

This is the problem here. You are spamming. That's not even debatable because there is evidence forever on the blockchain showing that you were spamming. @klye tried to do something about you spamming his post. First by asking you not to, then by flagging your comment, and finally flagging your posts. You can do something to get your posts unflagged. All you have to do is acknowledge (in an apologetic fashion) that you were spamming and that you will not do it anymore. Or, you can continue spamming and your reputation will eventually take a hit along with your payouts when more people with even more SP do something about it.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I wish I'd not wasted my power flagging that fuckstick so I could buy you a beer.

Even after doxing this piece of shit he's still chirping away..

Oh well, clearly a masochist attention seeker.. Fuck that guy and his delusional crusade for "freedom of speech"..

You have a new fan / follower

Brewed up some Steemit beer not too long ago. We can drink those. Steem beans to go with them too.

Those look beautiful! I'm envyious!

I'd just like to point out to @ancap47 that I posted a link to a relevant blog in this comment thread, used some random tags, and showed off some of my artwork all while being rewarded for it. There is a way of doing things that are right and provide value to the conversation and there is a wrong way of doing things which others will have a problem with and not hesitate to call you out on it.

lol. Waaaahhhh waaaaah waaaaaah

What's that noise?! Ah, just ancap47 crying over injustice after being a disrespectful asshat..

lol, all jokes aside though it's time to appologize and move on. You could have easily made an appology post and made some money already instead of trying to slander me 16 different ways for not putting up with your bullshit.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

I swear like a trucker regardless of my mood, If you don't appreciate the finer points of my profanity you can fuck off and go play where people put up with dickheads who demand respect but offer none in return.

I'm well aware of how the blockchain works.. I run one of the servers used to create the very blocks you spam your shit links in. ;)

I generally save flags for plagurists and ID theives... But this guy wanted to dance so I gave him his wish.

In all honesty all I'd like is for him to admit he was being out of line and appologize for wasting my time and slandering me... We'll see what happens. Some people are their own worst enemy.

The problem here is that he can't see his actions as spamming. He believes that he is just trying to get noticed. And you are trying to block him from his goal of becoming a popular blogger.

He cannot see his actions are wrong and hurtful because the path he sees to fame and fortune goes this way. (and from his view, no other way.) His goals rely on doing the thing you are telling him not to do, so you are a big evil meanie to keep him from his goals.

And he probably never realizes that the path he has chosen never works. You do not get popular by saying follow4follow.

I just had a brilliant idea. I create a thousand accounts, and I will follow someone for $10 SBD or something. Of course there is no one who would actually read their posts, but hey, 1000 followers!

(of course I would never do this... because its too stupid and sad)

Please explain how posting a link to your RELATED CONTENT is "wrong or hurtful".

Of course you can't. Bring on more censorship!!

Selling yourself on another's blog is tricky subject.

If you just post a link, it is pure and blatant advertising. And many people hate it. The rest just ignore it.

If you are actually trying to extend the conversation, you need to write a full paragraph on your view of the post you are commenting on, and then another paragraph about why your post is an extension of it and worth reading.

Also, putting an actual <A href where it creates a link out of a part of your paragraph helps to not look like you are blatantly looking for clicks.

Basically what you have been doing is going to a store, and putting up a sign in front of their store advertising your store. It is worse than rude.

If someone drops a link but has a lead up or it's relevant I generally let it slide..! But if you're just going to link spam then get pissy when I ask you not to it's a clear indicator that you had no intention of being part of the convo but rather are being a self serving jerk.. :P

Thanks btw for explaining this better than I was able to.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

I asked you politely not to post your links in my comments.. You put on a bitch-face and continued to do so.

Honestly you must be a lonely individual or something if you haven't figured out yet that people don't like when you try to walk all over them.

My post, my rules bud. If you don't like it you can take your anti-social ass back to your mom's basement and go ragefap for all I care.

End of the day I asked you to be respectful of my wishes for you to not spam links on my posts and you decided that you didn't give a shit about listening.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

It doesn't?

Ah. Let me rephrase that then so you can understand.

It's my right to defend my posts against low life shit stirrers like you given the SP I've earned in my account.

Hope you realize soon that you catch more flies with honey then shit.. This should have been over hours ago but you appear to have some serious underlying social issues going on.

The problem here is that after being asked nicely not to spam his link to the readers in my posts's comment section he decided that he'd rather do it anyways..

I have very little patience for people who blatantly disrespect others, let alone while claiming it's their right to do as they wish and getting shitty with me for trying to minimize link spam on my posts.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@klye you know I love you and appreciate what you do for the platform. However, I'm surprised to see you react so aggressively and doxing that guy! Not cool. I believe that we, witnesses, should set a good example for good conduct and polite behavior, no matter how pissed off we can be 😔

I won't flag this post (although I should), I hope you find the wisdom to remove the personal information about that user, and try to settle this dispute in a civil manner.

P.S. Remember, this is a blockchain, stuff like that can be permanently recorded and would tarnish one's reputation.

I removed the dox as you do have a point. Lead by example.

On the flip side to this though.. This was me making an example out of this asshat. Appreciate your reply as always man. Cheers

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

To be fair man I tried to be reasonable with this asshat and he persisted.. Slandering me and launching a crusade, tying up my time and energy far more than any decent person would over a trivial matter that could have been avoided by not being pig headed.

It's not like I dox'd him instantly. I gave him nearly 5 hours to cease and desist, admit he was in the wrong and being rude. He played internet tough guy like an idiot and I showed him not to be a fuck around, because really at the end of the day you have NO idea who you're beaking on the other end of the keyboard or what they are capable of. :/

End of the day he chose this outcome, not me. I'd dox him again if he thought he could walk all over people under the guise of freedom of speech. Trolls being treated like trolls at the end of the day.

Third paragraph from the bottom, "I apologize for flagging your stuff"
aw hell naw! I don't think you need to apologize for flagging his stuff. He needs a lesson in respect. No means NO.
On the flip side of that, IF he apologizes then maybe you can remove your flags as soon as he deletes his asshattery. And that's how I feel about that. ;)


Nah, Fuck this guy. He'll never make another god damn dime on this network with his complete bullshit attitude

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@klye are you serious? I just read your opsec post happy now reading this sad. Regardless of how terrible the opsec is of the people you have beef with (which is what it is, not exactly hall of shame) not really being the bigger person here by publishing that information.

Do not like.

--- Edit: You are 7th witness from the top. 7th!!! You've lost my vote.

The opsec article was written in response to this guy trying to pull internet tough guy on me.

I removed his personal info as it might lead to his safety being comprimised.. Not that I'd act on the information acquired by his tomfoolery but you never know who would out there.

Sorry to dissapoint you personz. But at the end of the day I wouldn't expect you or anyone else to put up with the bullshit that this moron did and do not think I was out of bounds here after trying to explain to this individual that "Hey, You're spamming and trying to pass it off as free speech"...

It's not like I went for the throat right off the bat.. He had hours to cease and desist and admit he was out of line spamming shit on the comments even after I'd been polite and asked him not to. Even I have my limits of patience and this dude abused me to the point that I was left with very little choice but to flex a bit.

I made an example out of this guy. Was it the right thing to do? Eh, maybe not.. Did it work? Yep.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Nowhere in your response here do I get the sense that you think it was wrong to do the doxx. Is that the impression you want to give? If so I won't be returning the witness vote.

Do you really think that it is okay to do this under any circumstances? You have no idea if that is even this guy's phone number.

Protip: forcing people to apologize does not work ;)

But asking them nicely to not spam does work most of the time. It's quite ironic that this short conversation occurred on the same posts from klye.

click to enlarge

Hey! For once I agree with you!

No one is forcing you to do anything bud. If you don't feel this situation warrants an appology that's all you.. Up to you if you want to be respected or made an example of at the end of the day.. <_<

Neither does being a dickhead and trying to walk all over people that were kindly asking you to cease and desist.

@kyle I'm agreed with your points of view I believed that the platform is set up in a very thoughtful way to not include down votes as a typical element in the Streamit community interaction.
This greatly improves the social cohesion of the community. Flags (what some call downvotes) should be minimally necessary in order to police rule beakers (breakers of social consensus.) To minimize flag abuse more effectively I would propose the following:

Add additional functionality to the "flag" feature which would provide the user name of the flagger and also would require the flager to provide a reason for flagging.---(this may be able to be provided quite efficiently by the use of a radio button to select from violation categories.) This way the community can also analyze the flag to see whether it was just, while also providing negative/positive feed back to the flagger. Additionally, I have also been preaching quite a bit of the need for a "community rules" tab to be attached prominently on the main menu bar. Steemit is a very new and unique social platform unlike anything that has gone before it. I listing of basic community rules would be very helpful for newbies to quickly understand the context in which we operate

We all have to co-exist here in peace, there is no need for spamming, negativity, insults or hate. I hope @ancap47 realizes his mistake and makes amends :)

What mistake? There is absolutely nothing wrong with posting a link to related content in the comments.

It's called spamming when you do it more than once.

You're entitled to your opinion. I disagree. I think the if anyone wanted to look at the conversation between me and Klye, its pretty obvious that he is rude and on a power trip, and it shows a real lack of decentralization on this site if one guy can completely censor you. I think Steem is going to do well short term, but this kind of leadership seems to correlate with the downward price trend.

The fact that you can't see what you are doing is spam is the problem.


Digital Technology. disruptive online messages, especially commercial messages posted on a computer network or sent as email (often used attributively).

spams, spamming, spammed
to send unsolicited electronic mail or messages to a number of people.

Your actions perfectly fit the definition of spam. Plus, if you are even remotely right, people would be saying so and upvote your comments.

I did read through a bunch of the posts. If you're mature enough to get past of some colourful language than it's pretty obvious what you need to do. Bury the hatchet and move on from this. That is what klye has been saying. There was even one guy who sympathized on your point of view. Even they told you to just give up, do what klye is asking and move on.

All of your other points are just diverting off topic of the issue of your spamming. You don't think this page is decentralised, go back to reddit or something. Don't like that your being censored for spamming, go back to Facebook and spam there. Don't like that your being flagged, apologize and move on. Think the price will drop, back up your words by powering down and cashing out. It's all up to you to decide what you do. There just might be consequences with some of your choices though, so choose carefully.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

"especially commercial messages posted on a computer network or sent as email"

That's the part you're not getting. I wasn't selling anything. There is nothing wrong with posting multiple messages when they all relate to the comment they're replying to.

I see why klye started with the colourful language in describing you. You are very thick headed and trying to skew people's words to fit your narrative. It very frustrating. Like debating with a child.

Because you are not selling anything in your post, does not mean you are not spamming. The word before 'commercial' is "especially." That does not mean "only limited to or exclusively."

And, you could even go so far as to say that you are trying to sell your post for votes (steem, money). So you are selling something; you're selling your content. That is what everyone is doing here. The thing everyone is not doing is.... "sending the same unsolicited electronic message to a number of people."

Just look at what the majority of people are saying. They are telling you that you are in the wrong. Just read down the comments here. People are, for the most part, being polite and commenting that you are wrong. Even the few comments on your blog posts are telling you that you are wrong and that you should expect to be flagged when you act the way you are.

"I see why klye started with the colourful language in describing you."

After that statement is when you provide evidence, but instead, you launch into colorful statements of your own:

"You are very thick headed and trying to skew people's words to fit your narrative. It very frustrating. Like debating with a child."

You and Klye don't help your case by throwing around ad hominems laced with profanity.

I don't know if the price will drop right away, but if one guy can completely downvote everything another person does - that's a problem no matter who is getting flagged, no matter what for.

I stopped giving a fuck about the Klyes of the world when I became financially independent (not because of this site). The problem is Steemit. When one guy can have that power, the whole purpose of this site is a fail. Add to that that there is no longer mining, which is huge because PoW is the whole reason cryptocoins work in the first place, then the downward trending price in terms of BTC, the lack of quality content (probably from others leaving), the poor quality of people with big accounts (craig grant and klye and trevon)...I could go on and on.

There is when you are asked not to by the author.

Fuck you if you think otherwise. I'm not putting up with shit from whiney spamtards who think they are entitled to do as they wish when I was more then polite in asking you not to the first time.

You have some sort of learning disorder or something? You don't get to walk around being the boss when you can't even fathom that by posting your link after being asked not to makes you look like a desperate loser.

Moral of the story here is that I asked you nicely not to post your links.. You blatantly refused to show me common courtesy and now you're being flagged as a consequence of your inability to be reasonable..

So yeah, there you go. Go spam your link on other peoples posts. You now know better than to pull that shit with me after I asked you not to.. I think you just like the attention to be honest.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Your days of making anything on this site are over due to your complete and utter bullshit attitude.

I tried to reason with you.. But you're an illogical sociopath with a serious lack of interpersonal skills or respect.

I'm not a bad guy for the most part! It really did throw me off though when I asked the dude not to link spam and he told me basically that he'll do as he feels regardless. Oh well. It's slowly coming to an end shortly by the look of it. Forgiveness and understanding have to be expressed in situations like this and I hope he comes to terms with the fact I'm not out to get him.

I am not a flagger myself but I do understand when it happens.
Reading your story you even asked nice not to do the spamming.
I realize some people do it because they think they will get more votes that way but I find it highly annoying.
To be it feels like trying to high jack someone elses posts!

I do wish there was a other way than flagging because in a way it makes me sad.

There is no rule or social ettiquette against posting a link to RELATED CONTENT in the comments. No one should have dictatorial power over what people can or can't say in comments unless they are being obscene, and the only one who used profanity was klye.

I only generally flag theives and plagurists.. But the kids level of disrespect was beyond what I'll put up with and thus he's being treated like the piece of shit that doesn't respect anyone deserves.. -_-


Good on you for standing up to him. He sounds like a whiny little child that's now sulking cos things didn't go his way.

Yep, eiher some child in his mom's basement or someone who didn't like to be told not to do things..

Oh well.. Let him whine and bitch, every post that isn't an appology only serves to further remove him from being able to walk over other people.

I'm just a little minnow, but I actually had something like this happen too this week. The person was rep 30 and commented not only with a post link, but also with a photo from the post! Then she invited me to come visit.

Of course, I put a comment about how this is not the right way to do things here. The reply I got was nasty! She said I was missing an opportunity with my narrow mindedness! So I replied that if she must drop links - at least make them somewhat relevant to the topic of the original post. My post was about graffiti. Her post was about chocolate and fabric!

It's rampant these days.. People don't even seem to realize that they are essentially begging for attention when they link spam.. It's a damn shame people waste their time trying to make a quick dollar at the expense of their reputation.

The internet will always have toxic people looking to ride the curtails of other peoples success and positivity, and bring others down to try and add value to their own lives. It's great to see that in the face of this you are able to remain calm and collected, and remain civil even against someone who refuses to do the same.

From one Canadian to another, keep up those good vibes @klye !

Cheers my fellow canuck.

Seemingly I'm the bad guy for standing up to someone who didn't even bother to realize that his actions were disrespectful in my eyes... Then when asked nicely to cease and desist goes off claiming I'm a bully.

Like, what a hoser.. You don't get to be a dickhead and then cry when someone treats you like a dickhead. XD

You were absolutely in the right and acted very appropriately, and in a much more polite way than most would #canada lmao.

He was the bully, not you, and he showed his true nature after you called him out politely on his toxicity.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

He ended up doxing himself trying to be a tough guy... what a Dumbass!

That quite restrained of you dude. He was blatantly in the wrong. I love the fact you have a javascript called asshunter LOZL!

I don't even think I called him a fuckstick or mongoloid in the post... I'm going soft!

Haha, man you've changed!!


Restraint lifted. Dox'd that piece of shit.

He lives with his mom in arizona

I was looking just there actually. You really did give him every chance to make good so fuck him :0)

After 4 or 5 hours of attempting to show the kid the error of his ways I stepped it up a notch.. Hate having to pull out full asshole mode but even I have my limits no matter how calm I tried to remain.

You were exceptionally calm, you offered a million chances so there was nothing else for it. Its the arrogance of the wee basturt that blew me away. As if he has the right to put what he wants where he wants when he wants. The all the shitty posts he put up. Fucking good on ya dude!

I saw mongoloid!!! hahahahaha

Please tell me there is a gif or a meme of asshunter.js :)

I just don’t know why people can’t respect the wishes of another person’s comment section. Even more so after being ask kindly to remove it and stop. Most people don’t’ even ask that they just flat out flag anything they don’t want to see.

Much respect for taking the time to do so. Have a great weekend!

I should give it an illustration!

<3 thanks for taking the time to read this post!

Please help my introductory vote
And I am very proud to get to know you in steem and I am now a master fan

Nice, i like it the your post, thanks

The thing about Freedom of Speech (a term we American Asses tend to hold up like a shield) is that it is not an all encompassing policy. Even in America.

Your right to Freedom of Speech does not give you the liberty to go into someone else's house (or in this case, to their post) and shout whatever you damn well please. The Homeowner (Blogger) can shut you down and throw you out. That is well within his rights. Even in America.

By the same token, @ancap47 should be allowed to post his own blog with whatever comments he wants to put up, as long as it does not breech Steemit's terms, and if he doesn't like @kyle 's comments on his post, he can throw Kyle out of his blog.

That's my story, and I'm sticking to it!

As I'm reading this post where you invoke asshunter.js it strikes me that I should direct your attention to something I read earlier today.

Not really related to this post, but I think there might be another mission waiting for asshunter.js (if he's not already on it).

Not sure if it makes sense to post this here, I'm just a noob trying to help out. But maybe you could have an impact in this case...

Anyone can run the script. It's publicly shared on my github. :)

Sorry you had to deal with this idiot but I sure did get a laugh out of reading your post :) Stupid people are the bane of my existence and I have very little patience for them and their BS.

Anyway, the reason I'm here...I'm shopping around for witnesses to vote for and you've got my vote for what it's worth.

Thanks man!

Sometimes being kind and patient just gets you walked all over.. Hate having to show my teeth but at the same time even I have limits. Appreciate the witness vote my man! See you on the blockchain!

<3 bro. He will tire of this soon. No worries mate.

And you are handling things well.

Eh, I'm exercising my anger management skills.. This person obviously has nothing better going on than to launch a crusade against me for slapping him on the wrists for being disrespectful and having an arrogant attitude.

Some people don't like being called out on their shit.. Unfortunatley for that guy he decided to lock horns with someone who as a general rule doesn't put up with disrespectful knobheads.

yes r u right..!!


follow back.. and thanku..

I think the real issue here is politeness. If I posted something in reply to one of your posts like a link to a book or something, and you asked me not to do that for whatever reason, I'd apologize and not do it again. This would be true even if I felt I was in the right in some way.

99% of people do this.. Then you get the odd duck like this kid who thinks the sun shines out of his ass..

Oh well. End of the day it's simply some attention starved noob trying to ride my wave.. Which would have been fine had he tried to not start a fucking war with me.