how to be the most lucky person of the world #photography #technology #Vienna

in steemit-austria •  7 years ago 

How would you feel standing there? Can you imagine restarting your life from zero, really to have nothing and after a little while stand in such place? If it is possible for me. It is for everyone too and within my articles I'll share with you how. In between, if you want to know more about who is @preinisch or me (@jnmarteau) you should definitely read this article.

Note of the head direction:

I think the best way to present a self can be by presenting others, you may understand why while doing it. So just continue and stop to write comments while you are writing,...

I didn't publish for long time on my main personal facebook profile. Last days thanks to my posts about @silkroad40, in which we can see the picture used on the top of this blog post, a lot of my friends expressed their happiness, watching me standing in such place. The real honor is to cooperate with people realizing their ideas whatever is happening on their way, even if the plan need to change, the idea they are holding stand out. Again, I want to thanks all my supportive friends and particularly Philipe Reinisch without whom Silkroad 4.0 wouldn't exist and neither Christoph P. Thomas Mann or me would be there representing what we are believing in, and most of all committing to with love and passion at anytime.

Realizing dreams?

Let's demonstrate that...

Ok, first with people who are not me.

I should start by explaining you who is surrounding me and how such persons as I am confident you are too, are effectively enablers of change. I mean, these people are maybe sometimes complaining about the world like everyone, they are normal people, but let's be honest, you... yes you, are the first to co-create the world in which you can share a smile or not with the people you are meeting on your way. That's what is making very and particularly proud to cooperate with someone but also to have the confidence of what brings friendship: a global hybrid between village and family, interoperability without borders.

Philipe is a perfect example of mr everybody who is effectively co-creating and leading the future today in the middle of industrial giants, incredibly huge institutions and very impressive people with shining curriculums including proven track records in the most sophisticated and advanced fields.

When you have an idea, trust the goals, an idea a strong vision will always finds its way, beeing the host of it care about it or someone else will in their way. Bring your ideas to earth, bring it to a day to day reality, as everything it takes time and effort, but its worth the committement.

The world has such great examples of people who changed the world. I am lucky because one of them is among us, and not alone. I am glad I have the priviledge to present and represent some of them, and the last but not the least I met and really made me feel something I can relate too is definitely Philipe.

"When we speak about future it is about the present, not only the momentum, but the gift within all the scenery, the abundance we can enjoy to share." -J.N.M.

How I met Philipe Reinisch?

Philipe and me are contributors of the Internet of Things Network located in Austria and even if we are sharing a certain number of topics and interests, we never really get the occsion to meet each other more than by emails between different actions led by the IOT community.

I really met Philipe the first time at the 3rd symbiosium hosted at Cobenzl Schloss, this annual event organized by @opt2o and initiated by @manncpt already back in 2015. The original format is making a real impact towards the effective contributors and participants.

Michael (Mentor at the IOT Network) & Khashayar Xerxes Voshmgir (Internet of Community IOC-vision) at the symbiosium held at Café Luftschloss Cobenzl in November 2017. Original picture by @opt2o.

Original picture by @opt2o more on

Who is Philipe? How to describe him?

To keep it short for this already long article, the best I guess is to let him do and just share his quote:

"If the plan fails - change the plan. But never the goal!" - @preinisch

What about going back to the story?

Tuesday morning, I woke up at 6h30 when I received a first message from my friend @manncpt already ready for the long day in perspective.

On Monday as the week was planned to be full in representations and activities in parallel. I was not sure how to deal with the next days as the Business students are with us only until Friday. I confess, it was and it is still very challenging to assume both with @alexanravart away for a while, @globalschool (+ all the other accounts), the Hug Inn and @frameworks which are really demanding as well as @generationeuropa and @silkroad40 together while also trying to support @bialbo and our heartproject SolidarityWorld (@solidarity) and make everyone feeling on the good way, I can't say that I succeeded all along as sometimes I am exhausted.

I had the choice, to say no to the students, no to Silkroad 4.0., no to my friends, no to a lot of things, but well, I learned to say no, and I decided to have the students and @silkroad40 and trust both. Monday evening I sent an email explaining the students they'll have to make their work by their own. I sent them a serie of tasks, asking them to prepare some reports as well as to publish some articles.

It is never easy to trust, but it is really rewarding when you see you put this trust in people who are committing to it. As I was really happy, @manncpt gave me a badge for the students so they can relay to each other to explore the conference place. With mine it was already 2 badges, as they are 8, it would have made 4 tours. However, I needed to show them the place too to be sure they will not lost themselves so, would have been one by one only. Fortunately, willing to support the initiative Philipe also gave me 2 badges, so it has been even more easy than I thought.

Direction Messe-Prater

Map by Google.



Let's take your bag and go!
Picture by Marie Janoušková

Photo by Marie Janoušková


Press conference by Dr. Philipe Reinisch for @silkroad40

Pioneer bringing the European IOT and Industry 4.0 to the pole of inaccessibilty. Philipe is offering the global connected community an open laboratory to experience together the challenge he gaves himself to accomplish. Towards @silkroad40, already 2 years of preparation for a last and biggest challenge of all the 2 years and a half of realization. The next 6 months trip will challenge the pilot enabling the partners and sponsors to showcase their competences and how they are hands on solutions if anything is happening as in any long travel any incident can occur.

Armin Hoyer - Journalist | Blogger | Photographer | Filmmaker at Armin On Bike

Networking with @silkroad40 at the TRA conference

Gala dinner at the city hall

Representing the "Future of travel" with Silkroad the #TRA2018 & celebrating the + 18 000 new fans from last week during the gala event yesterday at the city hall with my friend & old partner @manncpt.

Thank you Philipe & Austria Tech for the invitation! I really enjoyed the event, good athmosphere and to see again the Vice Mayor a little while after the Public Award for the Idea machine.

Discover more on the post of @manncpt.

beautiful tables
local wine


All the pictures of the Gala are made by @manncpt.


This Wedensday, direction the Messe-Prater to meet the @globalschool! As I sent them the update late, I was worring they wouldn't find my message in time.

Arriving there around 10h, I met Philipe who arrived a few moment after me. Really supportive, he offered 2 additional badges. Soon the 8 students arrived with their teacher.

Thanks to @manncpt and @preinisch, I managed to have 4 badges in total, so they all went in small groups to discover and explore the TRA conference, even the teacher. ;-)

Coordinating the team before to explore the #TRA2018.

Exploring the main hall

Pictures of Wedensday at the #TRA2018 by Marie Janoušková

I think Radka (@ideamachine), already aware of what she wants really appreciated as she is developing a career in the transportation field. (See more on the article she posted and do not forget to support her by upvoting and letting a little message of encouragement).

Emancipation = pioneering

Emancipation is like being within a quest for support from our peers, not our parents, not our groups, others, those who are part of something common but also independant of it, let say appart, those you'll be able to understand are not always the closer to you.

Self and collective developement = grow

Things would never be or appear the same to us if it was not shared with the people who are surrounding us.

We can identify to our family, to our friends, our neigbhoors, those who have the same culture or nationality, what is always making me grow is to relate with the others.

There are place to emancipate, we need to go somewhere else to learn. It is not about the education system you'll find. It is about the mix of cultures you'll meet.

Find your surrounding and/or be accessible to let them find you. Yes, you'll need to be careful, you'll need to stay surrounded, from a group to another, through the unknown, like for the fear and the mirror, sometimes, we need a friend if not a bluefairy to make the jump to the other side.

On my path of openess I get a lot of troubles, one day I finished at the hospital, people telling me they will come and shoot me if I was not doing what they were asking me to do. It was not to play, it is real. That is why I left Belgium when someone from SolidarityWorld came to save my life and offered me to come here to not live in fear and restart from zero.

I'll share with you how an angel sent by a friend I didnt knew, saved my life to a price of many sacrifices for a time, and after a year only I started to have award on award, from 2014, every single year from then in a row.

This year, I didnt apply for anything, but my friends @wolfgangsieberth awarded me with the initiation of @frameworks and @manncpt with the @silkroad40 adventure without forgetting @alexandravart with or @lizanomadsoul, @nicoletta, @twinner, @peter2017, @mammasitta, @smartcoins and all the #steemit-austria and #deutsch community empowerement! Both are for me notable as huge honnors. As I told you, when I arrived here, I was lost, I was nowhere.

To just start with few of a number, Rob (The Internet of Things Europe), @bialbo (SolidarityWorld), Moussa (COJI), @manncpt (@opt2o), Angeliki (@ideamachine), @wolfgangsieberth (@generationeuropa), joined soon by @alexandravart ( and now @preinisch (@silkroad40) each of them gave me their trust, to use their name and accepted much more than friendship, as in a family we are sharing responsabilities towards each other committement, as coming from a common globalvillage we are sharing values and visions we each aim to make accessible to everyone.

The year is not finished, it is only the beginning, so lets go together towards the next success!


Thank you for being there and supporting my way with @silkroad40!

In the next days I'll be publishing a portrait of Philipe as we get the chance to interview him on Thursday, hope you'll love it as I do! =)

Check out these @silkroad40 channels,
I am sure you'll love too:
facebook | instagram | twitter | website


Related links:

As already @lizanomadsoul & @irwanumpal, support my committement by using the following links to delegate easly to @globalschool: 50 | 100 | 200 | 500 | 1000

More to come soon... with @innovations & @solidarity

With a lot of love,

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As allways: I am very curious to see whats coming, future of travel here we go.

Happy to read your enthusiasm! Let's go. =)

You are such a beautiful human being! You only deserve the very Best! My love your way!

we can never stop never stopping love ❤

I need to hear those exact words right now:) yes! 💞

Togetherness, - to gather the full feeling. On my way, no word can express the joy of what we will be continuously learning on the path of meeting the bluefairy: Love.

Very impressive post! I wish you all the best and I am always very happy to support you!

I really appreciate your empowering messages of friendship, attention and presence! For me, the post is not as impressive as the support which enable to go through all of this! =)

Thank you again and the german community for your continuous support and for stopping by!

Thank you @peter2017! :)

Thank you for your support! :)

Good job
I'm so proud of you everyone... :D

Thank you Paula! Such success wouldn't be possible without the support of mindful @globalschool participants as you are! Thank you again for your committement and support. =)

Me too =)

You are making me feel very happy! =)

We, too =)


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<3 That's what we name community empowerement! Thank you for supporting all of us @austroboost, you are awesome!

Thank you @jnmarteau! Well done, your publication is outstanding. I am really happy to get to know you through @opt2o and @manncpt. This a really fruitful cooperation, steem on! =)

Wow that's a really wonderful encouraging and supportive message @silkroad40! Count on my full committement to support your dedication! It is wonderful to cooperate within an environment of trust and empowerment such as this adventure. This wouldn't be possible without your engagement in this project. Thank you for making it happenning.

"Yes, we steem!" =) #quotetwist

Really nice storytelling @jnmarteau! Thank you for being such an honest, reliable and caring ambassador of our organisation! You have our full support. :)

Thank you @opt2o for your support and encouraging words! It is an honor to represent the civil society among the mindful and empowering people of your collective. I am proud to be the testimoni and ambassador option2.0. =)

Mine too =)

Thank you @silkroad40! It means a lot =)


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You are even 2 times more awesome! =D

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Wow, this is a stunning post @jnmarteau! Thank you for sharing your story, all the pictures and the beautiful words you found for the last week as well as to mention all the people around you making ideas possible. I will resteem it by @opt2o and @silkroad40 to increase the reach. If we are all supporting each other we will for sure find more friends here to make the content more visible and reach better payouts. Full steem ahead! =)

You are right @manncpt. This is a great article! :)

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Ihre Bundeskanzlerin

It is always a good suprize than to read a message from you my dear! Thank you @angela.merkel =D

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Traveling is just the best thing in my life broh,,,
