Savants are different from slaves respective of the fact that they do same chores and do same work but let's try to know one thing that servants are hired to do work and get paid for the work done but slaves are acclaimed
ownership of people by another person and are forced to do works without pay. Servants can decide to leave the job at anytime they want but slaves can't leave their work anyhow because a slave is more or less someone under bondage, you need an intervention either from God or from anything or anyone that has a higher power more than the person that enslaved you. Slaves go through torture, forces to do everything.
Servants have freedom but slaves don't have freedom, even when you are sick and dying, you can't take excuse to leave and take medications. You are obligated to carry out some certain duties where other duties can also come on board which you must also do if it's directed to you to do. Many people always make the mistake and mix up who a slave is and who a servant is. The only similarities there is that they are both hired to work, though a servant bargains with the employee the level at which he will work and get paid but a slave firstly becomes the property of the person that he or she is going to work for.
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