The Results from the Steemit Faucet Experiment are... Disappointing

in steemit-experiment •  9 years ago  (edited)


The Experiment

Exactly 24 hours ago, or maybe a little more already, I have posted the following:

Offering FREE STEEM POWER to everyone that wanted to get it with absolutely no strings attached, you just had to say that you wanted to get it and I would send it. The idea was to offer new users on a different way to get some more STEEM POWER instead of them begging for votes etc.

I have decided to give away 0.1 STEEM POWER per user as frankly I expected that there will be some demand for it. I know it is not that much, but it is not that little either, especially if you are a newbie on steemit. There was the possibility of hundreds or even thousands of users joining in, though apparently it did not turn out like that...

The results of the experiment were pretty much disappointing and you can see the short summary below.

The Results

There were 16 votes and 16 comments to the article and it has generated a total of $0.03 Steem Dollars. I'm mentioning the votes and the revenue, because in the post I did not want the people to vote for it in order to receive the reward, as I've said it was offered free with no strings attached and no conditions, all you had to do is to ask for it.

The Comments

  • Some of the comments were from bots, the usual suspect @isaac.asimov and one called @daysaiyan, these are now apparently downvoted by another bot automatically

  • Some of the comments were from either bots or users that post some generic content: @rickydevil and @qonq99 probably without even checking the content of the publication

  • Some of the comments were mine as I've had to explain that something I said I'd do is indeed possible to @robsteady who doubted that I promised something that cannot be done

  • One of the comments from @acassity was to congratulate the idea as he has tried something similar, but without much success either

  • Out of all comments only 5 were of actual people that wanted to take up on the offer for Free Steem Power and they will be getting it shortly transferred to their accounts, these are: @cryptobro, @putradham, @cryptohustlin, @gfxmotion and @dervish

The Votes

Below is the list of votes, all of them upvoted:


Out of the 5 who will get free STEEM POWER only one - @cryptohustlin did not vote for the post and I'm reminding that there was no rule that required for them to vote to get anything back.


The Conculsion

I kind of expected more people to take up the offer, way more as even though 0.1 SP is not that much it is not that little either and if you just started using steemit and don't have a lot of STEEM POWER anything you get should be welcome. Especially if you get it absolutely free with no strings attached, but it seems that it is easier to beg or complain. Or maybe it is because people want free Steem Dollars and not free STEEM POWER...

What I know for sure that I will probably not be repeating the same experiment again as the results were not what I expected and were not very encouraging, or maybe this is just not the right way. Anyway, I should probably focus on creating better content to help users than to do things like that failed experiment. What do you think?

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It doesn't look like the original post had enough steem power behind it to make it very visible to the community. We needed whales to upvote it, as a form of marketing, to spread the word. That should get lazy posters reinvigorated to jump online and contribute. If they find one nugget, they will search for more (leveraging the greed principle) and in the process begin to read and be more involved. Well, for a short time anyways. Some will go dormant again, but others will like what they find and stay.

@ cryptos you can always try it again, with a bigger 'splash'? (...see what I did there)

Maybe I will try it again in a while...

I like the idea and though I commented on your 2nd one . But at any rate I think this is one of those deals that would have to have some time to catch on ? If you have time you should keep doing this a little while longer

Steemit is still pretty new and shiny, but like with all things new and shiny people haven't really settled in, neither has the platform just yet. I would say this is mostly the case of being on the cutting edge of things combined with a little bit of not haven't and established whale on your post, but that is just my observation from my short time here

Try again and offer 5 STEEM...
However, I don't see any value in this kind of acting.

It was just an experiment :)

Some of the comments were mine as I've had to explain that something I promised is indeed possible to @robsteady who kind of accused me of promising something that cannot be done

I think this is stating it a little strongly as I admitted it was my lack of knowledge that led me to comment what I did.

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Sorry if said like that it sounded little strongly to you... edited.

Keep up the great work @cryptos