Hibiscus Tiliaceus; Amazing Trees

in steemit-health •  8 years ago 


Hibiscus Tiliaceus

This tree is a lot in my place, grow wild, but many people who do not know the great benefits contained in the tree, ranging from roots, leaves to flowers. We call this tree with the name siren (aceh language), while the scientific name is Hibiscus tiliaceus.


Many uses are found in the siren tree, let us see what are the benefits quoted by Martodisiswojo and Rajakwangun (1995) as well as from several other sources.

  1. Roots; used as a coolant for fever,
    Leaves; helps hair growth, as a cough medicine, bloody/slimy diarrhea drugs, tonsils, fodder, and vegetables
  2. Flowers are used for eye inflammation, colds, and menstruation for women
  3. Stem / wood; used as building materials or boats, wheel carts, tool handles, carvings, and firewood.
  4. bark rods used as ropes.

Maybe in the future, this tree will be rare because so many benefits, and hopefully will be cultivated so as to increase the economy of the community.

Here I show some pictures of siren tree that I took with Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime, located in North Aceh.






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I think this plant is rare already

yes. in some places this tree is somewhat rare, lucky in my place this tree grow as usual, even though this tree is widely used for the needs of people. Thanks @sabjabal ....