Did You Know About These Surprising Health Benefits Of Sea Weed?

in steemit-health •  8 years ago 

The ocean and the seas are home to many kinds of seaweeds that are edible and nutritious. These super foods help one look and feel fresh, glowing and healthy like a fish in the water as they are packed with nutrients that are good for you. Seaweed has been consumed by the Japanese, Chinese and the Koreans for ages. Awareness of its benefits is spreading to other parts of the world now.

Edible Seaweed can be divided as follows:

Blue algae – Chlorella, Spirulina

Brown algae – Kombu, Kelp, Wakame (used in miso soup) and Arame

Green algae – Ulva, sea grapes, Sea lettuce

Red algae – Dulse, Nori, Laver

Sea weed seems to contain more nutrients than the terrestrial plants. Sea weeds are a power house of vitamins, minerals, and other many health benefits. Here are the top health benefits of sea weed:

1 . Power house of nutrition

Seaweed is a source of vitamins and minerals like folate, Selenium, Zinc, Magnesium, Iron, Iodine and Calcium. Seaweed also contains omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. Vegetarians can benefit from omega-3 that it provides. Though high in Nutrients, seaweed is low in calories; a garnish sized helping of seaweed is only 30 calories, making it perfect for those trying to lose weight.

Add seaweed to the soup as those in the Caribbean Islands and Ireland do. Seaweed Soup is consumed by those recovering from an illness or as a daily nutritive drink.

2 . Helps prevent cancer

Seaweed is a great source of antioxidants, which help reduce the effect of free radicals on the body. Seaweed has the power to detoxify Lead, Cadmium (present in cigarette smoke) and Strontium (radioactive chemical) from the body thus reducing the occurrence of a few types of cancer. Lignans in Seaweed convert to phytoestrogens in body and block oestrogens that cause breast cancer.

Some Asian shops sell seaweed in dried form. You can get Benefits of dried seaweed by eating it as a snack. You can crush or sprinkle the dried variety to salads or use it as a seasoning when cooking.

3 . Aids digestion

Seaweed is high in fibre, which is essential for good digestive health. Seaweed also keeps one feeling full for longer; it increases the levels of good bacteria in the stomach, and aid food in releasing energy slowly. You can add Kombu, a type of seaweed to beans. This control gas or stomach problems which some people experience while eating Beans.

Seaweed can be used as ingredients in salads, Sushi, miso soup, tofu, stir fries and vegetable stews.
4 . Improves heart health

According to some studies, seaweed types like Brown seaweed reduce blood pressure and decrease the chance of heart disease due to its Se content. Reap the benefits of Seaweed salad by eating sea vegetable like Alginate. This wonder weed can block 75% fat intake from being absorbed into the body.

Roasted seaweed is also called, Nori. Sold as large sheets, Nori is packed with the nutrients – Vitamin B-6, Vitamin B12 Fibre and Iodine. Crumble Nori and add it to recipes for that special additional flavour.

Whatever form it is eaten and to whichever product it is added, Seaweed takes a dish to another level. Always take a dietitian’s or doctor’s advice before adding new foods to your diet. Excessive intake of Seaweeds is known to cause goitre, yellowing of the skin and intestinal problems. Seaweeds should be purchased from reliable sources as some parts of the seas are exposed to harmful radioactive materials.

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