Benefits of Honey: Steady Rise in Blood Glucose Levels | Honey as substitute for refined sugar

in steemit-health •  6 years ago 


Carbs are a basic part of our daily dietary intake. It is important for our diet to be composed of carbohydrates because these macronutrients are broken down to form sugar or glucose. Glucose is the simplest unit of energy giving substance which is the result of food being digested and subsequently absorbed into the bloodstream as the primary source of energy for the body. Carbs are present in all the food that we eat.


Diabetes Mellitus

Our bodies are normally capable of regulating the amount of sugar or glucose circulating in the body however in the case of diabetics, it is a different story. People with Diabetes Mellitus have problems with insulin secretion. To those who are not familiar with it, insulin acts as a key for glucose to enter the body's cells. Without insulin, the glucose in the blood remains in the blood causing an increase in blood sugar levels. This is dangerous for the body as it poses a lot of dangers.


First, the blood becomes rather sticky making it rather difficult to move within the circulation. Blood needs to be fluid in order to move about the circulation. When ou adds sugar, it because viscous, sticky and harder to transfer blood containing oxygen and nutrients into different body parts. Secondly, without insulin, the body physiologically starves from lack of glucose. While there are a lot of sugar in the bloodstream (high blood sugar levels), it cannot enter the cells. This leads to a diabetic person feel almost hungry all the time. Diabetes is a very chronic condition and requires medical attention.

Honey and Blood Sugar

Several studies have shown that honey has a positive impact on patients who need constant blood sugar monitoring. This also asks whether honey proved to be a good food source for diabetic clients or if it is a good substitute for refined sugar.


In terms of the number of calories, a tablespoon of honey contains 64 calories while one tablespoon of sugar is around 49 calories. We can say that honey has more calories primarily because it is more condensed and heavier. Does this mean that honey increases the blood sugar level more than refined sugar?


While the number of calories in each teaspoon appear high, honey is very sweet which leads people to reduce the amount of sweetener in food consumed. Ultimately, this translates to a lesser increase of blood sugar levels. The Glycemic Index is a way to measure how much a particular carbohydrate is capable of increasing blood sugar level. The index for honey is 55 while table sugar is at 65. Food intake with low glycemic index only cause small increases in blood sugar which make them suitable choices for patients with diabetes. This would mean that honey does not cause a dramatic spike in blood glucose. So, people with diabetes mellitus may consume honey instead of sugar.

It was even found in a study in UAE that the blood sugar levels were shown to be much lower and remained at a low level in subjects given honey compared to refined sugar. This allows scientists to believe that honey may actually increase insulin levels allowing the glucose to enter the cells, decreasing blood sugar levels.


Honey has been found to cause a more stable increase in blood sugar as compared to refined sugar. Honey could therefore be a healthier substitute for patients with diabetes or who are trying to maintain an acceptable blood sugar level

Disclaimer: Honey should be used in moderation as it is still a simple carbohdyrate. It is still capable of increasing blood sugar levels which merit constant monitoring of blood glucose levels

If you want to read more blogs about honey, feel free to smash it below :


10 Surprising Health Benefits of Honey

Lana Barhum (28 May 2017)

Can Diabetics Eat Honey

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Excellent post!
It contains very valuable information,
I congratulate you, you have helped me to understand
many things about diabetes,
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Thanks for sharing

Hi Buddy, Thank you for this incredible post! i really love honey, I have learned so much in this generous post. And now I’m itching to eat it more because it seems to be very important for the body according to the benefits that you’ve outlined above! I have bookmarked this post and will be returning to this guide often.

It's nice that you share valuable information regarding honey. But Nowadays, Purity of honey is not guaranteed. So how can we know that this xyz brand contains pure honey. Because in INDIA , Our elders check the purity of honey by putting some honey in eyes and if the tears came out immediately then the honey is pure. There are different method s to check the quality of honey. You should mention that too.

Great post.