Don't Be Afraid of Delicious Food (ENG-INA-KR)

in steemit-health •  7 years ago  (edited)

Maybe you've felt guilty after enjoying delicious food with high cholesterol content. Especially if you are not a regular exercise to get out sweat. You feel you have sinned because you do not care about your own body.

Mungkin Anda pernah merasa bersalah sehabis menikmati makanan lezat dengan kandungan kolesterol yang tinggi. Apalagi bila Anda bukan yang termasuk rutin berolahraga sampai keluar keringat. Anda merasa sudah berbuat dosa karena tak sayang terhadap tubuh sendiri.

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Yes, during the last decade there have been many suggestions about healthy life that come and go. Among other things, we must avoid the kinds of foods that are delicious because of cholesterol. We learn to look at the negative beefsteak, fried eggs of cow's eyes, and pastries cooked by cream, butter, milk, or cheese.

Ya, selama satu dasawarsa terakhir ini banyak anjuran tentang hidup sehat yang datang silih berganti. Antara lain, kita harus menghindari macam-macam makanan yang lezat karena kolesterolnya. Kita jadi belajar memandang negatif beefsteak, telur goreng mata sapi, dan kue-kue yang diperlezat oleh krim, mentega, susu, atau keju.

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Body shape is too big / fat is also considered unpopular because it is linked directly delicious with the possibility terjangkitnya various diseases, eg heart attack. Exercise then considered healthy if it is classified as spartan, which must be high enough frequency, intensity, and duration, which in reality that not everyone can do it.

Bentuk tubuh yang terlalu besar/ gemuk juga dipandang tak populer karena dikaitkan langsung lezat dengan kemungkinan terjangkitnya berbagai macam penyakit, misaalnya serangan jantung. Olahraga barulah dianggap menyehatkan bila tergolong spartan, yaitu harus cukup tinggi frekuensi, intensitas, dan lamanya, yang pada kenyataannya yang tak semua orang bisa melaksanakannya.

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Not all suggestions are irrelevant. There are suggestions made simple and some are with some improvements. All in connection with the existence of research on the association of food with heart disease and blood vessels.

Tak seluruh anjuran itu tak relevan lagi. Ada anjuran yang dibuat semakin sederhana dan ada pula yang dengan beberapa penyempurnaan. Semua sehubungan dengan adanya penelitian mengenai kaitan makanan dengan penyakit jantung dan pembuluh darah.

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well, you don't need to feel guilty for having such meals, it is okay to have it, but just don't take too much and do some exercise, then you can enjoy these food and healty at the same time~


Leumak meunan

Haha. mantap bang !

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Sangat bermanfaat bang @novale.
Postingan ini menepis asumsi klo sehat itu gak harus menyiksa diri. Kita tetap bisa makan enak sambil menjaga pola hidup sehat. 😊

terima kasih sudah menyempatkan diri mengunjungi

This post has received a 23.28 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @novale.

Mangat nyan... Hehehe

Jroh... Mangat that

nyan,,,,payah peu reuno lon lom..

Bereh that ka.

Pu yg bereh gure @berkat

Pu han bereh, wate ta lihat vote awak droeneuh reubah teuh lheuh. Ji long hana meu angen pih.

hehehe... boh pane na

Han neu bi resep ba cut?

resep jih... bawang ngen capli. hehehe

@novale got you a $1.22 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice!
@novale got you a $1.22 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice! (Image:

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Enak tenan nek iki, mantap

luar biasa mas @novale
tapi sekarang ada diet yang makan-makanannya harus berkolestrol mas.
jadi enggak makan apa yang terbuat dari tepung, nasi tapi malah makan yang berkolestrol mas.

hawateuh sang yg di ateuh karap lage tomyam @ novale

😀 hana lin teupu nan masakan nyan bg @zainalbakri. Foto free dari web bg

If you are very active, cholesterol isn't as big a deal. You probably shouldn't eat a steak every day, but, your body can process that stuff a lot better when it's active.

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