"Artificial meat" soon to markets!

in steemit-health •  8 years ago 

The laboratory burger is due to arrive in the market within two years after the startup Memphis meats has made a significant step towards the marketing of synthetic meat.

Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft and businessman Richard Benson, and a number of senior investors, have decided to allocate $ 22 million to support Memphis meats, a San Francisco-based firm.

The company has actually produced "clean meat" - beef, chicken and ducks directly from animal cells, which do not require slaughter of animals.

The company intends to use the funds to further develop its products and speed up its work in the area of ​​increasing the production of "clean meat" and hopes that this will reduce the cost of production to levels similar to the costs of traditional meat, and even less in the end.

The company expects to increase the number of employees to four times, and has already begun to increase its team of chefs, scientists, innovators and businessmen.

The company says it hopes to bring clean meat products to consumers around the world in the next two to three years.

Its first production line includes sausages or so-called hot dogs, burgers and meat, which will be used in all recipes developed by the world's best chefs.

"I am happy to invest in Memphis meats, and I think that within 30 years or so, we will no longer need to kill animals," said Richard Benson, the company's first producer, in February 2016. In an e-mail to Bloomberg, Where all the meat will be either clean or plant-based, while maintaining the same taste, and will be healthier for all. "

"Clean meat" is expected to produce a series of significant changes over the coming years in the food and environment market, in terms of low costs and the provision of necessary calories, as well as reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 90%.


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I will support you, God bless you, I learn english, so if I made some mistakes, then I apologize and keep it and check me out @kamranbhatti
thank you very much


It is helluva controversial to advocate for absolutely natural meat, killing to eat, paying a pretty penny or for getting plastic eaters paying less having more… some part of the Earth population can die off… Perhaps there must be a third route)))

You've got my attention.