Quality > Quantity

in steemit-help •  8 years ago 

To all you new Steemians, I just have a few words of advice:

  1. Don't beg for follows, votes etc. Earn them with good posts and comments. You are unlikely to get votes from anyone who has real voting power anyway.
  2. Don't follow too many people. You will not be able to keep up with your feed. I know some people do this in hope that they will follow back, but even if they do they probably won't bother to read your posts. Find people who are interesting to you and follow them.
  3. Do not spam the comments. Cut and paste comments are likely to get flagged. You really don't want that to happen.
  4. Do not plagiarise. Why should you get paid for copying someone else's work? You are very likely to get caught out and you will get flagged.
  5. Do not mis-use tags. It will be tempting to keep using the most popular tags, but this can also get you flagged I see lots of posts under 'introduceyourself' that are not introductions. I've warned a few people about this. I will only flag those who ignore warnings.
  6. Do post good comments. Stay on topic and add to the conversation. This is one of the best ways to earn something early on.
  7. Do vote. Your vote may not be worth much, but people appreciate it anyway. Don't worry about using up your voting power to start with. It doesn't matter too much if you don't have much Steem Power.
  8. Do read the FAQ and Quick Start Guide. These are in the menu in the top right of the page. There are lots people posting helpful tips. Seek them out.
  9. Don't worry about the money. It will come in time. Just do what is fun and it won't feel like work anyway.

Steem on!

I'm Steve, the geeky guitarist.

I'll buy guitar picks for Steem Dollars

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Thanks. This will help a lot of the new people.

This post received a 3.3% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @hotandrandom! For more information, click here!

Good solid advice there for the newbs :)

hows the running going?

I get out when I can. Not sure if I will have a chance this weekend though.

The best announcement, so that we new members can understand the use of rights.
Thanks @steevc

But @steevc,I was bored to post out my quality post,nobody come to see my post as my low reputation. any solution for minnows?

You can build a reputation with good comments. If you add to the conversation then you should get voted up. This can help to gain followers who will support your posts. I see you have had good rewards already, so you must be doing something right

But the reward was not consistent. Feel sad sometime

I don't think you can feel too sad with over $200 on a post! I've never had that much

Thank you - these are reassuring tips for a newbie.

just wondering what do you consider "It doesn't matter too much if you don't have much Steem Power. " how much do you need to have before it starts to matter ?

When you get to a few hundred you will get the control for what percentage of a vote you give. At that stage your vote may be worth a cent or two and you can choose to give less. Then you can vote more often with a small vote and still have some effect

Actually after HF 19 it is worth more then just one cent at that point ;) More like 10+

Even better. People can give a cent with a 10% vote and vote 10x as much

i believe the slide opens up after 500 sp, mean while i try hard to stay above 70% voting power,but it's easier said then done

Around 12,000 sp would be nice lol

way past that number already :)

@stresskiller those cents add up .. I agree..I gave you mine haha..

agreed with rools

These are guidance rather than rules. Steemit has very few rules, but I have learned what the community likes

Yes 100 percent right it will come to yoy just wait

That's what I'm talking about. Less is more. Just like what I posted before, check it out ;)


Quantity still matters a little though. The whole point of following someone is to see when they put something new out. Quality is definitely important and you should always try to produce quality content that adds value, but you do need to do it on a fairly regular basis too.

But yeah don't spam my feed with 10 posts a day.

It's also quality in who you follow and how you comment. That's what we should base our votes on

Great common sense on the use of steemit! Thanks.

Great advice! I saw someone yesterday who posted that he was going to create a post every hour [with the hopes a whale would pick it up].. I feel like you're much better off creating 1-2 really good posts a day that are well thought out and spend the rest of the time commenting meaningful replies!

I think the whales are smarter than that. I just stick to a few each day even if my timing is not optimal.

They most certainly are smarter than that which was the flaw in this guy's logic!

Resteemed, this is good advice for newbies. I joined a post the other day where the author was worrying about only having 200 followers after 2 weeks, I'm telling them not to worry follower count doesn't matter, it's having followers that will upvote.
On multiple replies after telling me they understood, they just keep asking me to follow and upvote, it was like talking to a wall :)

200 after 2 weeks and that wasn't enough? Wow, I got to 200 followers after 2 months of being here, so I honestly have no clue why this person would feel bad about it.

Right I'm here over a year and less than 300, but many upvote me so it doesn't matter

Exactly! I'd rather have 100 interested followers than 1000 'follower for follower' followers. The interested ones give more interaction and more upvotes. You'll actually feel like people read your posts :-)

My kind of thinking.

Lol I had 200 after 5 month.

Very good post ... I agree.I am
Very new here and I really appreciate these types of informative articles. Following you now.

IDK - I got into this controversy last night over a Spam-Bot that posted on my post. I've been doing a series with the "introduceyourself" Tag but, apparently, some Bot-Builders do not like you using that particular tag more than one time. Seems a bit trivial to me, since I'm writing original content, in a series. I mean, who tells their "life story" in a single post? How boring would that person be?

So, I used the tag 6 times - every time with a part of my story. But, there was one Russian guy who used the tag 217 times. I don't feel like I've been abusing the use of the tag in any way; one post a week for the last few weeks, with original content. I can't imagine my story going for much longer. But, yeah, 217 uses is not quite right either.

(Courtesy of the SNL YouTube Channel)

This is why we need humans to make the judgement. Your use may be valid, but there is real abuse of the tag going on to try and get views/votes.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Well, the fact of the matter is - it works for people. As long as it keeps on working for people, they're going to keep on using the tag.

Maybe, if there was some kind of a way for the next hardfork to include something that would only let people use a certain tag, one time, for introducing themselves - and it was somehow hard-coded into the blockchain - that would be just great.

The problem with the whole @goodbot, that I see, is that this is one Steemians (or one groups') idea of how THEY think that something "should be" - and they're going to force their will upon everyone else, using their Steem Power. IDK, if that's the way most Steemians want to operate - but maybe that's just the way that it was designed to operate. Let's just hope that the guys with the Whaleshares don't start enforcing all kinds of stupid "rules," using bots, because they think that's how SteemIt "should be" - according to their whim.

I mean, if I so "whim" it, I could just go have somebody make me a bot that does nothing else but flag every single post that any bot ever makes, for any reason. And, say I wanted to dump $15,000 into that bot account, or $150,000, or $1.5 Million. Then it's going to take somebody with an equal or greater amount of Steem Power to shut that bot down.

We could turn SteemIt into a big "Bot Wars" playground. How fun would that be?

We've already had bot wars, but in the end people will do what is profitable and fun. It is up to the users to make the rules. I don't think we want Steemit Inc making them for us. The introduction thing is not that big a deal. Just warn people if they overuse it. If they choose to keep doing it there may be consequences. This is the wild west and those with the power get to make some rules. I just hope they use that power wisely

What?!?! "Bot Wars?!?!" Man! That must have been before my time - and I missed it. Shucks! (kicks the ground) Can you tell me how it all went down? What was SteemIt like, in the "olden days?!?!"

There was someone who bought a load of sp and randomly flagged people. People made bots to cancel that out. I try to avoid conflict generally

That's a good policy.

Been reading some simular posts before here on Steemit, and yours also is very helpful I think.

Thank you Steve , and I will help you to get your guitar picks, anyways keep doing good job :)

Any advice on how to not be on steem the whole time and focus on learning? :O

LOL! I have that problem too. There are apps that can disable your browser for specific times. It is addictive

Don't think that'll help.

On the one hand I need my browser for some research when I'm stuck while learning and on the other hand I'll probably find a way around the app that's disabling my browser and then I'm back here to begin with. :D

Best thing would be something that just changes my password for some hours, logs me out and then changes it back after a previously specified timeframe :D

It's an exercise in self-control :)

Great tip all should follow. Quality posts will help keep the site running for a long time. Thanks! followed you!

100% agree with all! Wish you good luck and more powerful posts!

If only all the newbies would read this article, the spam is getting quite obnoxious these days

Totally true. I will definitely follow these advices since i'm new :) Thx a lot

good advice for newbies like me! thank you! 😊

Quality is the first priority

Excellent advice, especially for rookies like me, many of these will be discovered and realized after a while so having all these in one place will save us much time and heartaches. I would have upvoted this but my voting power is recovering after being crushed. I will resteem instead :)

Great points well made. I agree with all of them but I would like to highlight one.

Do vote. Your vote may not be worth much, but people appreciate it anyway.

I agree with you @erode .. but like to keep some cents involve

LOUDER for some of the folks in the back!

thank you for the advice.. as newbie, i really need that. Thanks again :)

Great summary, upvoted and resteemed - there is huge Spam and begging currently as comments and in various chats which is a real pain in the ass. Your 6th point is what changed dramatically and therefore I am trying to reduce my comments currently - they will either not be seen, voting comments is also far from popular it seems - people tend to see their power - i tried to vote every useful comment on posts - not sure i will continue that.

I've earned a fair bit from comments, so it can pay.

So did I - but since HF19 I see tons of spam comments - some upvoted by the one commenting - we need to tackle the Spam and HF19 results

Great advice to get further on this site!

Good advice, i am glad i already do most of it. For example only post my own original work and try to limit myself to a few posts a day at most. And the part about the follower list getting to big is very true, i try to visit my peeps and check out their work but it gets hard the more i add.

I've been an advocate for quality content since i've been here. There are just too many accounts pumping out posts in an effort to make a quick buck. For this platform to succeed long term, we need quality. I'm even running a small contest to help promote said content.

Thanks for this reminder, as a community we can build this place into something special!

I'm just trying to give some suggestions. Those who try to flood the system are less likely to get many followers

Couldn't agree with what you said any more man! We need mor epeople to think that way

Yup, following the above rules but I am facing one big problem. persons I have followed, sometimes resteem such posts that I am really not interested in and it becomes difficult me to filter out the post I want to read.

Unfortunately there's not much you can do about that. People shouldn't re-steem too much. They don't get paid for it anyway

How can i get verified?

It's a paid service by Steem Verify, but it's not available right now. They just check your other social profiles and give you the badge to use


Yes i made these same misstakes in my 4 days of being on here, thank you for that great advice.

At least you are learning. You can help others

yes that is what my plan it, help and be helped :)

Great rules, agree with all statements! Resteemed.

Cool tips. Will keep them in mind.

Good advice


Good peace of advice;) thank you for that. Let's make esteem a cool place not for the money ;)

Thank you for your advice..

This is one post I would put into introduceyourself though ;)

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I wouldn't. That would be tag mis-use as I'm not introducing myself. Mind you, the steemit tag gets over-used too, but it has no specific use

Please point me to the international law that says introduceyourself is only for posts from people saying hello here I am but not about introducing somewhere else or what new people should (not) do etc.

There's no law, but then Steemit has very few rules. It's up to the community to decide what is acceptable and the consensus on this tag has been established. Maybe someone has put together a list of other such tags. steemit-help is commonly used for tips

Thanks so much. this has really helped.

Being a minnow, my vote is only worth like 3c. Does this mean it's ok to just vote on all the posts and comments I like for now and maybe only be more selective if/when my steam power really starts to grow?
Thanks for all the info man!!