Steemit Iron Chef 2017 #09: Tequila Bananas

in steemit-ironchef •  7 years ago 

Because every part of this endeavour melts at the speed of one tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor, my clumsy hands couldn't get every step documented.

What you need

  • banana
  • tequila
  • caster sugar
  • butter
  • whipping cream
  • toasted coconut (not pictured due to melting)

Get er done

Prepare the banana (this is the easy part).

Place liquid 35% cream into bowl, add a spoonful of tequila, add a spoonful of caster sugar, whip. Stop whipping before it become butter.

Place two tablespoons of butter and about half cup of caster sugar into pan. Add tequila. Stop right before flambe -- not because there's something wrong with flambeing but because this is you and it's just not a good idea without a fire extinguisher nearby.

Consume immediately

Shredded coconut goes on the bottom of the dish. Then the whipped cream. Then the banana. Then the sauce from the pan. If you use a see-through bowl it will look ace.

Not suitable for children or cats.

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Nice combination of tequila with the banana and caramel.

Thanks man the describtion !


Shame. I think my cats would love the whipped cream. lol. But I don't need drunk cats.

Ours attempted a go at it. She's old enough to deserve a drink here and there.

Awww! Hmmm! This looks delicious! I want this now!


Woo-hoo tequila and banana...i would love to dig in my friend! Your dessert looks sooo tempting and that!
Definitely for adults only!!!