The 300k Alligator Shoes and the NY Entourage

in steemit-marketing •  5 years ago  (edited)

Yo people, its maybe 1980 of so Caribbean time, I am living in the Virgin Islands. A group of my NY buddies come down to visit, Joey Boy, Fat Philly, and Cousin Eddy.

Joey Boy a year before had bought an Island style condo for 150k in cash on St. Thomas, now having sold it for 300k he is on Island to collect that profit in cash.

The cash is waiting in a bank on the island of Tortola in the BVI.![](o we rent a small boat and motor on over from St. Thomas, collect the $ and head back to St. Thomas. So far so good, the next day we head for Miami traveling thru San Juan Puerto Rico.

We have the cash strapped to our sun tanned bodies, head to toes. the cash is mostly in small bills, we had depleted the British bank out of all its US cash I guess. This proved to be a problem. As all four of us were necessary to carry the cash

We arrive having flown the water taxi “The Goose” a sweet ride by the way, over to San Juan Puerto Rico, and upon landing we find the customs area is totally empty for some reason, not a good sign we figure as we stick out like sore NY thumbs so to speak.

I am the first to approach Mr. Customs officer, all of us a bit nervous as we are I think obviously by now to all reading not declaring this cash.

The customs officer stops me in my tracks and asks me to back up a bit and to lift up my trouser cuffs,I am thinking I am in deep fn trouble.
But then the officer says this> “wow man I love those shoes, I have been wanting to buy a pair here in San Juan but cannot find them,where did you buy them!
I am as you may guess so thankful to share my shopping skills with my new buddy, Mr. Customers officer , as we bond over a pair of alligator shoes..

Once done the entourage hits the men's room, to change our underwear, metaphorically speaking that is, laughing all the way
Life is good in the Caribbean, if your luck holds out!

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