The Sheik-Episode 1- Caesars Palace Vegas

in steemit-marketing •  6 years ago 

The Sheik
Episode 1 of 2

        Caesars Palace Las Vegas
                    The Fantasy Suite Deal-late 1970s

Living the high life in Vegas, along with the crew, John Boy, Chester, Lenny, Fat Philly, George Oobatz , and a few tag along buddies

We are guests of Caesars thanks to the credit line and the NYC connections of my buddies John Boy and Chester, their 71st Manhattan casino well known to the executives of Caesars, as many clients frequented both casinos , one legal and one not.

We are housed in Caesars Fantasy Suite, top floor, a view of the strip and four or was it five bedrooms? Regardless it was plush plus.

Caesars has also been kind enough to supply our crew with some female company, this group flown in from Tennessee as one of Caesars executives had a connection in Nashville. These girls were more or less semi-professionals in the escort business, meaning $ was never discussed, that is except on payday that is, compliments of Caesars.

We have been in town for over three weeks now, and this night had dinner at the Bacchanal, Caesars premier restaurant in those days.

We are more or less paired off with the girls, truth be my partners were more interested this evening in gambling than in female company. That leaves just Oobatz the French Moroccan Jew and court jester of the group, and I and a few of the girls to crash upstairs in the Fantasy Suite. It is maybe 4 am. John Boy, Lenny, Fat Philly and Chester are still -downstairs gambling, George and I and the girls are crashed about in the bedrooms, though I am only half asleep on the living room couch which is next to the giant Jacuzzi that sets off the decor of the Fantasy Suite.

Chester's gal is crashed out half naked in the Moroccan styled largest bedroom, a silk tent like curtain being the entrance with a full view of the Jacuzzi and the Vegas strip, this also includes a full view of Chester's gal laying half naked and face down on the King sized Sultan style harem scare them bed.

This view does not go unnoticed by Oobatz, as well as by me,however Oobatz is the only one of us who makes a move.

Oobatz resemble s a cross between the character actor Peter Lorre of the 1920's and 30's ,famous for playing the restaurant owner in Casablanca, the other fifty percent? well he resembled the then unknown Osama Bin Laden, but is about a foot shorter, this description one would think would make him stick out in a crowd, yet the gist of the story is that he could make himself sort of invisible when required, or in some cases make himself appear to be someone other than who he was, as this story is testament to.

I am half asleep but coherent enough to notice or rather sense some sort of movement in the darkened living room, I look up and see nothing but the lights from the Vegas Strip through the giant windows of the Suite,, but then I look down, and see something! I see Oobatz, who is doing the duck walk/crawl on the carpet, he is crawling GI basic training style on his pot belly and moving ever so slowly and headed North, which in the scheme of things in the apartment means he is headed directly for Chester's bedroom and that bedrooms main attraction, Chester's gal.

He does not know I am watching his every move. The Jacuzzi is situated directly in his path, no avoiding it without waking me up, as he assumes I am asleep,but this does not deter our man Oobatz, he gracefully slides in and out of the water, not a ripple was made. He was nude so no change of outfit was necessary, apparently he planned ahead.

This an outfit that would normally make me cringe, but I was not missing this show because I did not approve of the wardrobe worn by its participants.

On a side note to this day the thing that remains with me about this moment are the hairs on Oobatz's back , more of them there than most men have on their scalps. Haunts my nightmares every once in a while to this day.

He finally after ten or more painstaking crawling on his belly minutes reaches his target, that being the girl from Tennessee , I pardon the pun have a birds eye view of what happens next,

Oobatz slowly crawls up onto that King size bed where Ms. Tennessee girl is still oblivious to the world, half asleep and laying on her belly, round bottom exposed.

Well Oobatz wastes no time in getting down and thru his business with Tennessee, it by no means resembles a Tennessee Waltz I might add,and the additional odd part is that Oobatz's actions have only half awakened Tennessee and I can hear her moaning: “Oh Chester-- Oooooh Chester” in time and tune with Oobatz in his attack mode, apparently that rumor that all men look the same upside down is true! Chester missed a great time. So sad.

.Well Oobatz finishes his attack to and from the rear so to speak and proceeds to do his belly crawl back to where he started this adventure. I laugh silently as I fall asleep.

Come the following morning:Breakfast is served in the outrageously beautiful dining room by Caesars staff, this around 1pm , Vegas breakfast time .

Our friend Oobatz orders caviar and eggs over easy, very easy. He however is not his usual self I notice, he is usually the life of the party anytime including breakfast Vegas time, however, this morning he seems somewhat subdued, I am thinking that maybe he has a guilty conscience, but then remember that Oobatz has no conscience

This of course a plus in his lifestyle, then I figure it out, he is a bit fearful his sneak attack may have been witnessed by someone unbeknownst to him, so he is figuring he will cool it with his usual banter and not bring any unwanted attention his way, so with bowed head he is digging into his caviar when out of nowhere Ms. Tennessee announces by speaking and looking directly to and at her weekend boyfriend Chester that she had had the strangest dream the night before.

I wink at George letting him know that I am onto him and jump on this opportunity before anyone else can say anything and ask her to tell us all about it as I find dreams to be fascinating, (especially ones I have witnessed first hand!) as George Oobatz buries his face deeper into his caviar.

Ms. Tennessee proceeds to tell Chester that she had a seemingly real time dream that he had made love to her in the middle of the night, even though she knows he did not return to the room until after the sun had risen. Chester thinks this sweet- so does the Sheik George, though he cannot share that emotion with the table.

Everyone except Oobatz and I think this to be testament to the new romance between this somewhat odd couple, should just say odd couple, no somewhats about it, as Chester is twice her age and half a foot shorter, anyway I am having a hard time keeping a straight face, and Oobatz has his face buried in the caviar, along with his maybe give it away eyes.

This memory brings tears to my eyes to this day----sentimental me-

Everyone congratulates the odd couple on their new romance.

The next morning is D day, departure day, Caesars limos the gals to their jet black Lear Jet which departs taking the girls back to Tennessee, and our crew leaves for Caesars Tahoe on the casinos dime and in their other black Lear jet. These were good days!

To this day some thirty or more years later Oobatz and I are the only witnesses to the whole truth about the Sheik and Tennessee's brief interlude. Tennessee only has her dream as a memory, and as with most dreams may no longer remember any of it. Oobatz and I, do do remember the go-go belly crawl..

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