Vegetable leaves of cassava / sayur daun singkong

in steemit-recipe •  7 years ago 


Sayur daun singkong

Bahan :

1 ikat daun singkong
200 ml santan kara cair
450 ml air bersih
2 lembar daun salam
3 cm lengkuas memarkan
gula merah&garam secukupnya
kaldu bubuk bila suka
2 sendok makan minyak goreng

Haluskan bumbu :

5 buah cabe merah
3 butir kemiri
2 siung bawang putih
5 siung bawang merah
1/2 sdt kerumbar &merica
3 cm kunyit
sejumput garam

Cara buat :

1. pertama siangi daun singkong lalu cuci kemudian rebus kasih sedikit garam,rebus sampei empuk, angkat cuci dgn air dingin, lalu peras airnya kemudian potong kasar.

2. Panaskan minyak goreng, tumis bumbu halus masukan daun salam lengkuas, gula merah dan garam aduk bentar, masak bumbu sampei harum, masukan daun singkong, tuang air dan santan masak sampai matang, cicipi rasanya lalu matikan api kompornya.

Sajikan sayur daun singkong selagi hangat selamat mencoba..!!


Vegetable leaves of cassava

Material :

1 bunch of cassava leaves
200 ml of liquid coconut milk
450 ml of clean water
2 bay leaves
3 cm galangal spray
brown sugar & salt to taste
powdered broth when likes
2 tablespoons of cooking oil

Blend spices :

5 pieces of red chili

3 candlenuts
2 cloves of garlic
5 cloves of red onion
1/2 teaspoon of coriander & pepper
3 cm turmeric
a pinch of salt

How to make :

1. first lunch cassava leaves then wash then boil love a little salt, boil until tender, lift wash with cold water, then squeeze the water then cut roughly.

2. Heat the cooking oil, stir-fry the spices input the bayalam galam, brown sugar and salt stir bentar, cook the seasoning until fragrant, input cassava leaves, pour water and coconut milk until cooked, taste taste then turn off the fire stove.

Serve cassava leaf vegetables while warm good luck .. !!

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