📊🌏中日韩龙虎榜自 20180506 | CJK Top Pending Payout Post since 20180506 (by @ace108)

in steemit-stats •  7 years ago 

😉好帖太多,时间太少。So many good posts, so little time.😉

양질의 게시물이 다량으로 업로드 되고 있으나 모두 읽어볼 수 있는 시간이 부족한 상황입니다. 그와 함께 한중일에 관련된 게시물이 매우 빠른 속도로 피드에서 밀리는 상황이 발생하고 있습니다. 바쁘거나 스팀잇에 중독되지 않은 이상 괜찮은 포스팅을 놓치는 경우가 많습니다. 그래서 지난 3일간 가장 많은 보팅을 받은 TOP 10 포스팅을 공유해드립니다.
  1. #cn, #china and #chinese
  2. #jp, #japan and #japanese
  3. #kr, #korea and #korean
리스트에 소개된 포스팅을 읽어보시고 마음에 드시면 보팅과 함께 큐레이션 보상을 획득하세요. 마음에 들지 않으시면 여러분의 판단에 맡기겠습니다. 다양한 인기 포스팅을 찾으실 경우 각 본 게시물에 소개된 태그를 클릭해보세요.
  1. https://steemit.com/trending/cn
  2. https://steemit.com/trending/china
  3. https://steemit.com/trending/chinese
  4. https://steemit.com/trending/jp
  5. https://steemit.com/trending/japan
  6. https://steemit.com/trending/japanese
  7. https://steemit.com/trending/kr
  8. https://steemit.com/trending/korea
  9. https://steemit.com/trending/korean

🎶Meanwhile, some music for you to enjoy as you read. This piece is part of Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons, particular the first of the 4 violin concertos, called Winter.
🎶让大家继续读的时候,欣赏一点音乐。这件作品是维瓦尔第的“四季”的一部分 - 4小提琴协奏曲中的第一首,名为“冬天”。
Source | 来源: https://musopen.org/

Top 10 CJK pending payout post created since 20180506->

Author Post Date Pending Payout Post Tags

2018-05-08 13:30 180.58 Travelling with Stabilo #22: An Evening in Florence 经纬游踪 #22: 佛罗伦萨的傍晚 #travelfeed

2018-05-06 08:20 160.04 每天进步一点点:MFC中使用Access数据库 #database

2018-05-07 03:06 144.30 被坑到吐血,vector 元素地址会变! #cn-programming

2018-05-07 07:52 136.01 Travelgirl's Diary [13] - Travelgirl 的日記 [13] #dlive

2018-05-08 07:22 102.42 New Shanghai Restaurant @ Chatswood, Sydney - 新上海 @ Chatswood, 悉尼 #dlive

2018-05-06 09:13 101.79 DTube Welcome Video | Life In China | Channel Introduction #dtube

2018-05-07 05:31 98.31 Check Out The Business Class Seat on CHINA'S High Speed Train! #life

2018-05-08 13:35 95.31 睡后收入与睡后支出 #cn

2018-05-06 05:01 94.35 Dlive With @Travelgirl [29] Midweek Chat - 跟 @Travelgirl Dlive 直播聊天 #dlive

2018-05-06 22:03 87.63 人工智能的时代即将到来,我们准备好了吗? #cn

Author Post Date Pending Payout Post Tags

2018-05-06 17:54 218.71 Japanese Regulators set new standards for local Crypto Exchanges #cryptocurrency

2018-05-06 06:57 157.64 Japan's Secret Army #news

2018-05-08 01:34 144.24 Heading down to Tokyo to check out @ned’s talk! #blockchain

2018-05-07 02:45 136.75 Bloomberg Interview for Steemit and Steem #steem

2018-05-08 14:46 119.33 Sannenzaka and Ninenzaka, the streets of Higashiyama, by @japon (tranlated from French) #travel

2018-05-06 07:03 119.24 Kodai-ji, a Kyoto temple dedicated to a woman's love for her husband, by @japon (tranlated from French) #travel


2018-05-06 02:08 67.67 Learning to draw patterns with @suminyan10!!! Butterfly #4 🖊 カレイドラインズパターン を描こう with @suminyan10 さん!!!蝶々 その4 #art

2018-05-06 05:18 59.79 Thank you for everyone who supports Japanese community! 日本コミュニティを応援してくれている皆さまありがとうございます! #japanese

2018-05-06 15:16 59.01 I had dinner with gtg. @gtgさんと再会 #japanese

Author Post Date Pending Payout Post Tags

2018-05-06 12:11 540.53 The Beauty Of The Traditional Resident Area In Nakaneupseong #history

2018-05-07 12:51 502.84 Hidden Attractions Of Nakaneupseong In Suncheon #history

2018-05-08 13:40 285.30 Songgwangsa Temple In Suncheon #travel

2018-05-07 16:35 191.82 Bedevilled: The most upsetting movie i have seen in ages #film

2018-05-08 13:42 107.53 고작 1불도 안되는 돈으로 ......, #kr

2018-05-06 22:30 95.99 45개가 넘는 블록체인기반 프로젝트들을 인터뷰하며 얻은 24가지 교훈 #coinkorea

2018-05-06 08:49 94.23 환경문제 및 청년들의 일자리창출을 실현하는 스리랑카 소셜벤처 베어풋(Barefoot) 바바라 산소니를 소개합니다 : 사회문제 해결사례 (13) #kr

2018-05-07 11:38 90.20 Water Show 20180505 #kr

2018-05-07 05:54 89.92 [Appics Series] 토큰이 분배됩니다! KYC 체크해보세요~! (Token will be distributed! Check your KYC!) #coinkorea

2018-05-07 22:37 85.36 [코인구매기] EOS 닥을 구매해보자(EOSdac 구매기) #kr

Source of data: steemsql.com extracted 2018-05-09T08:47:52.723

Note: Korean translation done with help of @brandonlee88

Note: Access to SteemSQL is currently provided at subscription fee of 10 SBD per month.
See this post from @arcange for more details: SteemSQL is moving to a monthly subscription model

SEPARATOR-Dolphins In on Blue
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SEPARATOR-Dolphins In on Blue
Please see my other posts: @ace108
请看我其他帖: @ace108


I See👀. I Shoot📷. I Steemit♨️.

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