Hi steemit, my name is April Agnes, the original author of "Edelweiss". I found my story in here that I made 5 years ago. My first impression of Steemit is "PLAGIARISM".

in steemit-steal •  8 years ago 

Today is the day I discovered SteemIt and I'm so excited about it. But to my excitation, I was shocked on what I have found in here... PLAGIARISM. like "really?, is this something conincedence?" That were my first thought reading those short stories.

After a long hours of finding good write-ups here, I saw the story(https://steemit.com/story/@spinx/edelweiss-a-short-story-1) I made 5years ago. I made that myself and put it on a certain school publication. I don't know what are the rules in here but for me as a writer who respects the works of other, felt violated and was robbed by someone and uses it for profiting.

I can prove that I the original author of that story "Edelwiess"
with this link https://postimg.org/image/d9vqd8ytn/

This is the 1st part of the story.
"I had been weary from the day's job, but I was even more weary from crying. Five years in the city, and I still fell homesick. It was one of my wallowing Saturday late night drama. The rain was pouring hard and I was alone. All alone. This is what I remember."

Now this is the picture of the 1st part of the story in the publication.

I also found my friend's short story entitled "The Summoning" in his/her profile.

I can now say that he had a copy of the school publication. Again, I dont know if this kind of act is considered in this site but please give assitance to your users about copyright rules. This is a serious issue. I would not recommend steemit for authentic authors if this kind of abuse is present in this so called "social media that pays".

Thank you!
A A Galado

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Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We have never had a situation where something that was not found online has been reported as plagiarized.

[Steemit.com] is an open decentralized platform that is censorship resistant. What that means is that the community has to police itself since once something is posted it is committed to the blockchain and unchangeable.

As part of the group @steemcleaners I spend a lot of time curating posts and identifying abuse such as plagiarism, copyright infringement, and ID theft. Offenders are flagged, their posts greyed out, and they lose any monetary rewards.

I'm going to evaluate the photos and information you have provided and discuss this with the team to see what actions we can take.

Thank you again for bringing this to our attention. ☙

Edit: Is it possible to get the name of the publication? Thanks.

You will never know that there will be a lot of copyright infringement here on this site for there are a lot of authors and wanna be authors. Thank you for your feedback and for the help. The name of the publication is Nation Builder.

Sorry that your first experience of Steemit is a bad one. Yes I agree the plagiarism seems quite rampant here and it is a big issue.

My suggestion is to reply directly to the post that stole your content without your permission. In the meantime, just keep up sharing your original works. Persistence and true authenticity shall prevail!

I already did that. Where can I ask for some queries?

You can find @patrice on steemit.chat and speak directly to her for help. ☙

Hi there and welcome. Firstly, sorry to hear about your experience.

I too, found my own work plagiarised here on Steemit, but when I alerted the community, they gave the perpetrator a piece of their mind, with flags., so justice can be found, but it takes vigilance.

I agree that plagiarism is currently rampant on Steemit, but luckily there are a number of people fighting back, and would-be plagiarists are being kept on their toes. Steemcleaners caught someone recently who had respun an article quite meticulously and gotten it "trending", so the message is getting across; plagiarism is not welcome here.

Perhaps you'd like to join the fight!

Hello. Actually I'm feeling better now. Now that I know that this site isnt tolerating any kind of abuse esp copyrighting.

I'm still working and adapting to this new platform. I don't where I should start. What can be earn on this site and many more. I will do further research. I might join in your campaign just give me a couple of days learning new things about steemit. Thanks :)