When does maturity, in human nature, begin to ascend in life? A simple mind-boggling inquiry that lulls the better of the best. I believe that it begins with the choice of words that we verbalize. Well it’s not easy as we think it might be as at times of rage, fury and even in moments of excitement one can easily lose control that requires to be harnessed properly. The more we talk the more we become vulnerable. It’s like gifting a whip to a whipper. Spilling the beans has become part of our acts, we speak and then deplore for the rest of our days. However we never repent the injustice that we did to ourselves.
One perfect step to make a better start is by remaining silent at climactic moments (where words might render chaos) or in general. It wouldn’t be wrong to construe silence in terms of actions and gestures as well. Once we learn to do so our inner-self will tranquilize, making us the perfect beings.
Abdullah Zaman Babar