Steemit: @abit vs @snowflake - 180k Steem Power battle!

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)

What if i told you that you could earn more SBDs AND save the platform from disappearing up its own arse, just by re-thinking what you are doing with your Steem Power?

edited from source

Earlier this evening I started a blog regarding how two of the top performers in my curation league handle their curation.

Stuff that for now though, this one had to top the bill...

Having read Stella's post, which was a follow on from @snowflake's post, I had to do a little digging...

I'm really hoping that the output of this data will show that some of us need a re-think. Lets see...


My suspects - @abit vs @snowflake

A few underlying numbers before we start:

Steem Power: 185,846.360
100% vote value: 15.07$
Voting Power: 94%
Number of votes in last 7 days: 237

Steem Power: 685.79 SP ( 180,783.36 - 180,097.58 )
100% vote value: 0.04$
Voting Power: 70%
Number of votes in last 7 days: 138

Points to note here are:

  • The size of the accounts - very similar without @snowflakes delegation

  • 100 more votes during the last week from @abit

@abit - Spread of votes across reputation

@snowflake - Spread of votes across reputation

A similar style of voting towards reputation

@abit - Spread of vote weight across reputation

@snowflake - Spread of vote weight across reputation

Very different styles of voting - @abit using varied voting power percentages

Yes but Asher, snowflake has delegated all his SP out - he doesn't give a shit about curation and its rewards. Why are you showing these graphs? I'll tell you in a minute....

Curation v's Delegation (Weekly reward)


@snowflake - 0.5 SP

@abit - 501.423

No surprises here, but I think a pretty good return on investment from @abit


@snowflake - 0

@abit - 0

Hmmm... no rewards for delegation here for @snowflake? - Lets look a bit further down the Wallet.


I make that about 305 SBD for the week.

Now, forgive me here if I've missed something, but doesn't this mean that @abit made almost $200 more for his weeks' work than @snowflake?

That's about 800 SP a month more / 40% greater returns with almost the same Steem Power.



@snowflake -305 SBD total weekly rewards from @minnowbooster

@abit - 501 SBD total weekly curation rewards

Who says it's not financially worth it to manually votecontent? I disagree.

Yes, curation takes time, and maybe this amount of time taken by @abit isn't worth the $800 extra in @snowflake's mind?

The spread of vote % by @bit should be taken note of by large accounts - You will beat @minnowbooster if you curate with skill in my opinion.

Either way, for the good of the platform, I know which whales mind I'd like to be in.


p.s. @snowflake - can i get a vote from @peaceandlove here? :)

Well done @abit!

A snapshot of data used for these reports was taken at 9:00pm CET 11/06/2017

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I'm delegating to a few people for nothing. I just want to see more votes being given to deserving content. Why should I worry about making a few extra cents? I would hope some whales would also do this. The rewards will be greater if Steemit really grows

That's really great of you. A shame my account doesn't qualify!

Do you know where the votes of the people that you are delegating to go to?

p.s. I think you've inspired Stella :)

I can check how they are voting by various means, e.g. They are people I trust anyway

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

A few extra cents indeed.

However, 180,000 SP is not that so it's wise to see at least some of that as an investment.

I just liked finding out that you can see it as an investment and boost new users.

What you bring up is very interesting. If it comes down to not having time but using steemvoter it should also be more profitable if done correctly compared to leasing to minnowbooster, what do you think ?

Setting up steemvoter takes no time at all almost. Sure you have to pay some money to get more rules but still it's not too bad .. you can also turn it off and adjust it whenever you want.

With help of steemvoter the money can flow more naturally and as we can get more profit when voting for smaller minnows ( can we?) we can make sure to put some minnows on steemvoter so that they are fed and can stay on the platform

In the end if more and more lease their SP out there is no incentive to post like you say and especially for minnows it will be hard to stay alive here

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Yep well as you know, you are on my steemvoter. I think it's a great tool for supporting your 'community' who in turn support you.

This is your bread and butter earnings, I don't think you are maxing your curation here, but this is countered by the fact that (hopefully) most people on your list are doing the same in return.

As the likes of @curie know, the really curation money is earned finding new undervalued content, constantly. This requires manual curation and so you need some vote power saved for this too.

Also, I'm not against selling to bots (or bidding from them) and I think these methods should be part of an overall investment strategy - which includes some natural growth (and minnow retention) of the platform.


Thanks for your answer! One more question. If you stopped posting right this second and you don't plan to post for 1 month. How much earning would you get on just curation rewards based on your steemvoter running for 1 month, with some occasional fine tuning. Vs leasing your SP for a month to minnowbooster ?

Ps you are on my steemvoter, but I paused it to recharge my voting power. I also need to do some fine tuning on it

hehe, good question which i'm sure many (including me!) would like to know.

This blog is a comparision of this, with curation winning - i dunno if @abit is using steemvoter though.

Off the bat i would say you would earn a bit less curating - will need to do some serious digging to get some stats on this!

Well let's say they are pretty much the same for arguments sake... I find using Steem voter being a far better option because you are keeping your community happy and providing for them. So when you choose to make your next post they will reciprocate much more than if you were a ghost and disappeared for a month. You will keep your followers that you are upvoting. Also if you still are semi active you each post you make are bond to make more money than if you only have been feeding other "crumbs"

Yes if they were the same then I suspect there would be no need to offload and delegate, I don't think you get the same rewards.

Manual curation though, as @abit proves, could get close or surpass.

As i said before, i think Steemvoter will bring you steady income from reciprocating followers. Always leave SP spare for new stuff though I reckon.


This comment has received a 41.67 % upvote from @lovejuice thanks to: @abh12345. They love you, so does Aggroed. Please be sure to vote for Witnesses at

This is a good addition to the debate. I hope this is true across the board and not an isolated case.

I guess the other factor to take into consideration is time. I assume @abit is at least looking at some of the content he's upvoting (assuming he's not got everyone on steemvoter or a bot). On the other hand, you can rent your vote out to minnowbooster and get a good result without having to do anything. I'm not saying either is right or wrong, just pointing it out.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@snowflake was renting his vote out to @minnowbooster a few weeks ago - i assume this is the account he talks about in his blog.

A good result for nothing yes, but not as good as when 'doing things right' - which is the point of my post, i hope!

Hey, as an investor in the platform, I hope curation beats renting out your vote too. I guess we'll find out in due course.

I need to find more examples to prove this is the case 😁

absolute brilliant and genius way to look at the situation

I hope this post gets the attention of @snowflake and @abit

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Snowflake responded in his blog (I spammed it til he did 🙃 )

Apparently @abit is a one of case (of skilled curation) - so it's time to find more data/info to back this up!...

And thank you!

Gotta love saving stuff from disappearing up it's own arse. The old up vote!

Haha, yes it is imperative! Thanks!

I have been lucky enough to have been upvoted by both these two whales in the past (I don't know them so I am very grateful for their votes.) and I have noticed recently that Snowflake's SP has dropped to the floor.

I know some people have actually invested their own cash into Steemit, though I don't know if it includes these two whales. For those who have, it's perfectly reasonable to look for the highest return via whatever means available, and they don't have any 'obligation' to vote for anyone no matter how much they like their posts. I have seen some friends with high SP vote 100% for me but the amount is really low as they have delegated a lot of it out. As harsh as it may sound, sadly that's the reality of this platform which drives people's behaviour.

Yes, snowflake has delegated almost all of it out.

I'm not against bots, I use them, but it's good to see (at least at ground level) that curation can be more profitable than selling your SP.

Thanks for the comment and upvote 🙂

I remember the good old days when people just voted for content they liked.

haha yeah, the good old days when there were 30000 accounts and not 400000+?

It's gotten tougher to curate for sure, but this is key surely!

Cheers for the comment n vote :)

Thanks for sharing. I just read snowflake's article and I can't say that I'm surprised. - I've always felt that something "weird" is going on ever since we got 57 new bots per day.

These bots are like personal ATM's... I know whales have insane powers and tons of money, but to see it like this... And to know what snowflake wrote...

Makes me wonder why I've spent 10 hours per day on Steemit. No wonder people have been discouraged and started to post poor-quality articles instead of spending 2-3 hours on their content before they publish it.

This took me 2-3 hours :)

I just hope my numbers are right... should be a step in the right direction if so!

Yeah, I can understand that this must have taken you some time. And I'm glad you did decide to share it with us. What I meant was more the "average user" so to speak. We still have tons of good articles and great authors sharing things each day. But we also have an increased amount of minnows who're feeling despair.

Now, would the despair be reduced if this minnow could:

A) use a bid-bot with 'a bigger belly'

B) receive a 20% vote of encouragement from a whale

In all honesty, I personally like the bidding bots. Especially as they clearly help both myself and many others to increase their earnings and boost their presence to some extent. - However, no matter how much I like these bots, I would definitely prefer to see more engagement from the whales.

As it was during the "gold rush" or in the early days of Steemit. Whales and dolphins where very active and pushed that "upvote" button multiple times per day during those days... And that's when I personally had the biggest impact too. I was incredible excited, I earned hundreds of dollars and I was part of something amazing, new, cool and innovative.

Nowadays, I know from the minute I start to write a new post that I most likely will not earn more than a few bucks at the most. That super-exciting feeling I had in the early days has become very limited and I know that I have to invest in these bots to make something decent from my articles.

That being said, during the time Steemit has changed, I've changed too. My own approach has been different. I have become a huge fan of Steemit itself and I am active due to other reasons than the money. Many newcomers though, are still becoming members on Steemit with this "get rich quick"-type of mindset. And these people have that mindset mostly due to all the false advertising.

You won't become rich on Steemit. You can earn something but you'll probably earn a couple of bucks extra per month rather than earning thousands of dollars. - So, when all the new people realize this, they're filled with hatred, anger and despair... - And they will ultimately leave Steemit because of that.

That's what I believe... And that saddens me.

Yes I use the bots and am not against them - they are here for all to use.

I see bellyrub lost 2 mill delegation - proof they can get too big for whales to like (see @lexiconical's) huge blog for downvotes following his epic sends to bots)

I am a late adapter to steemit and have mostly been using bots, but recently the ROIs have been dropping rapidly. No more 50% ROI from minnowbooster. @hitmeasap is right that many noobs like myself wish to earn a ton very quickly and now finding it is not the case.

But I think in realistic terms and believe I should earn what I put in. So steemit is working fine as a whole, it just has loopholes that may likely get resolved in the long run. No system is perfect. Those bots are good for specific proposes and as steemit accounts grows so will other opportunities to earn more. More people on steemit give us better chances of earning votes.

Wow! This just encouraged me. I'll put in more hours

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hi Asher, abit is in power down mode, his SP was higher at the (begin of the) period you are looking at, so his current curation rewards should be lower than in your calculation.

Hi @twinner

Thanks for you comments (and @boomerang discount tickets!)

So he had about 8% more SP over the last week, or at least some of it? This is still a good result i think.

Thanks for the information :)

I still need to study more regard on the vote delegation. Too much concepts to catch up!

Happy reading!

Manual curation is better for this community, rather lending SP to bot. If you are on a vacation for long time, you can go for second option.

Sounds like a good plan to me 🙂

So @abit seems to give out more votes to people with lower reputation?

I think everyone, not just Whales, Orcas and Dolphins, need know the value of their SP, that SP will determine their rank, will affect voting power, but will also help the platform grow. Less SP means less Steemit value in USD, more SP overall on the platform and that means more fiat value to SBD and Steem.

It's interesting to compare two big players of the platform though and it can give us a clue of why certain habits are important and such.

Yes @abit spreads his vote, it has to be done for larger accounts or you are 'wasting' some of your curation reward potential.

Hmm interesting. How is it "wasting" the curation reward potential?

I need to delve into the numbers to prove it, but I think as the reward must be shared, and the payout can be less than the value of the vote, some energy is wasted by the larger accounts.

Is it that some SP, after going to those who upvoted and the person who wrote the post, some of it remains and goes nowhere? I'm not sure I'm following lol Sorry.

It all goes somewhere :)

If a whale does a 1% vote at 1$ on 10 $5 posts, they will get a better return than doing a single 10% vote on a $5 post.

I need to prove this though!

Ok, I'm starting to get it.

How will you go about proving it? Is it a simple matter of studying the charts and graphs of curation results? Or more complex?

Yes I need to find examples 🙂

It would be interesting to see (if you can find it) if the same is true for a minnow account.

I think I could find this and will have a look later

Different reasons can induce people to delegate their Voting Power. Maybe it's just laziness, and maybe a lack of free time. Not every person can spend the whole day on Steemit, looking for really valuable posts for voting manually.
If you only consider the financial side, then of course, it's more profitable to install the voting-bot yourself and set up to support the most "trending" authors in the first minutes after the publication of their posts in the expectation of high curatorial rewards.
Delegate the Force more often to different curator groups and users who support newbies, minnows and quality content of those people who do not have the chance to get to the "trending" page and earn more than $10-15 per post. Of course, curation rewards for such posts will be much lower.
In the question of the delegation, everyone decides what is more important for him - 100% profit, or participation in the development of the community and a fair distribution of awards.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

If you only consider the financial side, then of course, it's more profitable to install the voting-bot yourself and set up to support the most "trending" authors in the first minutes after the publication of their posts in the expectation of high curatorial rewards.

I'm not sure this is quite right.

In the first 15 mins, you are giving up 100% down to 50% of your curation rewards.

Also, voting on trending authors may not bring as high a reward as finding new talent early - the guys at the top of my curation league, and @curie, can vouch for that i think.

Thanks for your comments :)

p.s. @snowflake - can i get a vote from @peaceandlove here? :)

LOL. Is that a joke?
Does that mean you already know which whale's mind you wanted to be in and which whale's pocket you wanted to be in?

:D maybeee!

Good spot!

Good post :)

So @snowflake can earn more just remove the delegation and follow abit vote.....

That's the thinking yes, a bit of hard work!

this is cool to analyse

How are people adjusting their voting power? I've never seen any way to adjust it on the steemit platform (usually I use the mobile site). So I suppose all my votes are 100%, except for the one curation trail I follow at 30%

Hello :)

On the site, you need 500 SP to 'activate' the Vote Power slider which appears when you click the vote button.

Other sites like and the phone apps allow this whatever your SP total.

I hope that helps, interesting you chose here to write a comment 😁

Ohhhhh - yes, that helps a lot. Guess I am still a way off from that target.
Yes I know it's an older post but I was browsing after your posts on curation today.
I should probably use busy but call me old school, I like the cut and dry interface of steemit. I'm a linear thinker from way back in the days of DOS.

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@boomerang distributes 100% of the SBD and up to 80% of the Curation Rewards to STEEM POWER Delegators. If you want to bid for votes or want to delegate SP please read the @boomerang whitepaper.

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