My Local radio Station (KOGO) mentioned Steemit and had a whole discussion about STEEM and how "Its too good to be true", noone callls FACEBOOK or REDDIT a scam & they dont even PAY users! HERE is how Steemit gets paid

in steemit •  8 years ago 

(Steemit Whale image i made just 2 months ago ago noticee the price of steem was 20 cents now its almost $1 )

My Local radio mentioned Steemit today but one commentator called it a scam and that makes me MAD! Just because we have a 14 week power down for steempower doesnt in ANYWAY make this some sort of pyramid scheme! Steemit gets paid te same way bitcoin miners get paid! Just think of steemit as a group of bitcoin miners who voluntarily centralized to the point where certain bitcoin Miners volunteered to give up a portion of their mining profits they make (Which is is basically Free Money minus electricity and hardware cost) And give it to whoever earned the most votes that day! But every vote is worth a different value depending on how much steempower the voter has! SO if you get lots of votes from people with many thousands or millions of steempower in their accounts, youll get alot of money for your post! Someone with $1 million dollars in steempower can have their votes worth like $4 to $10 each! so someone with just a few hundred bucks in steempower like me is only going to be allocating out like a few cents per upvote..meaning when I upvote someone Im lucky to see the dollar amount go up by even 1 cent! Once I buy or earn more steempower, Ill be able to have more influence AND it will allow me to earn more on curation and comments

(Realtime Visualization of Steemit traffic at )

Anyway THIS is where steemit gets the money to pay people! And the steem is mined and sold like how bitcoin is mined and sold for other coins or dollars, a nd the whole point for steem is that one day we wont need to exchange it for fiat paper cash or even for bitcoin! STeem is better to use for crypto currency as its transaction fee is basically free compared to bitcoins expensive current miner fee, and steem only takes a few seconds to send so steem and SBD are a great way to use crypto currency AND its the EASIEST wallet to singup and use in my opinion! I only wish there was some way to just keep bitcoins here on steemit like a built in bitcoin wallet BUT we can always convrt the BTC to steem and just use that steem stored in our account as a way to "hold bitcoins" and steem will outperform bitcoin as it has been! !

People are talking shit about steemit, calling t a scam or a ponzi, saying that the 14 week powerdown is PROOF that its a "pyramid scheme" when they DONT KNOW WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT! Doesnt that make you mad that people are on the radio ZOOMING IN on the 14 week power down as if its proof of a pyramid scheme when steempower is completely optional! You may get free steempower from posts and comments but you can power it down and cash it out! Nooone is forcing you to power up and lock your money up, but the rewards from doing it are massive and you have to actualy start posting and commenting ti feel them its not instant but t DOES work Ive seen it! powering up in steem is a good way to just make more money and it lets people like @thejohasfiles earn thousands a month with a million steem in steempower, never having to power down and always getting curation rewards from just upvoting and commenting! check his account and wallet out for evidence of this incredible system working!

(Upgraded steemit logo I made to help people but now I know myself how this place works, and its all about how STEEM is MINED everyday just like bitcoin, and instead of all these separate private miners keeping all the newly mined bitcoin, the steemit "witness" nodes do keep some of their mined steem but part of that goes to the "rewards pool" which is split up among whoever has the most upvotes from those with the most steempower! So if you get a bunch of steemit whales with thousands or millions in steempower youll get hundreds or thousands of dollars in your post like the top posts are getting but if you got hundreds or thousands or posts from people whop all had $0 in their steemit wallet with 0 steempower you'd get $0 ! Thats why they give the free few dollars or fifty cents in steempower to new accounts! So they can at least have SOME influence. But see how it works now? people with more steempower having upvotes that count more unlike reddit where someone with multiple accounts can make a post have thousands of votes, but here those with more steempower have more influence over where all that mined steem goes!

At my Methadone clinic today some financial know it all said "Oh i worked for a financial investment company or 4 years and i can tell you bitcoin isnt backed by anything so its not real" and brought up Mt Gox and bitcoins price crashing, as if its volatility was something I gave a fuck about! I dont care if big investors are loosing tns whe hey buy bitcoin and it makes big moves up and down, over the long term its always been gong up so its just greedy to get mad when bitcoin drops $100 after going up $1000! and i told him if he really worked for a financial company he wouldn't be here at a methadone clinic, he claimed that he worked for "morgan stanely" which first of all wouldn't impress me if it was true, second I know how unlikely that would be and he might have worked for some brokerage or financial firm that was associated with morgan stanley or he just worked at the over the counter morgan Stanley Office and let it go to his head....

the world is full of these guys, who make easy money themselves off stocks and forex speculation and then complain about bitcoin and altcoin speculators or investors especially when they loose a little money in bitcoin after buying on a peak, and then selling it all for a loss, and then start complaining that it was the bitcoins fault for being too volatile..and that "he didnt wana loose everything" as if bitcoin will just go to zero? Also he mentioned how someone was "suing" bitcoin and how bitcoin isnt worth it because there is a class action lawsuit against "Bitcoin" and the "guys who started bitcoin' I was liek 'WHAT guys" and he said 'you know the main guys the people who created bitcoin" ANd i said 'WHo the NSA?" this guy was an idiot and obviously never worked in finance and if he did he was programmed to follow the..see this is the mindset of these people...they fuckin claim that there is a lawsuit against "bitcoin" if you could "sue" bitcoin after you loose a bunch of money in it.....

hahahahahahahahahahahahag some people are just so greedy and just dont get it....and think they are smart! Sometimes simply by being a "contrarian" and believing if they think the OPPOSITE of what everyone ELSE is thinking, they MUSt be right! Like george kastanza in Seinlfeld! the days of financial speculators and stock brokers being the only ones who can make millions off finance is over! now everyone can benefit and its NOT too good to be true! These wealthy people of today go around talking about how THEy are wealthy because of "hard work" and their "smart choices" (when its almost ALWAYS pure luck and a LITTLE work at the right time and the right place) And never mentiion how the worlds poor must pay for the elites printing of trillions thrugh inflation that makes their hard earned money WORTJLES over time! No WONDER people want to save their oney in bitcoin where they dont LOOSE the value of it!

and they love talking about how poor people are poor because of their ownfault and poor choices, not because they dont have any opportunities to make any money, no they ignore that and NOW when teh worlds poor start buying stelller and riipple they can end up becoming wealthy from it in the very near future! Crypto currency can END global povertry! Its just a FAIR and EQUAL system ANYONE can use! a TRUE metritocracy! Thats like thinking Gold or silver will drop to $0...what everyones just gonna forget that it has value? What is one day everyone gonna just decide bitcoins arent cool anymore and just give them all away!!?! NOOO theyll be valuable forever! And as the US dollar gets printed more and more we see that its the DOLLAR that is becoming valueless NOT the bitcoins! Bitcoins will just keep going up as the dollar is printed and not backed by anything and we havent ever had one centralized alternative to the US dollar or any fiat paper money we have a digital currency we can use instead of inflationary paper fiat money which ALWAYS becmes less and less valuable unless its backed by something which it IS NOT. Soon Oil will be sold for bitcoin....petro dollar will be toppled by the Petro Bitcoin...Oil rich nation will not want to continue accepting inflating US dollar sor any fiat paper money that continue to get less and less valuable so they will need enough crypto currency first of all to use in the place of the Trillions of cash used now...

There is abbout 1 trillin dollars in US dollars to 10 trillion in digital paper dollars...the total bitcoin plus altcoin market cap is around 50 Billion IS dollars and so we are 20 times away from having enough to really replace alll paper fiat money with crypto! Bitcoin will run out at 21 million bitcoins and so we will need to mine and create enough RIpple Steller Steem and ETHEREUM!! yes the infinitely scalable ethereum will play a HUGE role here as it has no limit and it can grow as the computing power of its worldwide virtual super computer grows and maybe it can become sentient one day !world but yeah im sick of idiots on the street talking shit about bitcoin and now STEEMIT!

This guy at my clinic today who i told about steemit and bitcoin months ago was finally running around talking about it today and told me how he heard about steemit and bitcoin on the radio, everyone is buzzing on the street and when i ask random people 'You got that bitcoin?" now about half know ab out it or have some! A few people even go 'Yup I still have my one bitcoin I bought last year at $300 or $7000" everyone who bought and sat on it is super happy! but yeah i dont like people bad mouthing such a successful system. Whenever I ask strangers on the street and they dont have a clue what bitcoin even is, I go and tell them about it and between that and the craigslist add ive probably gotten over 7 people to join by now, with half already online and half on the way waiting for their registration approval. Some dont post yet or havent fully singed up, but they will! i know we have no affiliate program and we dont NEED one! people whp signup because I tell them about steemit and bitcoin end up finding my name and sending me a little steem whenever they end up making money here! My referal Singup link for minergate

(Here is how clean and nice this mining program is! Its legit Ive been using it for a while now and its very good! I know someone who knows the programmers making the iOs version now too!)

You should singup under my minergate link, I just got done installing it on 3 more friends and familys android smartphones and a work computer of a friend, all under my account! You can singup free, download for windows mac linux or android and start mining ALtcoins! 4 of winch u can easily convert to bitcoin on poloniex, te rest u can still sell for btc on bittrex and other exchanges, but yeah te 4 best ones on minergate are BCN, ETH, ETC and XMR, i am mining like 100 BCN every few day and now even more and each one wa worth a fraction of a penny now each one is ALMOSt worth an penny its $00.001 ! almost $00.002 then $00.004 then $00.008 then $00.01 or 1 penny! then 10 cents then $1 and like bitcoin ull be able to mine then FAST at first an get Hundreds THOUSANDS while u can still mine cheap! AND EASY! See how EASy it is to mine with minergate! you just click that link above and register, then download the program or app, Login on as many devices with the same login and password (2FA optional), hit a PLAY button or pause to stop! Built in wallet in the minergate program or web wallet on the website , super user friendly too! Here is the link again![]

Moana How Far (Bitcoin) will go video I made to show How far bitcoin will go!

I think youll like it! I even gave steemit a shoutout in the video with Steemit being "the island where everyone is so happy and everything is by design"

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Nice. Thanks for sharing this great event!