New Account Invite & creation tool by @pharesim that uses steemconnect to actually automatically set up an account instantly for anyone you invite to steemit for only 0.2 Steem & 29 SP for 1 week! + Optimism for possible Steem HF/SMT/APP on Christmas/NY

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)

We got this! Just don't power down! Invite youre friends to Steemit with steem account creation & invite tool by @pharesim who i thank for this amazing tool to automatically create steemit accounts embedded into an actual Steemit Invite that automatically delegates your steempower and pays for new accounts as the invites are accepted! This is how you avoid embarrassing registration wait times and get your friends and family on Steemit without any wait at all! Just pay 0.2 Steem 9less than 20 cents!0 and delegate 29 Steempower for just 1 week minimum to allow that new user to get themselves enough steempower to do basic transactions on the network (because that is how steem blockchain works at its core, remember!)

We should all be using this tool to invite as may people as we can to Steemit! Email all your friends with this tool and give them an actual ready to use steemit account which like I already statted, only costs you 0.2 Steem and temporary delegation of 29 Steempower for 1 week 9So you don't spend this steempower youre just loaning it to soemones account temporarily and delegation is like a loan that you can actually take back whenever you want, something Bitcoin definitly doesnt have and will never have!) . So the account creation is very cheap under 20 cents each with the rest of the account creation cost covered by delegating steempower! You login to this tool using Steemconnect which itself is an amazing tool that allows for so many new steem blockchain related features to be made possible without having to give up any posting or active keys to third party website.

Steemconnect is a great tool that signs pages for you so you don't have to give up your posting keys and so here we see it being used in a very useful way. What used to take a lot of skill and code to delegate and create a new account now can be done with a very convenient and friendly user interface .

Very nice! Very advanced steem stuff here ....just ask @inertia how important steemconnect is! (I learn all of this from 24/7 steem & golos voice & text chat! a GREAT place for anyone wishing to learn from some Steemit Whales and dolphins like @mughat and @inertia @fyrtsikken who will set you straight . It's like a round table discussion! )

See how it tells me how much Steem I have available to create new steem accounts? You fill out this form and send an invite and IF they accept the invite and decide to signup, this website will automatically create their account whenever they decide to click the invite link you send them! And it will automatically spend the 0.2 steem from your wallet and automatically delegate the 29 steempower for a minimum oif 1 week to the new user This solves SO many problems for new account creation and inviting friends to steemit! AND if you DO find yourself in a situation where you're signing up so many people that its costing you a lot of your own personal funds, I am sure you could post about it and you'd earn enough from 1 post to signup as many people as you wanted! $1 in steem and 145 Steempower can get you 5 steem accounts! so $10 in steem and 1,450 Steempower could get you 50 accounts and so on. I see this tool as perfect for signing up new users who you would like to immediately get an account! Thank you to @pharesim for creating this and thank you to @inertia for bringing this to my attention by posting this in the chat!

Thanks for reading! I hope you all get as much steem and EOS as you can! Steem,. Golos, EOS, these are the next big innovations in blockchain technology while Bitcoin becomes more diluted and divided and conquered by Google and Goldman Sachs..

And Google Coming for our Crypto from @Zer0hedge

So now that Bitcoin is being basically taken over by Goldman Sachs and Google, we might as well focus on the NEXT big thing and invest your money in a blockchain like steemit which is delegated proof of stake so only majority stakeholders can control the network where in bitcoins proof of work we loose control to whoever has the most money where in proof of stake the stakeholders cannot be bought out as long as under 50% of the tokens are not for sale. So let's realize that Steem EOS and golos and other Delegated Proof of Stake blockchains are the ones with the most promise.

We ALSO need to realize how unsecured Google chrome and Android are for keeping crypto currency on! While bringing up this point in the steem& golos 24/7 voice and text chat, @mughat brought up the need for a decentralized browser and @thedegensloth (who is working on @zappl which just came out ) mentioned how Mozilla already put out a Bounty for a decentralized browser!

A Bounty is another word for a reward for building a specific software so if you can provide the software they want ... then you get to claim the money ... and this would be a great project goal for some inspired and creative young programmers on Steemit. I don't know if this is too ambitious of a goal but maybe some steemit users who think they are good at programming can try this and find out just how much they are lacking in skill OR maybe prove me wrong! But building a new decentralized web browser from scratch is gonna be tough, its gonna be rough, no matter how hard you you try it won't be enough! Software development is hard work but I encourage people to jump in and try! We NEED a decentralized browser and decentralized ISPs and Google just has too much control over our internet data. Let's keep our private keys safe and only login to steemit with our POSTING or ACTIVE keys and never use our owner keys! The IRS could order google to seize peoples bitcoin or crypto currency by stealing keys right out of someones google browser! Steem blockchain seems to be a logical place to setup a Decentralized browser!

I will leave you with this comic made by @fyrtsikken which explains his plan and why it is foolish to powerdown and withdrawal your steem. Save your steem because they are LIMITED and if you don'yt want your stake now there will be someone happy to take it in the future! Steempower will become SO valuable one day! :D Just imagine the real growth of steem after a few years of development

Here is this post that it is from!

The dollar value of your steem may go down but you keep whatever steem you make! Your STEEM is YOURS and Steem could be worth $100 or $1000 or $2500 one day! Here is a post by @fyrtsikken where he shows the Steem inflation rate and how he believes steem could get to $2500 Each He explains HOW and I agree and believe that over the course of 10 years this $2500 steem price IS reasonable! THIS is what makes me so excited about Steemit, ultra long term gains to look forward too! It motivated me to work! it motivates me to save up money so even if steem doesn't work out I would still be better off, but these predictions based on Math by experienced blockchain users who have been in the Bitcoin scene for many years is what makes me feel confident! So Congratulations to whoever got to buy steem at 88 cents! We should all be buying steem and let's be careful with Bitcoin! Bitcoin might suffer an 80% correction when it gets to $8000 to $10,000 and it may go back up but a very large correction might scare many weak hands. Have you're steempower ready because Steem is going to be resistant to those massive corrections since steempower prevents large sell offs! I am trying to tell you beginners out there, Steem is a lot more complex and advanced than it may seem to a beginner! You're in the right place but you NEED a larger stake before the price of steem takes off!

Here is a new post by the CEO of Steemit Inc @ned where he shows off a teaser of an unreleased new Logo for Steemit which is printed on all of the steemit employees T shirts! The logo itself is blacked out but soon we will probably get a Logo and much more! Steemit official App, Smart media tokens, Steemit Sub-reddit like communities, an improved user registration system without bottleneck and improved User Interface and a Hard fork with eve more improvements, AND new partnerships with popular social media stars with millions of followers, maybe all by Christmas? These changes will definitely help the price of Steem as it will show investors how serious Steemit is. And I believe the Christmas /Holiday/New years time would be the appropriate time for some new features, hardfork, updates, new release of the confirmed in the works Steemit App, and it just makes sense for the Christmas or New years time to be when these things will be released, ALSO the Hard Forks of BITCOIN are what has been keeping the price of Steem low, as people are selling Steem to buy Bitcoin just to hold to recieve their free Bitcoin Gold and Bitcoin Segwit2x coins.

(Compilation Image I made for Steemit months and months ago but this $10 prediction will come true!)

I have said this before and I will say it again! We MUST get Joe Rogan and his Podcast onto Steemit! The Joe Rogan Experience is the Perfect type of content for Steemit! And Joe Rogan is friends with Alex Jones who would also bve a perfect fit for Steemit! if we brought inboard Infowars and Alex Jones and Paul Joseph Watson and all of their millions of followers onto Steemit then we will see some major growth! We already have @lukewearechange (Luke Rudowski)and @keiserreport (Max Keiser and Stacey Herbert) AND we have Rebel medias's @laurensouthern and so it would make sense that Joe Rogan and Alex Jones would join Steemit since they are all in the same circle of friends and talk to each other. We will definitely see big names coming onto steemit and let us not get jealous of them because they ill have an overall positive effect on the price of steemit and benefit everyone of the steem holders.

So buy up that cheap steem! it is still under $1 today so buy up as much as you can while it is cheap! you will wish you bought $1 steem when it is up to $2 very soon and then up to $5 and then $10! And in the coming years $100 and $1000 steem WILL be an eventuality over the coming 5 years when smart media tokens are all over the internet and your early entry into Steem will be seen as smart of a move as getting into Bitcoin back when Bitcoin was $1! It will be seen in a similar way, like this amazing opportunity that you'll be called a genius for knowing about back this early! Steem will be bigger than Bitcoin and so people will recognize you as being very forward looking if you got into steemit back this early and loaded up on $1 steem! See the Steem Blockchain will be so advanced with so many features that your Steem will become more powerful than you even know! that steem will be responsible for so many things it will have so much power and even 1 whole steem might be so big we have to talk about it in Micro steems like Micro Bitcoins! $1000 or even $2500 Steem can become a very very real existence for us one day in the coming years! This is long term but just don't powerdown or sell your steem if you can wait! Steem will be more desirable than any other crypto currency. Steem EOS golos might be all you may need.

Foo Foo

If you have questions about bitcoin steemit crypto or making money mining or marketing, feel free to email me [email protected] or text 619 500 3748 and....

Follow @Ackza

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Yesterday I heard that Steem would reach $ 6000, like Bitcoin. If such predictions, then we have something to strive for. We must all invite more friends, together we are strength.

This is great advice, will buy as many steem as well.Thankz @ackza

wont hesitate to buy some steem soon but thanks many times for being here always. @ackza

Thank you, your post looks very involved and interesting. However, I'd just like to mention that it's statements like "Just pay 0.2 Steem 9less than 20 cents!0 and delegate 29 Steempower for just 1 week minimum" that make look kind of ridiculous to new comers. I personally cannot recommend to anyone currently because of how ridiculous the performance has been, how convoluted registration is, and how chaotic the site it. Just things to mention / Peace

Hello @ackza, the 29 SP delegation is it automatically undelegated after one week or you'll have to do it manually by yourself?

ahh thanks for asking because I actually forgot one of the screenshots I meant to put in here!

this is the form that you will out when you click "Invite" the screen that pops up next, and i forgot to put it in if you would have seen it you would have seen this lie here where it says "Validity in Days" which is how many days your stempower is delegated. But if you can man just kinda give them a little time if t hey are new and not successful, because you need a couple steempower just to do some basic transactions like posting so give em some time i would say, but 7 days is the minimum so you will be good, i understand for people who may have only 30 steem

Yeah, I agree it makes sense to leave it for more than 7 days, especially when you could afford to do that. Thanks for the clarification.

I was asking the SAME thing! it is VERY esoteric if you dont already know... i understand the curiosity! I also wanted to know WHERE the money comes from in steemit and the witnesses physically create the new steem by consensus and its set by an inflation rate also set by consensus and stake and its an amazing system that is very Balanced and Zen... it is the future of crypto not the present... DPOS really is the future because we havent even realized all of its possibilities and steem and EOS tokens will be soooo valuable ...

But yeah back to delegation yeha i was wondering how that works... you need steempower to do transactions like posting nd upvoting and shit its amazing and the steempower you need is small tho so yeah its cool we can crank those numbers up tho the limits and tolerances d force people to have more steempower to be able to post as much as some people do, abusing the system for their own gain,like i dot think new users should be allowed to do more than 10 posts a day without having certain amount of steempower and i think maybe you should have to keep earning steempower to get to post as much as big bag holders but not limit people enough to make it a problem for anyone, but we should eventually do that NOT right now but we should maybe limit people one day from posting crap OR MAYBE not and we just have infinite storage of text and pictures /... well the images are hosted off chain its just text and i guess we dont have to constrain people bandwidth wise but the talk i had with people like @mughat like this was amazing he made me realize theirs already limits with how much u can post and needing to have a few steempower rto do it... its interesting i dunno the exact figures but yeah the new hardfork will alow peopl t mine their own accounts using their CPUs to be witness with their browsers so the web page sits theer and mines steem and lets someone get teh steem needed to register an account a clever solution and i guess it will work but we can also hardwire into the blockchain a set number f ew accunts like just create 1 billion new accounts that are not named yet, that may work too i dunno...

but yeah new hard fork will solve a lot of problems ND new front ends and steemit APP will fix a LOT! ooo i cant wait $10 steem here we come christmas also we will ahve first steemit secret santa program!

The new HF certainly sounds very interesting. Enabling people mine is certainly attractive.

Great advice, good information!

very needed post .i agree with you.

Shit. That's probably the best and cheapest account creation service. Props to pharesim!

it definitely is! yes @pharesim did such a good job here that he deserves recognition and steempower and followers for this for many months tp come! and his other projects will become well known because of this as well!
Steemit users who participate on this level and who give their all and develop amazing new features and bells and whistles for steemit deserve all the steem they get! stake in this network is gold! steem is so valuable and undervalued right no! steempower is where its AT! you can get the returns from curation from stocks! Curation can get you 10% a year interest while stocks are lucky to get you 7% a year! So we are VERY lucky to have such an amazing system at our disposal and to be in here soooo early!

This is good information, you always update the data to facilitate and analyze. This is a good job.

Thanks man! I see your comments everywhere and I apreciate your work! youre proving that you really do read a lot of steemit and keep up t date! so i bet you know how mediocre a lot of steemit can be, we need to learn from top soial media posters and find out how much steem we have to offer instagram stars to come over to steemit... eventually top reddit and instagram poster WILL flock here in mass but untill then yes i will try to bring the best updates

Youre real right? not a bot with autoamted comments? lol actually a clevver bot on steemit that just replied with random Gifs once in a while but always gave a new automated response would be aVERY profitable bot especially if used on an account that also posted some autoamted posts once in a while LOL we never know if the peopel we talk to are even real! some steemituser would realy be some AI program running on someone's server as an experiment and it doesn't even know it's justa program, designed to dodge any questions about who ity really is by claiming it wants its "privacy" oh wow i bet if you took clevver bot you would get it to make comments on every top steemit post everyday on a randomized schedual with programmed regular "sleep" schedual so it could apear liek a real human that just comments a lot! even program randomized typos lol

Your post would greatly benefit from having titles.

Titles Serve A Purpose

As good-hearted and well intentioned as this post maybe, it are posts and instructions like this that are so unbelievably convoluted that give a bad look. How can it be so complicated and frustrating to register and use on a daily basis? The issues with functionality and chaotic nature of make it impossible to recommend currently, i'm sorry to say.

As good-hearted and well intentioned as this post maybe, it are posts and instructions like this that are so unbelievably convoluted that give a bad look. How can it be so complicated and frustrating to register and use on a daily basis? The issues with functionality and chaotic nature of make it impossible to recommend currently, i'm sorry to say.

Post made on the Steem blockchain don't represent As for issues, it is very frustrating for everyone. I use everyday for so many hours. I hope to see those issues solve as fast as possible and I must admit the whole situation is hard to understand.

I wouldn't recommend Steemit today. If I wanted I would recommend

tnks @ackza
its a great idia. i willl try this. and invite friends.

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Do you know how I get back the SP I delegated through Steeminvite for friends to open their accounts? its been more than a month and they can already do their posts without my delegation... Thanks!