Vessel Wallet by @jesta let's you actually manage delegation with an easy to use GUI! I need to remove delegation from many accounts which mistakenly have been sucking up my SP for WEEKS longer than they should have! But @girlsofgreen you did good!

in steemit •  7 years ago 


Download this INCREDIBLE Vessel wallet by @jesta that GIVES you the POWER to manage your delegation & much more! I am showing the screenshot here of the page for delegation and the AMAZING graphic user interface that exists nowhere else, and is MUCH better than the clunky steemconnect links! Here is the Link to DOWNLOAD Vessel Wallet for Windows Mac or Linux

I HAD to use this to take away the over 500 SP I am mistakenly delegating out to TOO many people! It was supposed to be 14.5 Sp for ONE WEEK each but due to some mistake OR maybe my ignorance to how by @pharesim works, (maybe its an error and I hope he sees this that delegation is not coming back OR maybe the users have to earn at least 14 SP of their own first? ) but I have to take away all this delegation, because it should have automatically returned to me WEEKS ago! :D Its OK, everyone who has been posting should have NO problem but if you just had me create an account and you never used it to save up any SP, not my problem! But you should all have no problem, but if you do, buy some more SP :P You had a lot of time! I did see many of you do GREAT though! Like @girlsofgreen has been a GREAT Addition to steem! And a few others on the list I will publish in my next post, but I will explain my mistake of trusting new users, many of whom asked me for an account and never posted, wasting everyone's time & my money. Fuck them. This is not a game, lol don't ask for an invitation & then not show!

Let's take the first on this list, @ayo80 I clicked his name and he made one post 28 days ago and has been doing nothing with his delegation, not even voting, so what a waste of SP! It was supposed to come back to me in one week, and it takes 1 week anyway to return, so I thought maybe it would take 2 weeks, but nope, & I am guessing it might be a glitch but anyway it will feel GREAT in 7 days to have an extra 500 SP return to me :D And everyone I'm taking delegation away from should THANK me! So Spoiled! :D

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Great one the natural

That is really sad especially that of Ayo, 28 days ago last post. Maybe Ayo and others thinks Steemit is a Get Rich scheme and they can relax and still get paid.
You have done them a favour of registering and delegating SP to them, I never had anyone do that for me. I hope Vessel wallet fix this since steeminvite has an error in returning the steem power after a week. Please don't be discourage by unserious people, am sure few are working.

Aaaawwww.... Now this reckless behaviour especially from @ayo80 might discourage u a little from doing such favours in the future...
I hope it doesnt thought...

Keep being awesome and thanks for the help rendered to everyone in one way or the other. You are loved @ackza

This is so helpful..we would be able to manage our sp..thanks for this one today @ackza

Nice app for managing delegation power. May be useful for when I able to give some delegation power. Keep sharing @ackza

Also, I learned that when you create an account with delegation, it takes 4 weeks to return.. I delegated all of my SP to new account and am at 3 SP lol

The major challenge as well as the discouraging thing is the severe under-utilization of SP by those who were delegated to. It's similar to the story of the hidden talent in the Bible. The profit is being made from it and that's not just a loss on the side of the owner, but a total loss to the entire community.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I agree. Also, sometimes I see accounts that are inactive for months with decent amount of Steem Power. This makes me really sad because I'm here slowly grinding my Steem Power while others have given up on Steemit having much more SP than I have in their accounts basically sitting there and not producing anything.

Yes and good point @joshuaetim you could do a whole stream or video upload of you discussing the similaritoies between steem and the Bible HAH that would be incredible!

Get DETAILED tho soyorue not turnig people off with boring sermons abouttyeh same old same old, REALLY get into EVERY detail like how GOD is the Master Curator

and how we all pay a curation tax to God when we live on this world hahah

and how God UPVOTES Us when we TAG him in our Prayers

and how the Devil Flags the posts of our Life Chappters and takes away our daily SBD bread but we can get it back with good deeds which the community can recognize lol

Lesons about Steem from the Bible would be really iunteresting if you just keep it VERY technical :D

Talk about how the coinsensus based inflation rate of steem that coinstantly goes down is very much what God would cxreate in Heaven, a system that keeps growing and giving more and more even asit gioves les and less (because steem gets more and more valuable ) hahahaok that's a stretch but I tried

anyway I stiull think theres a lot to work with there :D

Jesus might be a little mad at us however since we have all become Money Changers lol constantly exchanging fiat and crypto currencies and US dollars and Ghanian cedis Naijas euros etc etc but we have no choice really

andhonestly its not our ointentoion to have done that so jesus would be cool I think lol we are only money changers by neciicesty we arent taking advantage of the rules to screw people over like ythe temple money changers in the bible lol that would be like an Exchange charging extremel;y high fees lololol

Hahaha, I'm laughing to tears, this is quite funny yet very insightful

I absolutely love Vessel by Jesta!!!

Good softwere..............

come onb please leave some longer messages! The two word comnments will kept swept up with the spam!

You gotat make urself ifferent from that!

And I know you can leave long comments thata re really godo and id rather upvote you than not but I can't upvote these :(

Noice ........

Please lewave longer comments so you don't get confused with spam! Leave a message tha ius longer on my next posta nd you will surly get an upvote next time :)


please lkeave better messages, one word messages may get flagged by anti spam bots! You will be swept up wioth all the spoam if you leave short messags like this!

For you are own good and success PLEASE leave longer messages to prove you are human! I would rather give you an uvote!!!