Dear Steemians - I upvote comments!

in steemit •  7 years ago 

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Hey everybody! It's only been a couple months since I've gotten truly engaged with Steemit and I'm really starting to appreciate the community here. I can't say that about any other social media platform. YouTube used to refer to the "YouTube community" a lot, but it's completely hollow compared to the community here at Steemit. I don't know how long we will have this sense of being a community, because I have a feeling this place is about to blow up! But right now, the people on this platform have a unique conscientiousness and are drawn to a platform that is blockchain-based and free of censorship. The basic features of this platform have drawn a great crowd.
So I've embraced four practices to be more engaged and support this community that I want to share with you.

  1. Plugging Steemit! When I was on stage at Anarchapulco last week with Cynthia McKinney, I plugged Steemit from the stage. Last night, I did an interview and convinced the interviewer to start posting all of his content on Steemit - as part of him interviewing me! (I turned the interview on him briefly at the end to ask if he was on Steemit and then made a plug.) Whenever I meet someone who is a content creator, I show them my numbers here and ask, "Are you making this kind of money with your content? I'm still doing almost a million views a month on YouTube and I make more money from a single post here than in a whole month on YouTube." I am now fully engaged with Steemit as my primary social media presence and so it is INGRAINED in my messaging because I so believe in the cause of information freedom, realizing the potential of the internet, and advancing the human conversation.

  2. Directing traffic! I just recorded two new outros for all of my videos that go up on YouTube and Facebook. They basically say, "Screw this old government-sponsored, sell-your-attention for advertisers, centrally-controlled, censorship-burdened, poisoned-conversation platform and get on Steemit!" My entire social media strategy is focused on Steemit now and everything I do on other platforms is designed to direct traffic here. For those of you with a strong presence on other platforms, be patient and be persistent. It takes a long time for people to make the switch and you need to keep a strong presence everywhere that you can until everyone is on Steemit, but trust me, it's worth it.

  3. RSing! As I said from the stage in Anarchapulco and as I've told every content creator in person, I want to help people who are new here get a leg up so they're not starting from scratch, especially with the delay in account creation when bringing their audiences on from other platforms. I'm still getting my own production fully up to speed, but when it is, I should be making about six posts a day here. For every two posts I make, I want to ReSteem someone else's post. So I have 21 slots/week available to help others. As I've told so many people in person now, any time you have a post that you think my audience would enjoy, please just email it to [email protected] and I'll RS it! Simple as that.

(As a side note, we need to be wary of those in the community who are not collaborative and always about "me." When you help someone who does not play well with others and doesn't lift up or promote other content creators, you're just helping them. But when you help someone who is always helping others, you're helping everyone they're helping and helping the community! There are plenty of snakes and crab people and infiltrators in our movement and one indicator of a bad actor is that they not only do not help others, but actively pull people down for no reason, like crabs in a bucket.)

  1. Upvoting comments! My upvote isn't worth a lot, but rather than bicker with people on Facebook or trying to outsnark each other on Twitter, I read the comments on almost all my posts here. And I upvote a lot! If you're new and trying to get into the community, take the time to be engaged. Upvote posts and comments! Comment on my posts and earn a few bucks here and there. I also include a note at the bottom of most of my posts to encourage engagement and give back to the community: "Whoever has the top comment on this post after 24 hours can claim a free signed copy of FREEDOM! by sending me an email at [email protected] with their address."

This is the new frontier of social media. As much as I have been (very deservedly) critical of the old social media platforms for their corruption, censorship, corporatism, sharing data with governments and cowing to their demands, I have always been a big proponent of what they represent in decentralizing the power of the human conversation. While in a sense, this human progress happens organically, it doesn't happen automatically. It happens with a lot of consistent, deliberate effort. It happens with love and compassion and community and words fail to express how much happier I am to be engaged here instead the old social media sites!

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FINALLY!!! I got approved today and wanted to say thanks for bringing me into steemit!

Good, the first rule of is: you do talk about


♦i just upvote, comment & resteem♦..........keep it up............

upvote and resteem done

I've been on Steemit for several months now and have tried to post quality content on my blog, including original artwork. I still don't have much of a following or get many upvotes. My focus now is to reach out to other Steemians like yourself by commenting and up voting. In your words I need to make a more consistent and deliberate effort to get engaged on Steemit. Thank you for your advice.

Bra, I totally get your feeling. I find it most challenging to engage a lot because we don’t yet have the easy filtering that FunkBook has, but this interface has come leaps and bounds. Adam really leads the charge in showing not the right way forward, but the best way forward. It’s not often I see someone exemplifying such stellar leadership. I feel like he’s turning into a major thought leader on here and I want to continue seeing him and his work flourish.

Can this be the Kokesh 2020 HQ? Is that functionality of a landing page/profile in the future for steemit? Will it play a song? Haha, not sure who is old enough for that reference.

HA! Thanks, brother. In a way, it already is!

What is your strategy for 2020? Are you starting to gear up now? I'd like to help you out at a sustainable rate.

Josh: I'm working on a method of spreading Adam's "Freedom!" book around in a systematic way to help him attain enough of a following to assure he will be on that debate stage in 2020. It takes a national polling of 15%. So Steemit's very existence can assure we can PROVE he has the numbers when the Rigged Polls of the MSM say otherwise. Can you donate 10 minutes a day, 6 days a week to spread this around? We need enough Americans to come around to the "Self Ownership" platform.
Have you read, or heard it yet?

BOOM! Done son! You got me on board. That is a totally sustainable amount of time and work. Thanks for taking the lead.

pleasure. So, the "Boom; done son" means you have already read or listened to his book? Please email me your appraisal of Adam's work. It can be a one sentence endorsement or rip, all the way to a college thesis on the book. [email protected] It will be for Adam's benefit, the campaign staff (especially the state coordinators) and the people you bring to read/listen to the book... which is where your 10 minute investment comes in. Look forward to dialogue with you. Do you skype?

By the way, "dad"... I'm 62. LOL

Send me an email once a week with your best post and I'll RS!

Hell yeah! I'll get a really good post together, and once it's up I'll send you the link. Thanks!

Thank you for encouraging engagement in the Steem community. I would be very appreciative if you re-steemed my post once a week. Only do it if you want to promote what I am advocating in any given article I send you. I believe in endorsing articles that promotes positivity for the Earth and humanity, as I know you do as well. You re-steeming my best weekly post will probably help me immensely. I only really starting posting this month. Blessings brother.

sometimes feels like talking to the breeze
like the old smothers brothers
I talk to the birds
but they do not listen to me
I talk to the trees
but they don't hear me

but we gotta keep plugging away
Most are in social media to talk
or try to make money
not enough listen...
anyway: hang in there...ya got empathy from this quarter

loved that album!! Why dont we have comedians like that (and Tom Paxon) spreading our message?

Great to hear, Adam. We can see from the Molyneux experiment that simply throwing posts up without engaging with the reader is going nowhere, fast.
(Also being a voluntaryist would help him a lot).
Good to see @careywedler and @larkenrose really engaging here too.

Also, not being a white supremacist self-help cultist would help him a lot.

yaah steemit is platform where you can earn more then another network same here I leaving facebook for steemit and trully engaged with steemit!
thank you adamkokesh engaging with communities i see pics of you with ash!

Great post, I thought it was very interesting, thank you for sharing it with us, you've been winning my upvote!

I pray that Steemit will continue on the basis of communities. The community have been very helpful, to some of us it is family. I can't remember the last tome i spent on other social media platforms. I just hope that the delay in account creation will be improved, so that it won't be difficult to direct newbies to sign up.

That's definitely a critical improvement that will be very helpful. And of course there will be many more!

Yes! My wife has been waiting 9 days for her account, and still nothing..... she checks her email once an hour, eagerly! She has a lot of content to post, some of it time-sensitive, and it's frustrating to be delayed so long. Every day on here, things change, and opportunities come and go. Is this long delay necessary? Because it sure isn't healthy for the site, and that should concern all of us who use it.

You are killing it Adam! Thank you for spreading the news about our little community here at And talk about supporting your supporters...not only do you finacialy support us with upvotes but you also help grow our reputation points. On upvote from you is like 25% of my next reputation increase. So on top of the life changing message you spread (it made me more aware of being kind & loving to others) your also helping small small families build a better more waelthy future.

That's awesome! I love giving back and Steemit makes it fun and easy!

Keep up the good work Adam!

Thanks for being so much generous to everyone on steemit platform.....and you really have given good set of instruction about how to prosper here is actually great that you have been spreading the word about is more people join in here people will gradually become kind of self employed.....that is the truth....but trust me this steemit is not much heard in our region ..when i try to convinence anyone about it....they say it is a i am kind of done for some time ..after some earning i will show them what steemit is worth and what changes it had bought in my life ...maybe then only they can understand what i was talking about.....
Thabks for sharing such thing ..kind of found it relevant to story in my side....

Some people need to be shown. Maybe they will only see in time when Steemit becomes dominant!

Yup that is the thing but conciencing them is the difficult part ...some do join but some...will see when you become millionare....and give that shitty smile...

Things you are trying to do online and offline to promote Steemit are amazing. Keep going. The habit of upvoting comments will help people but none more than it will help you. It is such a generous gesture to reward people for their efforts. It promotes engagement. And it is something I have been doing forever.

I as a beginner really like this latest planform. but I am still very stupid with steemit because nobody introduced steemit directly to me. i found steemit when i open internet then register it. hopefully this steemit can change the mindset of people in social media is good and profitable.

I'm new to steemit love the concept and am enjoying putting my views out there on freedom and anarchy been following you awhile on Facebook and Twitter helped me learn about anarchy.

I like how you pointed out how "hollow" the other communities feel compared to steemit. I feel like that in itself is a great selling point to moving traffic here from other platforms.

Also, the reason why the community feels so much more refreshing compared to other platforms is that they are actively incentivized to being on their best behavior. At first this may just show that they are in it for the money, but as they interact with the audience more I feel like they will enjoy this community even if they don't receive much in rewards, and that's what I love the most about this place.

Great to see you on steemit @adamkokesh!

Directing traffic! I just recorded two new outros for all of my videos that go up on YouTube and Facebook.<<<

Please give us a heads up when this is out there. Perfect excuse to intro your book, simultaneously.

I am in the process of trying to get my friends to convert to a more positive social media platform. It's emotionally draining for me to go on FB, even though I want to connect with friends. I have found myself doing a mantra before going on other platforms to remind myself to block out the negative energy. I hope Steemit can become the platform of positivity in this social media landscape that can be so negative at times! Connecting is superior to dividing :)

I just had a realization that all the negativity is something that I am just perceiving. I'm looking at others words and not listening for their feelings... A nice little lesson for all that I think Adam would agree with is, listen to feelings instead of getting caught up in the words that people use to express those feelings. I would like to realize more often that people are not meaning to communicate negativity, just that they are poor at communicating how they feel.

Thank you for this wonderful post. It really ties in the greatness of this platform and how people who desire freedom and autonomy can maximize its potential. It isn't just for people of a certain political or cultural persuasion. It is really for anyone who doesn't want their activity and content controlled by corporatism and censorship.

Thank you for taking a leadership role in this community like so many others. I wish I could take the time to thank everyone individually.

Upvoted and Resteemed

first found you when you danced in front of the lincoln statue!!!!! just watched you get pulled over and go to jail in texas....on your way to the bitcoin conference!!! we were sending you love..praying for your release!!!!! please keep it coming!!!!! you sir.....INSPIRE!!!!!!!! thank you!!!!! kokesh for president!!!!!!

I don't just resteem, upvote and comment. I share on twitter and FB often. Calling out the sensorship those both share.

I remember when I first saw you get on. I was happy to see it! Been voting on everything I see of yours. Hated to see you get caged in my home state. Glad to see you out here killing it!

Awesome @adamkokesh My buddy is running for office here in NC for the Libertarian party. We plan on going to the national party convention to be delegates for you and fight for the cause of freedom. Were signed up for the state convention here this summer. Good luck brother.

That's great work you're doing..
So many people here on steemit but I've never seen such an inspiring message for minnows..
Glad I found your blog and I'll make sure to take you up on that resteem .
You rock :)

I think you did a good work with this article. You always share great info

Nice Post thanks you for this attractive information @adamkokesh

It's really great job. Thanks for sharing it.

sharing it with us, you've been winning my upvote!

I am pretty sure steemit will be pretty popular when the future not president uses it as his main social media !

I appreciate the advice. I was initially on here posting my story and info I thought others could benefit from. I'm also still learning the functionality of this platform - so thanks for the tips.
Also, nice to finally officially meet you at Anarchapulco (I'm Chuck from Dash's wife).

Nice to meet you there and great to see you here!

The best onlie social community...join - share-upvote ..and enjoy...steemit is on the roll...and rocking👌

Adam, I would appreciate it if you took the time to read my latest post and perhaps the rest of my vegan anarchy series. I believe bridging the philosophy of anarchy with veganism/vegetarianism is the next logical step to achieve freedom and independence for all sentient beings.


NICE! Read and RSed! BTW, you need some graphics for your profile!!!

I became "veganish" about a year ago. I eat eggs from my voluntary (free-ranged on a regular basis) chickens and plan to have goats some day for dairy. I think these can be positive symbiotic relationships and so not against the ideal of veganism. I also eat road kill. (JK) Most people don't understand that veganism isn't about not consuming any animal products, but rather not contributing to the cruelty and exploitation of animals. I understand that some people think my relationship with my chickens is exploitive, so I call myself veganish. And when I'm traveling, (which is most of the time!) I'm just vegetarian. It's a spectrum of conscientiousness. Eating meat is a choice, but if you choose to, I encourage people to be conscientious about it by hunting/raising/slaughtering their own meat.

Thank you very much for resteeming my post @adamkoesh, I wasn't expecting that!

Provided the animals are not being violated or abused, I have no problem with people eating certain animals products (eggs, milk). Treating backyard hens with compassion and respecting their right to life is not a violation of the non-aggression principle.

Thanks again!

I agree about the community here on steemit. While I haven't really come into content creation yet, I'm intending on getting started soon. I am however beginning to come here first, before I visit the censored social media platforms that are more mainstream.

Whenever I see a channel on the leading video platforms mention the censorship effecting their channel, I make sure to comment about steemit and as alternate platforms that are not intent on stifling information.


I am one of the newbies and have been noticing your campaign; glad to hear you are supporting this community with resteeems and upvotes. Mine do not count for much at this point, but some day they will!! Keep up the good works!

You make some good points. I don’t spend much time on Facebook since becoming a Steemian. I do belong to several groups and will soon invite some bright minds to become members here on Steemit. I also try to promote others by upvoting, commenting and Resteeming posts, though I am but a Plankton in a sea of dolphins and whales. I know that my promotion and appreciation don’t account for much in regards of Steemit rewards, but if it simply helps to encourage another blogger, and keeps them motivated to carry on, that’s enough for me and I feel that I’ve done what I can to help. Thanks for the post.

Three posts a day? Wow that will be a whole book's worth of thoughts and ideas. I was thinking of doing more political/advocacy posts but so far it seemed like steem was (in the political vein) a little too far to the right. I guess I can try one and see if there is an audience. You certainly have one.

Thank you for doing your part of bringing Steemit to the masses! I have gotten 8 people signed up so far and 3 of them started writing content so we have been supporting each other. I have only been on here a month (it feels like 6 months thought because of the amount of time I have spent on Steemit!) I know there are some negative vibes hanging around and some gloom and doom, and while I do read it I'm just trying to focus on the positives for now. I can imagine though, the more Steem I buy I may start to see things differently. My next goal is to bring 10 more friends on Steemit, all people who I think have talent worthy to share here. I appreciate your optimistic attitude!

I agree good content (and content creators) will be more important than just adding users.

Upvote and follback please

Done! Thanks!

That's a good effort. We shoukd work more to improve Steemit even more

Thank you for your type of being. Touching lives is the best gift we can give to people, thank you for doing that. Sir,i want to request something from you on behalf of my friend @emmakwisequote, he was the one that brought me here, but going to three weeks now, he lost the password to his account as a result of his damaged phone. Ever since then, he has been trying to create another account, but he has not been confirmed. Please, can you do anything for him to be back here, he is a kind of man that must remain on this platform. Please, if you do have time, you can read from his blog @emmakwisequote. Thank you and God bless you the more.

I agree, Steemit is about to go big league, just like Dan's other projects, Bitshares and EOS. With all the censorship and demonetization going on over at YouTube (to those whose views are not on the index card of allowable opinions) I hope they find a home at DTube and Steemit.

Thanks for the upvote @adamkokesh.
Sharing is a noble deed, because with upvote, we have been willing to share the pleasure with fellow steemians.

I loved your book "Freedom" which I listened to as an audio book from, I always thought of myself as a minarchist but your persuaded me, I'll be voting for you not to be president...unless Ron Paul decides to run which I wouldn't be able to resist. Btw, it was the first book I ever listened to using the speed setting to slow your voice down quite a bit, some heavy stuff that I needed to process slowly, it worked out great.

Once the MSM discovers Steemit, especially if it becomes known as the center of the Kokesh 2020 campaign, how much do you want to bet they will label it a white supremacist community? And then after hearing that on the news, a bunch of white supremacists will sign up.


Heck yeah!!!

Awesome post! I waited to get on Steemit just to make sure it would be the best compared to other decentralized social media platforms. Compared to bitchute Steemit with DTube seems to have the advantage.

DTube still needs some work, I noticed I uploaded the same video on both platforms, but the audio was pretty bad on only the DTube version.

Also we need an App! It's how I access most of my media and would probably stop using YouTube all together! Plus the fact bigger Youtubers are starting to migrate over here is great news!

Keep spreading the word! Can't wait to see more posts!

As minnows, the truth is that we try to interact as much as possible but getting the attention of whales or even mid-steemians is like a herculean task on its own. And sometimes, we (I) have made comments with various questions out the community but I hardly ever get responses. The worst times are when a whale upvotes your comment with a 1% vote weight. 😔
I hope it's different with you. Many new people get discouraged when it seems like they're invisible to people here on steemit.

Hahahah, nothing is as frustrated as that. But @adamkokesh is quiet different to others. Don't be discouraged, your determination can see you through. Those whales you see started as newbies too

Thank you

It's not much now, but I'll never do a 1% upvote. Lol

Thank you @adamkokesh for the upvote, I do hope to see more of it 😉

Very cool! Nice to see a more personal post from you.
Agreed, the community here is something special. From my experience, solid communities like this don't last long on the internet. I hope otherwise in this case, of course! But I'm definitely enjoying it as much as I can, while I can.
Comments are HUGE on Steemit. I'd say they're nearly half of the overall platform. Comments are how we communicate here, primarily! It's also how we earn a majority of our income, at least until we're big fish like yourself. As you've mentioned, your posts are what get you paid.
I love how this is working. I'm thrilled to see it develop!

I totally agree with your attitude
I deeply love his media media steemians.
thank fot you🌹

Thank you @adamkokesh for sharing this. I'm a newbie and I think I'll focus on doing similar thing to grow. Muchas gracias!

I agree and truly hope so! Great avatar by the way :)


freedom hero @adamkokesh your engagement with steemit is incredible. and I am transitioning to communicate with the steemians to engage in this steemit engagement. here we are like a family who give each other, mutually advise and not vilify the other. we are free to spend the right time at the right time let us be friends. regards freedom from @war-tp

Hi Adam!

Would you be willing to stop by to Croatia on your European tour?
We are doing some kind of libertarian-ish festival, there will be a bike race with SBD as a reward, last year it was bitcoin. I don't have the details yet, but it would be nice if you can come and speak.

Adam, nice post ...right on. I joined steemit after seeing your post on twitter about it (well I joined a month ago, but your persistence helped : -). I am making an effort to write one post a week on technology and engineering. Check it out if you find the time. Thanks for helping me find this platform. --3D

Honest confession, and it comes out as a great inspirational stuff for all we newcomers..It brings in great motivation inside us to keep on moving, we need inspirations like this to just continue with our aspirations, to prosper in our own lives,to showcase our talent here..This is seriously an amazing write-up Sir

upvote and resteemed.Keep Sharing.Lots of Love Sir.

I upvoted and resteemed it sir.

That's a great initiative to support people who actually read the content and engage being fully in the present moment.

Together we are growing much wiser and stronger. With every word and every post!

It's great to see more libertarian's coming to steemit, If you find the time you might want to check out @mancerayder he is a podcaster/libertarian that is just getting started on steemit.
Thanks for the great video's and spreading the libertarian message.


Thankyou sir @adamkokesh
Your good boy

Thank you so much,j appreciate the upvote, but can still reach you through the mail sir?

Thanks for hooking it up for the #steemitcommunity and #freedom in general. Don't ever stop k?! ✌️💚🤘 #spreadpeace #takenoshit

......... We could use some push on this 👇 ((😉nudge))

I'll have a blog up about the Baltimore area demonstrations any day.... While I'll always appreciate an upvote, I'm more concerned with public awareness. The time for change is way overdue!

Continued support to you 🙏 thanks for spreading the truth