DTube and Steemit goals | My vlog and blog in 2018. Happy New Year.

in steemit •  7 years ago 


Honestly, where did 2017 go?

It is the second day of 2018 already, and like I say to my friends every year; it will be Christmas again before you know it. Before then though, it is time to regroup and figure out what kind of year I want 2018 to be. I have three main goals for 2018, which I believe to be accomplishable.

  • Financial freedom.
  • Optimal health and fitness.
  • Location independence.

Ok the above are relatively vague, but I have set out the actual steps within each point, which is a necessary thing to do if one is truly looking to achieve said goals.

Regarding optimal health and fitness, I did my measurements this morning [I took yesterday off 😁] and good Lord! Boy, have I let myself go. I am very unhappy with how heavy I have become. I am even more alarmed by the circumference of my gut. I think Santa has been my role model during the festive season.🎅🏻


My flexibility, aerobic fitness and biochemistry have also suffered. I noticed a mini breakout on my face like I was 17 again. My joints feel inflamed and I feel more lethargic generally. Low energy Adé, that’s me 😴.

Well, the steps to fix the problem(s) have already begun. “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine by thy food” said Hippocrates - a very wise guy from a long time ago. He was right. So, food is my first move.
Starting today, I have cut out all processed foods from my diet. I have only had breakfast, but I already have planned out lunch and dinner. To be specific, I am cutting out these food items;

Bread - my favourite food 😭. Who doesn’t love some melted cheese on bread?
Rice - goodbye Singapore style friend rice. Good bye jollof rice. 😰
Potatoes - No more chips (another favourite). No more wedges. 😩 I mean, seriously, who invented chips? Can we resurrect them and knight them?
Sugary drinks - This one is easy. I already don’t drink fizzy drinks, or put sugar in my coffee. However sometimes I do drink San Pellegrino so that sadly has to go.
Anything I can’t recognise - "chicken" nuggets, "fish" fingers I'm looking at you.👀

So, basically, I’m left with meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits and some legumes. Nothing extreme, nothing fanatic. Just cutting out about 90% of the harmful stuff. I say 90% because unfortunately some of it will still get through - from the antibiotics in the meat to the mercury in the fish and wax on the fruits and pesticides on the vegetables. Unfortunately, “organic” hardly means anything anymore either - we have poisoned the soil, water and air on our planet and we have to live with the consequences.

Water! Yes water too. I plan to drink more of it. Less coffee, and more water on its own.

So there you have it. What changes are you making in 2018? I am going to be blogging here and vlogging (on DTube) about my journey so please follow me if you’re interested in seeing if I achieve my results. In the coming days I will be posting photos of my gut :) so you can see my 1-pack to 6-pack progress too haha.

Peace and love.


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