Antara Ketentuan Dan Ketetapan # Between Provisions and Provisions

in steemit •  6 years ago 

Dear Steemian


In carrying out all activities requires a process, meaning all processes that lead to habits in order to realize fluency in achieving brilliant success. Because that does not mean that what has been done has reached the provisions, not so, all these things must also always be seen at the point of sacrifice. Reaching the top of the provision requires hard work, step by step must always be prepared, precisely so all provisions apply very effectively in realizing dreams and hopes. So maximum clarity is required to make a long journey in the process of achieving the requirements of dream expectations and provisions.


Didalam menjalankan segala aktifitas butuh proses, artinya segala proses yang membawaki kepada kebiasaan demi mewujudkan kelancaran dalam pencapaian kesuksesan yang cemerlang. Sebab itu bukan berarti apa yang telah diperbuat itu sudah mencapai ketentuan, tidak demikian, semua hal tersebut juga harus selalu dilihat pada titik Pengorbanan. Mencapai puncak ketentuan itu butuh kerja keras, langkah demi langkah harus selalu dipersiapkan, justru demikian segala ketetapan berlaku sangat efektif dalam mewujudkan impian dan harapan. Jadi kejelasan yang maksimal diharuskan melakukan perjalanan panjang dalam proses pencapaian ketentuan harapan dan ketetapan impian.

Salam Sukses

Dear #Steemian

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