If the afternoon is getting dark then hold your baby baby because the demons start roaming at that moment, If a moment of night has passed then release them, lock the door of the house door and call the name of God because the devil does not open the closed door.
And seal your place of water and call the name of God. and cover your foodstuff and call on the name of God. even if you get something with him
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم,
أالسلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
![image]() Oh Allah, at the end of this Sha'ban month I send a prayer for my 2 brothers, my best friends and 2 whom I love and those I love. Give them health, tawadhu 'in Faith, happy family, rizki barokah, and accept the charity of worship and bertemukanlah them with this coming Ramadan soon.
آمين آمين آمين يا رب h العالمين
@aemkar & Keluarga in North Aceh.