Why Small Payouts Should Be Celebrated

in steemit •  8 years ago  (edited)

I've won the Steemit lottery twice. The first time, my post got whaled and I earned an amazing $1653. The second time I earned over $200. Then I decided to write a lot more and over the last week I haven't earned more than $0.40 on a single blog. First world problems, right?

Of course I'm not complaining. However, the chemicals that are released in the brain when you have a well received post become spoiled to those high numbers. Then, if a post makes only $0.05 (or less!) you may feel like you failed. My concern is that this will lead to many people trying to win the Steemit lottery and then leaving after 5 or 10 posts that barely see the light of day.

It's important for us to admit that any monetary reward just for writing our thoughts down online is FANTASTIC. Where else can we find this? I think that for a healthy future Steemit community, there should probably be less focus on the huge $ that so few people earn, and instead focus on the small rewards, and treat it as an investment opportunity.

If Steemit's market cap went to just 10% of Facebook's (longshot but it's fun to think about), that would be about a 200 fold increase (in Steem/Steem Power value). So a post that only earns $0.10 now ($0.05 would go to Steem Power) would be worth $10 in the future. My point isn't that this is a ton of money..but that it's ok to make a small amount now and maybe that'll turn into more in the future. Enjoy the Steem!

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I've been making some posts with all original content from myself and has won just cents.. but I'm having fun doin' it.. I hope, someday I'll be rewarded for that!, but until then, I'll just enjoy this community for what it is and not for what my greed and envy wants it to be!.

Sometimes we want something so much, that our greedy energy push it away... Envy is one of the most dangerous energies and life is very ironic when it comes to rewards.

I agree with you, we must keep going on. It is not only about money, but about our integrity. I hope someday a better thing happen to us who keep integrity to write on steemit.

Agreed. Isn't it fun even just making a few cents? Maybe it's one of those things you have to talk yourself into being happy about..but I'm happy.

I think it should just be fun. I am really excited to share content that others will enjoy. My sister got me involved in this because she wanted to make some big bucks. But I don't see it that way. #perspective #fun

I agree and I also think interaction should be rewarded, in addition to up voting. Posts like this encourage a conversation (albeit online) and develop the community. Posts are great and they deserve the big SBD when they are valuable, contributory and build the conversation. Have a great weekend!

Thank you. Yes I agree and really believe this is a major step in the idea of Time is Money. If we spend time in sharing ideas on here, that is where the value is.

My first post was some goofy thing about the illuminati (well, with a real message behind it), and it got like 60 cents, then on my second post I got whaled and got $600+.

And at first I just thought "wow, I must be good at this" lol. Just lay off the illuminati stuff maybe. Then I learned more about how it all works and it started dawning on me how so much of the payout was cause a guy named Dan happened to roll thru.

But still a part of me is kind of expecting that I can just post stuff and make money, that the internet has finally found a way to reward me, and it took a few posts to be like .... nope, not that easy lol.

I think right now we're kind of in a "no man's land" period. If Steem is widely used and has all the features, then it's just social media, and you use it for that reason and it's easier to not think of the rewards (and not to expect them to ever be huge, as it levels out over more people).

Personally I like posting on the internet anyways. And without a big social media following, I feel like on here there's at least a chance something you post gains traction (on blogspot or twitter or something, it's much less likely that it gets shared and makes the rounds).

I think part of it is that whales know they have a better chance of encouraging the community to grow if they give newcomers a little extra push upward. I've made around 30 blog posts and only 4 have earned more than $0.40 lol. My first 5 posts had 3 of my top 4. Now I'm fortunate to have 40 followers, though only 2 or 3 with more than 1 penny's worth of influence. Steemit is giving me an excuse to do a little poetry, a little art, and a little autobiography. It's fun being part of the community and having the bonus of the rare chance that something will go semi viral.

I'm slowly trickling in as price continues to dip a bit , I'll try to get up to a penny or two for you :p

Haha thanks. I'm amazed with almost $4000 I'm only worth 2 cents per upvote. Crazy.

Posting on Steemit is like fishing some times you get tiddlers and sometimes you catch a whale.

Haha, very true. Sometimes I feel like resubmitting basically the same post as before to see if it will get noticed this time before it gets buried. I have not done that though, out of respect for the system. If everyone did that it'd be a negative.

I actually think though that steemit has the capabilites to replace the major book publishers. I know thats not related but here i can publish a story and make direct cash and build an audience. if you rely on a publisher youve got to give them all kinds of things and maby even get censored if you write something they dont like here its far less of an issue.

I hope you are right. I imagine a lot of amateur writers (even novelists) will submit work. The negative is that unless that person already has followers or gets lucky, his post will get buried. The current structure is extremely skewed to recent posts. If someone posted something that got buried a week ago..will anyone ever find it? Well known authors who first verify their identity and get tons of followers will be able to do well here though (but I don't think they'll make as much as through a publisher..if they are good). Someone will not likely make $200,000 for a best seller released on Steemit.

yeah still to me as someone who's never been published the chance to build an audience is great to and if a story i wrote were to earn 10 dollars, id be grateful for a long time.

Ya, the short life cycle was surprising to me at first and I'm still not sure what I think of it. Do we all have ADD in the future?

I had been thinking of a blockchain way to reward stories, and when I heard about Steemit I thought that might be it, but the life cycle makes it more about quicker spurts of attention.

Seems like there is a role for pinning things to the top for longer, for certain types of discussions. Or in the case of stories, for forever basically, based on what's best, sorted by genre.

What I'm unclear about is whether Steem could be used by a different site/app to have a longer life cycle, like if the 12 hour thing is built into Steem itself or just the Steemit site.

Would be cool to see different sites with different life cycles to encourage different types of content, if that's possible to do.

You just gave me an idea for a new post!

Sweet! If it's along the lines of the story thing and different life cycles... I'm vaguely thinking of posting something similar. Curious to see what you come up with.

The idea of having branches for different life cycles would be FANTASTIC. Some specifically tailored to purely original content.

Good Points! I'm yet to win the "lottery" even once... any suggestions?

Feel free to look over mine but honestly I have no clue. It's gotta be decent but most decent posts won't be lucky no matter what you do (unless you already have rich followers)

As long as you're enjoying your personal blog-based Skinner box, no one can ever fault you. :)

Haha very true!