A birthday celebration WITHOUT alcohol...?

in steemit •  9 years ago 

Hi there #Steemit community,

I took a break from all #business activities today and went to an alcohol-free birthday celebration for a friend. Was it fun? Heck yeah it was, and I figured I'd write a quick #blog post about it.

Flashback to a little less than a year ago, and I wouldn't have been able to enjoy a birthday celebration without having a few drinks in me. What has changed since then? Well, I stopped drinking a little over 8 months ago, and it was the best decision I could have made.

Since I've stopped drinking, I've saved a ton of #money, and the quality of my #life has improved beyond my dreams. Not only has my life improved, but I've also found a new hobby, and that hobby is #food.

Every week or so, I try a different restaurant that serves ethnic foods, and my food exploration journey has been fun and delicious so far.

Check out the #video below from the birthday celebration!

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Thanks for the support and upvote @itay!

Alcohol is overrated. Just do you. sips scotch

Alcohol is overrated @ace005, and I plan on just doing me. I think I'll pass on the scotch, but do have one for me. Cheers!

Thanks @albertfall for the TIPS

  ·  9 years ago Reveal Comment

Thanks @bison015!